Audrey Gordon and Stephen Wong
Within controlled environments such as prisons or forensic facilities, strong sanctions and other factors can inhibit the expression of offence-linked behaviours otherwise…
Within controlled environments such as prisons or forensic facilities, strong sanctions and other factors can inhibit the expression of offence-linked behaviours otherwise observable in community settings. For example, institutional restrictions may distort the offender’s habitual expression of aggressive behaviours such that the individual’s aggressive characteristics are less intense or observable. Thus, the influences of controlled settings can make it difficult for staff to capture idiosyncratic evidence of change or lack thereof over time or with treatment. The purpose of this paper is to describe an assessment and measurement framework that can be used to assist treatment and correctional staff collectively focus attention on relevant characteristics and behaviours idiosyncratically linked to offending.
The authors use the terms “offence analogue behaviours (OAB)” to describe proxies of offence behaviours observable in controlled settings and “offence replacement behaviours (ORB)” as the contrasting positive, pro-social skills and strategies that the individual implements to change and manage problem areas linked to aggression and criminality. This paper discusses the application and practical utility of the framework and an associated assessment and measurement tool; the Offence Analogue and Offence Replacement Behaviour Guide (Gordon and Wong, 2009-2013).
The OAB and ORB Guide has shown to be useful by directing the attention of treatment personnel to the here-and-now offence related behaviours displayed by offenders in custodial settings. In the absence of such focused attention, relevant proxy behaviours can often be masked in these highly controlled environments. The Guide is therefore a useful adjunct to identify such behaviours for treatment and for assessing treatment-related changes.
Research limitations/implications
The OAB/ORB Guide was developed based on a conceptual framework derived from the empirical literature on correctional treatment, risk assessment, psychological theories and clinical practice. While there has been some positive pilot use of the Guide’s utility and preliminary research, at this point, empirical evidence is still lacking.
Practical implications
The OAB/ORB Guide provides quantified and structured guidelines to assess offence proxy and offence replacement behaviours observable day-to-day within controlled environments, such as during custody or supervised release to the community.
This guide was developed to assist staff with the identification, documentation and measurement of idiosyncratic negative and positive offence-related proxy behaviours observable across custodial or supervised contexts. Accordingly, the authors suggest that OAB/ORB guide information can be used to evaluate changes in risk over treatment and/or time. Further, the authors describe how this framework may enhance the efficacy of multi-disciplinary treatment and management teams. Two cases are used to illustrate the application of the Guide.
In this chapter, I discuss the artistic representation of the musical illustration of funeral rites and ceremonies in contemporary Poland. The death of a person in many cultures…
In this chapter, I discuss the artistic representation of the musical illustration of funeral rites and ceremonies in contemporary Poland. The death of a person in many cultures is perceived as an important point in the life of a given community, especially a family; hence, people tend to express feelings stemming from these circumstances through art. Songs sung at funerals and during the mourning period have been used for centuries as a way for the living to express their grief for the person who has died. From an anthropological point of view, the main function of music accompanying funeral rites is to help family and friends of the deceased recover from their loss.
To illustrate my argument, I analyse the recording of folk songs by Adam Strug and Kwadrofonik: ‘Requiem Ludowe’ (‘The Folk Requiem’), released on CD in 2013. The musical motifs and lyrical themes are based on original folk tunes of Eastern Poland (Podlasie and Lubelszczyzna regions) that are still used in the villages during the bereavement period. The songs on the CD, which are: ‘Czemu tak rychło, Panie’ (‘Why is it So Soon, my Lord’); ‘Żegnam cię mój świecie wesoły’ (‘Goodbye my Merry World’); ‘Żegnam was mitry i korony’ (‘Goodbye to you Mithra and Crowns’); ‘Żegnam was wszystkie elementa’ (‘Goodbye to you all the Elements’); ‘Powiem prawdę świecie tobie’ (‘I Shall Tell you the Truth, my World’); ‘Piekło’ (‘The Hell’); ‘Czyściec’ (‘The Purgatory’); ‘Niebo’ (‘The Heaven’); and ‘Wieczność’ (‘The Eternity’) are rooted in Christian funeral traditions and they are supplemented by elements of Slavic folklore.
The lyrics of the mourning songs published on the recording display a specific attitude to the mythology of death and bereavement present in the culture of Polish peasants. The main themes of these folk songs, namely, the praise of the deceased, the grief of the remaining family, the preparation of the dead one for eternal life or the attempts to cross the threshold of life and death, are presented by the artists as the soul’s journey from the Earth to the Underworld, and through Purgatory to Eternal life as a final stage of a person’s destination. They show how the rural people imagine death itself and express their feelings of loss and grief in art to overcome the fear of the unknown.
Audrey Anthoney, Josephine M. Royle and Ian M. Johnson
Reports the results of the first stage of research (in progress, 1997‐2000), which aims to develop an understanding of the challenges facing publishers who have entered the…
Reports the results of the first stage of research (in progress, 1997‐2000), which aims to develop an understanding of the challenges facing publishers who have entered the children’s multimedia market in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s. The findings of the first stage of the research amongst established UK publishers producing multimedia for children are described. These point to a number of factors that appear to be critical to the success of publishers in the multimedia market: modification of corporate culture, internal structures and processes; branding of the company’s chosen multimedia identity; focusing on the added value element of multimedia products; promotion of organisational learning, innovation and creativity within the company; and sourcing necessary skills effectively. A second study will examine the perceptions of new media companies which have entered this market.
