Aysegul Toker, Kaan Varnali and Cengiz Yilmaz
Mobile marketing.
Subject area
Mobile marketing.
Study level/applicability
Undergraduate and Graduate levels.
Case overview
Driven by the ongoing evolution in mobile technologies and the increasing penetration of smart phones, the use of the mobile medium for marketing purposes is becoming more and more popular across industries. This case study presents an overview of the mobile marketing ecosystem embedded in the story of the transition of Turkcell from a traditional carrier into a leading mobile services provider. The aim is to familiarize the reader with the benefits and challenges of using the mobile medium for marketing communications and provide lessons from Turkcell experience for success in mobile marketing.
Expected learning outcomes
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the concept of “mobile marketing” and the current state of mobile technologies; develop a general knowledge of various types of mobile marketing applications; have a general knowledge and understanding of the consumer-centric value propositions of mobile marketing; gain a perspective on the nature and dynamics of mobile business environment and have the chance to examine real-market campaigns that leverage unique properties of the mobile medium.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes.
Bulent Sezen and Cengiz Yilmaz
The extent of relational behaviors displayed by independent partners in channels of distribution is a critical determinant of the efficiency and effectiveness of distribution…
The extent of relational behaviors displayed by independent partners in channels of distribution is a critical determinant of the efficiency and effectiveness of distribution operations. The purpose of this study is to focus on the two key antecedents of relational behaviors in channel dyads, dependence on and trust in the exchange partner, and to explore the relative effects of dependence and trust on each of the three major relational behavior forms of flexibility, information exchange, and solidarity.
Formal hypotheses are developed in the study regarding the joint and relative effects of dependence and trust on each relational behavior. Data collected from 192 automobile dealerships in Turkey are used for testing the hypotheses through separate regression analyses.
In line with the main study thesis, the results suggest that the relative effects of dependence on and trust in the supplier differ across dealer flexibility, information exchange, and solidarity displayed toward the supplier firms. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
Practical implications
Findings of the study provide guidelines to channel firms in regard to the policies and programs that need to be developed to evoke desired forms of behaviors within their distribution networks.
Considering each relational behavior separately, this study provides support for the view that the emergences of different forms of behaviors in channel relationships occur through different motivational mechanisms.
Research about the (inter)relationships across salesperson performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment is characterized by equivocal (and sometimes conflicting…
Research about the (inter)relationships across salesperson performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment is characterized by equivocal (and sometimes conflicting) empirical results. The study develops and tests an extended model of the performance→satisfaction→commitment sequence that incorporates intrinsic and extrinsic components of salesperson job satisfaction and affective and continuance dimensions of organizational commitment. In addition, hypotheses pertaining to the effects of three potential moderators of the relationships of concern, specifically, degree of performance‐reward contingency, salesperson career stage, and salesperson performance level, are developed and subjected to empirical testing. The results offer valuable insights for sales managers attempting to develop and maintain highly committed salesforces, and researchers attempting to explain the reasons behind the mixed empirical findings in prior research.
İrem Eren Erdoğmuş, Muzaffer Bodur and Cengiz Yilmaz
This study aims to develop and test a theoretical model to delineate the effects of target market characteristics, firm characteristics and strategic resources, and product…
This study aims to develop and test a theoretical model to delineate the effects of target market characteristics, firm characteristics and strategic resources, and product characteristics on standardization decisions in brand management of emerging market firms. The effects of standardization on brand performance in international markets are also to be explored.
The study develops a model based on the extant literature and tests its relevance through a survey of eligible managers in charge of international brand operations of 94 strategic business units in Turkey.
The empirical findings indicate that several factors exist as significant drivers of standardization decisions at various levels of brand management. Interestingly, even though firm characteristics and strategic resources were found to be the most critical drivers of brand performance, standardization versus adaptation approaches did not have any significant impact on strategic brand performance.
The study takes a standardization perspective to strategic brand management in international markets and tests it from the perspective of emerging markets.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a retrospection on the importance, origins and development of the research programs in the author’s career.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a retrospection on the importance, origins and development of the research programs in the author’s career.
The study uses an autobiographical approach.
Most of the articles, research monographs and books that constitute this research and publishing efforts can be categorized into seven distinct, but related, research programs: channels of distribution; marketing theory; marketing’s philosophy debates; macromarketing and ethics; relationship marketing; resource-advantage theory; and marketing management and strategy. The value system that has guided these research programs has been shaped by specific events that took place in the author’s formative years. This essay chronicles these events and the origins and development of the seven research programs.
Chronicling the importance, origins and development of the seven research programs will hopefully motivate and assist other scholars in developing their own research programs.
Emel Avçin and Şeyda Can
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the stress experienced by parents during the pandemic and their cyberchondria. The research was carried out in a…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the stress experienced by parents during the pandemic and their cyberchondria. The research was carried out in a descriptive and cross-sectional manner.
