On adaptive remeshing techniques for crack simulation problems
The simulation of fracture processes for discrete crack propagation is well established for linear‐elastic cracking problems. Applying finite element techniques for the numerical formulation, at every incremental macro‐crack step the element mesh has to be adapted such that the crack path remains independent of the initial mesh. The accuracy of the obtained results has to be controlled by suitable error estimators and error indicators. Considering the dependence of the predicted crack path on the precision of the displacement and stress computation, quality measures for the computed results are recommended. In this research the use of the Babuska/Rheinboldt error indicator in combination with linear‐elastic crack propagation problems is demonstrated. Based on this error measure an adaptive mesh refinement technique is developed. In comparison with classical discrete crack propagation simulations the advantages of the new concept can be clearly observed.
Koenke, C., Harte, R., Krätzig, W.B. and Rosenstein, O. (1998), "On adaptive remeshing techniques for crack simulation problems", Engineering Computations, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 74-88. https://doi.org/10.1108/02644409810200695
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