C. Koenke, R. Harte, W.B. Krätzig and O. Rosenstein
The simulation of fracture processes for discrete crack propagation is well established for linear‐elastic cracking problems. Applying finite element techniques for the numerical…
The simulation of fracture processes for discrete crack propagation is well established for linear‐elastic cracking problems. Applying finite element techniques for the numerical formulation, at every incremental macro‐crack step the element mesh has to be adapted such that the crack path remains independent of the initial mesh. The accuracy of the obtained results has to be controlled by suitable error estimators and error indicators. Considering the dependence of the predicted crack path on the precision of the displacement and stress computation, quality measures for the computed results are recommended. In this research the use of the Babuska/Rheinboldt error indicator in combination with linear‐elastic crack propagation problems is demonstrated. Based on this error measure an adaptive mesh refinement technique is developed. In comparison with classical discrete crack propagation simulations the advantages of the new concept can be clearly observed.
The purpose of this paper is to present a new simplified local remeshing procedure for the study of discrete crack propagation in finite element (FE) mesh. The proposed technique…
The purpose of this paper is to present a new simplified local remeshing procedure for the study of discrete crack propagation in finite element (FE) mesh. The proposed technique accounts for the generation and propagation of crack‐like failure within an FE‐model. Beside crack propagation, the technique enables the analysis of fragmentation of initially intact continuum. The capability of modelling fragmentation is essential in various structure‐structure interaction analyses such as projectile impact analysis and ice‐structure interaction analysis.
The procedure combines continuum damage mechanics (CDM), fictitious crack approach and a new local remeshing procedure. In the approach a fictitious crack is replaced by a discrete crack by applying delete‐and‐fill local remeshing. The proposed method is independent of mesh topology unlike the traditional discrete crack approach. The procedure is implemented for 3‐D solid elements in commercial finite element software Abaqus/Explicit using Python scripting. The procedure is completely automated, such that crack initiation and propagation analyses do not require user intervention. A relatively simple constitutive model was implemented strictly for demonstrative purposes.
Well known examples were simulated to verify the applicability of the method. The simulations revealed the capabilities of the method and reasonable correspondence with reference results was obtained. Material fragmentation was successfully simulated in ice‐structure interaction analysis.
The procedure for modelling discrete crack propagation and fragmentation of initially intact quasi‐brittle materials based on local remeshing has not been presented previously. The procedure is well suited for simulation of fragmentation and is implemented in a commercial FE‐software.
Cliff McKnight and Sheila Price
The present paper details research conducted into various aspects of author experience, attitudes and perceptions of publishing in paper and electronic journals. A sample of 1,040…
The present paper details research conducted into various aspects of author experience, attitudes and perceptions of publishing in paper and electronic journals. A sample of 1,040 authors in a variety of disciplines was identified as having published a journal article in the preceding year. A questionnaire was distributed to these authors and 537 usable replies were received. The questionnaire was analysed in terms of author experience in the paper and electronic domains, authors’ views on various aspects of electronic journals and their current skills. The results of the questionnaire suggest a small but increasing willingness to submit articles to electronic journals, but also suggest continuing concern about the permanence of such media. Almost a third of the sample felt that the addition of multimedia to their articles would be beneficial but few had the necessary skills to produce and incorporate multimedia objects. It is concluded that authors should be involved more in future research and debate in electronic serial publishing.
Gives a bibliographical review of the error estimates and adaptive finite element methods from the theoretical as well as the application point of view. The bibliography at the…
Gives a bibliographical review of the error estimates and adaptive finite element methods from the theoretical as well as the application point of view. The bibliography at the end contains 2,177 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with the subjects that were published in 1990‐2000.
Gives a bibliographical review of the finite element meshing and remeshing from the theoretical as well as practical points of view. Topics such as adaptive techniques for meshing…
Gives a bibliographical review of the finite element meshing and remeshing from the theoretical as well as practical points of view. Topics such as adaptive techniques for meshing and remeshing, parallel processing in the finite element modelling, etc. are also included. The bibliography at the end of this paper contains 1,727 references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing with presented subjects that were published between 1990 and 2001.
Olusegun Emmanuel Akinwale and Olusoji James George
The mass exodus of the professional healthcare workforce has become a cankerworm for a developing nation like Nigeria, and this worsens the already depleted healthcare systems in…
The mass exodus of the professional healthcare workforce has become a cankerworm for a developing nation like Nigeria, and this worsens the already depleted healthcare systems in underdeveloped nation. This study investigated the rationale behind medical workers' brain-drain syndrome and the quality healthcare delivery in the Nigerian public healthcare sector.
To stimulate an understanding of the effect of the phenomenon called brain drain, the study adopted a diagnostic research design to survey the public healthcare personnel in government hospitals. The study administered a battery of adapted research scales of different measures to confirm the variables of interest of this study on a probability sampling strategy. The study surveyed 450 public healthcare sector employees from four government hospitals to gather pertinent data. The study used a structural equation model (SEM) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to analyse the collected data from the medical personnel of government hospitals.
The findings of this study are significant as postulated. The study discovered that poor quality worklife experienced by Nigerian medical personnel was attributed to the brain-drain effect and poor healthcare delivery. The study further demonstrated that job dissatisfaction suffered among the public healthcare workforce forced the workforce to migrate to the international labour market, and this same factor is a reason for poor healthcare delivery. Lastly, the study discovered that inadequate remuneration and pay discouraged Nigerian professionals and allied healthcare workers from being productive and ultimately pushed them to the global market.
Practically, this study has shown three major elements that caused the mass movement of Nigerian healthcare personnel to other countries of the world and that seems novel given the peculiarity of the Nigerian labour market. The study is original and novel as much study has not been put forward in the public healthcare sector in Nigeria concerning this phenomenon.