The sample of the research: living in Turkey and has created 432 parents with at least one child between the ages of 6 and 15. Participant information form, parental stress scale and cyberchondria scale were used in the study. Data were collected through online surveys between July 1, 2020, and August 31, 2020.
In the study, when the scores obtained from the Parental Stress Scale and the Cyberchondria Scale were compared with the demographic characteristics, a significant difference was found between gender, age, marital status, education level, economic status, number of children and presence of chronic diseases (p < 0.05). It was determined that there is a significant difference between the responses of the parents regarding the pandemic process and the Parental Stress Scale and the Cyberchondria Scale (p < 0.05). A positive significant correlation was found between the Parental Stress Scale and the total and subdimensions of the Cyberchondria Scale (p < 0.05).
Research limitations/implications
The research was carried out with only parents with children between the ages of 6 and 15, but it reveals the stress and cyberchondria of the parents during the pandemic.
The results obtained reflect the factors affecting the stress and cyberchondria levels experienced by parents during the pandemic process. Also, as the stress of the parent's increases, it has seen that the level of cyberchondria increases in parallel.
Seval Kardeş Selimoğlu and Mehtap Altunel
Along with accounting scandals in the past, academics, researchers, and legislators have focused on fraud. The purpose of this study is to examine postgraduate and doctoral…
Along with accounting scandals in the past, academics, researchers, and legislators have focused on fraud. The purpose of this study is to examine postgraduate and doctoral studies, articles, and books about forensic accounting and fraud audit published between the years 2008 and 2018 in Turkey. For this purpose, a total of 96 studies have been examined and 35 of these are master’s theses, 10 of them are PhD theses, 45 of them are articles, and six of them are books. These studies were presented in tables as classified. The studies examined in our research are summarized as year they were published, the author, and the scope of the topic and in terms of results. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: (a) the majority of thesis published about forensic accounting and fraud audit are in 2011 and following years. In addition, most of the theses are focused on forensic accounting review rather than fraud audit. (b) Results in the articles reviewed are in the same direction with theses. (c) There are very few books about fraud audit and forensic accounting. One of them is related to fraud audit, while the rest of them are related to forensic accounting and forensic accounting profession. We suggest extending the scope of the study and making to other countries.
Much of the world, is currently experiencing intense growth, especially in and around cities. Most conventional practitioners of modern design and construction find it easier to…
Much of the world, is currently experiencing intense growth, especially in and around cities. Most conventional practitioners of modern design and construction find it easier to make buildings as if nature and place did not exist. Cars and factories might be thought as the most obvious enemies of the environment, but buildings consume more than half the energy used worldwide. Attempts to destroy building traditions have been associated in some countries with a drive to modernize. Beyond the traditional aspects of dwelling, the impact of globalization and its effect on rural economies, environmental problems, rapid urbanization and the unprecedented scale of housing problems which confront the peoples of the world in the twenty-first century, bring a new urgency to the study of the vernacular architecture in a sustaining sense. In this work, the concept of “sustainability” will be taken into consideration especially within the building scale. Vernacular architecture in the past produced a built environment which met people's needs without deteriorating the environment. This paper discusses the concept of sustainability in building design and connects it to the vernacular architecture with the search of the vernacular Antiochia houses as a sample; focusing on its architectural properties in detail. The study concludes that what is expected of architects in the current century is, wherever they work, they are to understand and digest the nature of climate, history and culture, that is to say, to obtain inspiration from the essence of place and to contribute to the creation of relevant architecture and city for a sustainable future.
Wensheng Xiao, Qi Liu, Linchuan Zhang, Kang Li and Lei Wu
Bat algorithm (BA) is a global optimization method, but has a worse performance on engineering optimization problems. The purpose of this study is to propose a novel chaotic bat…
Bat algorithm (BA) is a global optimization method, but has a worse performance on engineering optimization problems. The purpose of this study is to propose a novel chaotic bat algorithm based on catfish effect (CE-CBA), which can effectively deal with optimization problems in real-world applications.
Incorporating chaos strategy and catfish effect, the proposed algorithm can not only enhance the ability for local search but also improve the ability to escape from local optima traps. On the one hand, the performance of CE-CBA has been evaluated by a set of numerical experiment based on classical benchmark functions. On the other hand, five benchmark engineering design problems have been also used to test CE-CBA.
The statistical results of the numerical experiment show the significant improvement of CE-CBA compared with the standard algorithms and improved bat algorithms. Moreover, the feasibility and effectiveness of CE-CBA in solving engineering optimization problems are demonstrated.
This paper proposed a novel BA with two improvement strategies including chaos strategy and catfish effect for the first time. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm can be used to solve many real-world engineering optimization problems with several decision variables and constraints.