Higher education and student affairs professionals have a very important, active role in the lives of their students. The issues college students face are complex and higher…
Higher education and student affairs professionals have a very important, active role in the lives of their students. The issues college students face are complex and higher education professionals must be properly trained to be able to address them (Franklin-Craft, 2010). Projections that by 2030 most college students in the United States will be non-White increase the responsibility of those working in higher education to truly understand the developmental issues of a diverse student body (Karkouti, 2015; Rankin & Reason, 2005; Torres, Howard-Hamilton, & Cooper, 2003).
This chapter highlights findings of a study that examined the multicultural competence of graduate students in a higher education program. Employing a snowball sampling method, completed surveys were received from 28 master and doctoral students out of 45 surveys distributed (response rate = 62%). Responses on the Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs – Preliminary 2 Scale (MCSA-P2) were also examined by race, gender, and other pertinent variables. The findings from this research indicate the need for infusing diversity into the curriculum and requiring diversity courses to increase the cultural competence of graduate students in higher education programs. The findings also support the need and call for additional research and analyses to be conducted on multicultural competence of higher education/student affairs professionals. Implications for graduate programs in higher education and reflexivity of the researcher conclude the chapter.
Jim McVeigh, Geoff Bates and Gemma Anne Yarwood
In recent years there have been increasing calls for the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and associated drugs to be recognized as a public health issue. In the domain of…
In recent years there have been increasing calls for the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and associated drugs to be recognized as a public health issue. In the domain of the competitive athlete and professional bodybuilder, recent decades have seen the diffusion of AAS from the hardcore gyms of the 1980s and 1990s to the mainstream exercise and fitness environments of the twenty-first century. Alongside the apparent increases in the use of these drugs, there is a growing evidence base in relation to harms – physical, psychological and (to some extent) social. But is this form of drug use a public health issue? What criteria should we use to make this judgement? What is the available evidence and has our understanding of the issue improved? By drawing on the authors' research in the United Kingdom and the wider international literature this chapter will explore these issues and attempt to answer the fundamental question – is the use of anabolic steroids a public health issue?
Research examining multicultural competence among higher education professionals responsible for leadership education demonstrated significant correlations with racial identity…
Research examining multicultural competence among higher education professionals responsible for leadership education demonstrated significant correlations with racial identity and multicultural education and experiences. The Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs-Preliminary 2 (MCSA-P2) scale was used to measure multicultural competence. Variances in multicultural competence scores were significant in relation to racial identity and select multicultural education and experience measures, above and beyond controlled for demographic variables.
Research examining the multicultural competence of leadership educators across a variety of institutions demonstrated variance based on leadership program structure, program…
Research examining the multicultural competence of leadership educators across a variety of institutions demonstrated variance based on leadership program structure, program elements, and the ways in which diversity was addressed in the program. The Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs–Preliminary 2 (MCSA-P2) scale was used to measure multicultural competence among student affairs professionals responsible for leadership education and an analysis of results suggests that multicultural competence may be reflected in practice, more specifically the design and structure, of leadership programs.
The fundamental aim of any distribution system must be to provide the necessary levels of customer service, so as to maintain and expand profitable business, at the minimum total…
The fundamental aim of any distribution system must be to provide the necessary levels of customer service, so as to maintain and expand profitable business, at the minimum total cost compatible with such service levels. All other objectives, in any distribution organisation, should directly or indirectly contribute towards achieving this basic aim.
Ravi K. Perry and Aaron D. Camp
The lived experience of HIV+ Black MSM (men who have sex with men) in the South exposes persistent racialized inequality. With the highest rates of HIV diagnosis in the country…
The lived experience of HIV+ Black MSM (men who have sex with men) in the South exposes persistent racialized inequality. With the highest rates of HIV diagnosis in the country, Black MSM are made to feel unequal within the US LGBTQ community, thereby perpetuating long-standing inequalities between the groups. We argue that Whites' and Blacks' differing conceptions of racial equality serve to limit the extent to which comprehensive LGBTQ equality is possible as whiteness frames the LGBTQ experience in the United States. Examining how the country's racist story of nonaccess, representation, and exclusion has stymied coalition building to eliminate inequalities, findings reveal the structural impediments toward racial parity. Utilizing the case study of HIV+ Black MSM in the South, we examine the persistence of inequality amid the thrice interwoven intramarginalization of feeling excluded from sociopolitical spaces, having limited political representation, and engaging with racist body politics.
Given the increasing numbers of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) college students, it is critical to have a diverse group of faculty, staff, administrators, and student…
Given the increasing numbers of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) college students, it is critical to have a diverse group of faculty, staff, administrators, and student affairs professionals who are social justice minded and multiculturally competent to address their needs (Maramba, 2008b; Pope, Reynolds, & Mueller, 2004). However, higher education institutions are still faced with the challenge of increasing the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity at these professional levels. AAPIs are one such population whose representation in the field of student affairs administration is severely lacking. The purpose of this chapter is to acquire a better understanding of the AAPI women in the profession of student affairs administration.
ANOTHER new year, in which we wish our readers continued prosperity in our chosen profession, finds most of us with a new diary and all the aspirations which that suggests. It…
ANOTHER new year, in which we wish our readers continued prosperity in our chosen profession, finds most of us with a new diary and all the aspirations which that suggests. It should be a good year culminating in interest with the Folkestone Conference in September. Under the presidency of Mr. Edward Sydney, whose chairmanship has always a certain vigorous individuality, we should do well. As the pleasant sketch of his career in the Library Association Record for December suggests, he has come to the head of the profession by the strenuous way of life‐long work and unceasing self‐education and always with a burning desire to bring the service and light books afford to the widest number of people. In this missionary sort of spirit the public librarian has opportunities vouchsafed to no other type of librarian, but these demand the desire just mentioned. Edward Sydney possesses it in a degree that may infect us all. In saying this we are not balancing the parts of librarianship. He would be a bold man who asserted the superior values of any one type.
It is commonly held that there are four economic utilities which need to be created in relation to a product before it has any value to the ultimate consumer. These are form…
It is commonly held that there are four economic utilities which need to be created in relation to a product before it has any value to the ultimate consumer. These are form, time, place and possession utilities. The creation of form utility, or the conversion of raw materials into finished products, is traditionally the responsibility of the production function. The creation of possession utility, on the other hand, is the responsibility of marketing which does this by identifying the needs and wants of consumers and by informing consumers both of the availability of products, as well as of their merits.
This paper aims to explore how negative emotions lead to differential relationships with informal learning. Informal learning is posited to serve as a coping mechanism and…
This paper aims to explore how negative emotions lead to differential relationships with informal learning. Informal learning is posited to serve as a coping mechanism and positively influence performance.
This paper provides a conceptual, process-based framework to explain the relationship between informal learning and stressful emotions of anger and anxiety.
The proposed framework in this paper suggests that informal learning in conjunction with emotion regulation can help neutralize negative emotions and promote improved cognitive functioning, better social functioning and higher task performance. From a practical perspective, the provided framework should help managers and organizational leaders better understand the emergence of negative emotion and how to constructively channel employee well-being from them.
Much of the informal learning literature has investigated dispositional and situational influences, without regard to the role that discrete emotions play in influencing cognitive, behavioral and motivational learning processes. This paper addresses this gap through a theoretical framework that explains the relationship between negative emotions and informal learning.