Robert Newton, Audrey Sutton and Mike McConnell
Early in 1996 South Ayrshire Libraries submitted a proposal to the British Library Research and Innovation Centre’s Digital Libraries Programme, outlining a plan to enhance public…
Early in 1996 South Ayrshire Libraries submitted a proposal to the British Library Research and Innovation Centre’s Digital Libraries Programme, outlining a plan to enhance public library support to users who were engaged in open or distance learning by identifying and classifying a range of learning resources which could be accessed via the Internet. This was to be accomplished by designing and developing a Web‐based directory to support open learners. In addition it was planned that references to locally held open learning material should also be included in the directory. The proposal included a preliminary stage which involved collaboration with the Robert Gordon University School of of Information and Media, to develop information and skills training for independent learners. It was envisaged that this would take the form of a Web‐based resource which collated various learning skills packages which are currently available on the Internet. This could then be used as the basis for developing information skills courses which could be run locally by public library staff. The aim of this paper is to describe the procedure and rationale for developing the Information Skills Web site and to report on progress to date. Examines the question of why information skills training was seen to be a key starting point for the project and the issues and challenges which have surfaced during the development and implementation of the Web site designed to facilitate this training. The Web site itself can be accessed at∼sim/staff/mmcc/ ayr/intro.htm
Paula Audrey Buchel and Charlene Lew
This research aims to investigate the nature of the team grit construct as distinct from individual grit and determines its relevance within a net of team constructs.
This research aims to investigate the nature of the team grit construct as distinct from individual grit and determines its relevance within a net of team constructs.
Using a new, validated and invariant team grit scale, the study confirmed the factor structure of a scale in a United Kingdom sample (n = 228), tested the discriminant nature of individual and team grit and examined relationships between proposed antecedents and outcomes of team grit in a United States sample (n = 269). This paper applied structural equation modeling to analyze the data.
Results of this paper revealed the relevance of this goal-focused team construct. It showed that team grit is distinct from individual grit and preceded by team psychological safety and team goal commitment, and predicts team innovation, and team work engagement.
Research limitations/implications
The team grit scale used in this study provides new opportunities to understand team grit in organizational settings.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research offers the first empirical investigation of the relationships of team grit in organizations with other team constructs.
Audrey Laing and Jo Royle
The purpose of this paper is to identify current marketing initiatives undertaken by UK chain booksellers and analyses them in the context of established retailing and marketing…
The purpose of this paper is to identify current marketing initiatives undertaken by UK chain booksellers and analyses them in the context of established retailing and marketing theory. Thus, established scholarly theory is being examined in a novel research setting.
The paper includes evidence and findings from semi‐structured, in‐depth interviews with various book trade experts working at different levels within the trade.
Focusing on the strategies behind the chains' marketing techniques, the paper concentrates in particular upon the new emphasis by UK chains upon serving a wider clientele and their efforts to establish individual identities and be “community responsive”. This has resulted in a re‐emphasis both upon customer service and on the relationship between bookseller and customer. New developments in the facilities to be found in chain bookshops, such as coffee shops and the proliferation of sofas and browsing areas are analysed as to their contribution to bookshop “atmosphere”.
This research is both timely, responding to calls from the trade for research and original, given the dearth of research on the book trade. The findings are examined within the context of academic theory in related fields, such as retailing, marketing and consumer behaviour. As such, findings from this highly original research are relevant both for the trade and for the wider academic community regarding their application and consideration in other scholarly settings.
Audrey Laing and Jo Royle
This research theoretically conceptualises the notion of “third place” within the setting of chain bookshops. The widespread adoption of coffee franchises and comfortable seating…
This research theoretically conceptualises the notion of “third place” within the setting of chain bookshops. The widespread adoption of coffee franchises and comfortable seating has developed the bookshop as a leisurely setting. Underpinning the discussion in current retail marketing theory, the research aims to explore how the understanding of “third place” has changed with the passage of time and to examine whether chain bookshops can be called third places.
The methodological approach is largely qualitative, drawing upon interviews with bookshop managers with regard to their strategic aims, and using focus groups to discuss consumers' bookshop experiences. The research also draws upon quantitative data, i.e. face-to-face questionnaires and online surveys.
The research concludes that while consumer experience of chain bookshops is positive, they cannot be called a “third place” due to the lack of conversation therein. Nevertheless, an important caveat exists – the presence of an integral coffee shop encourages socialising among bookshop customers.
Research limitations/implications
The project's scope is limited to chain bookshops in the UK. Future work might look at third place or restorative provision in other retail settings or over a wider geographic spread.
Practical implications
The research has important implications and recommendations for managers of retail sites regarding the potential restorative qualities of bookshops, coffee shops and other retail environments.
This empirical research enhances scholarly understanding of the bookshop as a restorative space, highlighting an important advantage which traditional retailers have over internet retailers.