This chapter reviews the intervention research literature – particularly interventions deemed evidence-based – for students with intellectual disability across academic and…
This chapter reviews the intervention research literature – particularly interventions deemed evidence-based – for students with intellectual disability across academic and life-skills instruction. Although the focus of this chapter is the spectrum of students covered under the term “intellectual disability,” the majority of research on evidence-based interventions for students with intellectual disability focus on students with more moderate and severe intellectual disability, rather than students with mild intellectual disability. The majority of the interventions determined to be evidence-based within the literature for students with intellectual disability – across both academic and life skills – tend to be those that fall within the purview of systematic instruction.
Emily Bouck and Rajiv Satsangi
Mathematics can be a challenging content area for all students and especially for students with disabilities. Assistive technology can support the access, participation and…
Mathematics can be a challenging content area for all students and especially for students with disabilities. Assistive technology can support the access, participation and achievement of students with disabilities in mathematics in general and in inclusive mathematics settings in particular. In this chapter, assistive technology to academic and functional mathematics will be discussed; particularly, manipulatives, calculators and other technology-mediated mathematics interventions (e.g., apps or computer programs) will be highlighted.
Robert C. Pennington, Monique Pinczynski and Kathryn Davis
Students with extensive supports needs (ESN) often require pervasive and intensive supports to access the full benefits of educational programming. In this chapter, the authors…
Students with extensive supports needs (ESN) often require pervasive and intensive supports to access the full benefits of educational programming. In this chapter, the authors describe the application of both established and innovative technologies for promoting equitable access and opportunity for these students. They provide guidance for the use of technology across the areas of academic instruction, social communication, behavior supports, daily living, and employment.
Financial systemic risk is often assessed by the interconnectedness of financial institutes (FI) in terms of cross-ownership, overlapping investment portfolios, interbank credit…
Financial systemic risk is often assessed by the interconnectedness of financial institutes (FI) in terms of cross-ownership, overlapping investment portfolios, interbank credit exposures, etc. Less is known about the interconnectedness between FIs through the lens of consumer credits. Using detailed consumer credit data in Canada, this chapter constructs a novel banking network to measure FIs’ interconnectedness in the consumer credit markets. Results show that FIs on average are more connected to each other over the sample period, with the interconnectedness measure increases by 19% from 2013 Q4 to 2019 Q4. FIs with more diversified portfolios are more connected in the network. Among various types of FIs, secondary FIs have the notable increase in interconnectedness. Domestic Systemically Important Banks and secondary FIs offering a broad range of loan products are more connected to large FIs, while those specialized in single loan types are more connected to their industry peers. FI connectedness is also significantly related to their participation in the mortgage markets.
W.L. SAUNDERS and D.J. Foskett
It may seem faintly ridiculous to speak of the history of a teaching institution that has yet to receive its first students, but over the last forty years the idea of a second…
It may seem faintly ridiculous to speak of the history of a teaching institution that has yet to receive its first students, but over the last forty years the idea of a second Postgraduate School of Librarianship has been a gleam in many a professional eye—a gleam that at times flickered and almost died, but which revived and glowed brightly with the suggestion in 1960 that the University of Sheffield should be asked if it would consider establishing such a school.
Christy M. K. Cheung, Dimple R. Thadani and Zach W. Y. Lee
With growing interest in the uses of hedonic technologies and gamification in system design, the concept of cognitive absorption (CA) has become increasingly salient in the…
With growing interest in the uses of hedonic technologies and gamification in system design, the concept of cognitive absorption (CA) has become increasingly salient in the information systems literature. However, little effort has been made to evaluate the research status and consolidate the current literature findings. To fill these research gaps, the authors conducted a literature review on CA. The authors then proposed an integrative framework that summarises the key elements of and variables related to CA and their relationships. The major findings of the study are discussed, and an agenda for future research is proposed.
The Amalgamation of Functions The requirements of the first engine controllers were primarily to satisfy the needs of the engine and, almost as an afterthought, to consider…
The Amalgamation of Functions The requirements of the first engine controllers were primarily to satisfy the needs of the engine and, almost as an afterthought, to consider interface with the aircraft and the pilot. The latter resulted in the overwhelming plethora of “essential” ground test‐sets and cockpit instruments that we see today. In a performance and integrity conscious world, beset with ever increasing costs and sometimes decreasing maintenance personnel skills, the engine controller can no longer be considered in isolation from the rest of the system that it serves. The obvious ability of a digital system to self‐check and diagnose itself, its interface with the real world, and to make intelligent decisions based on those tests, has enhanced the case for digital engine control.
José González, Wenwei Yu and Alejandro Hernandez Arieta
It is widely agreed that amputees have to rely on visual input to monitor and control the position of the prosthesis while reaching and grasping because of the lack of…
It is widely agreed that amputees have to rely on visual input to monitor and control the position of the prosthesis while reaching and grasping because of the lack of proprioceptive feedback. Therefore, visual information has been a prerequisite for prosthetic hand biofeedback studies. This is why, the underlying characteristics of other artificial feedback methods used to this day, such as auditive, electro‐tactile, or vibro‐tactile feedback, has not been clearly explored. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether it is possible to use audio feedback alone to convey more than one independent variable (multichannel) simultaneously, without relying on the vision, to improve the learning of a new perceptions, in this case, to learn and understand the artificial proprioception of a prosthetic hand while reaching.
Experiments are conducted to determine whether the audio signals could be used as a multi‐variable dynamical sensory substitution in reaching movements without relying on the visual input. Two different groups are tested, the first one uses only audio information and the second one uses only visual information to convey computer‐simulated trajectories of two fingers.
The results show that it is possible to use auditive feedback to convey artificial proprioceptive information instead of vision as a guide, thus assist users by internalizing new perceptions.
This way, the strong and weak points of auditive feedback can be observed and can be used to improve future feedback systems or schemes, which can integrate different feedback methods to provide more information to the user.
Emily C. Bouck, Holly Long and Larissa Jakubow
Assistive technology can support and enhance the learning, independence, and daily living skills of students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disability…
Assistive technology can support and enhance the learning, independence, and daily living skills of students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disability (ID). Assistive technology is not generally disability dependent; however, for students with ID we decided to focus on assistive technology across two areas: instructional aids – with a focus on reading, writing, and mathematics – and transition and independence. Throughout our focus on these two categories of assistive technology, we discuss low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech options to support students with ID.
THIS journal is not devoted exclusively to public libraries; they are only part of the library fabric but, because the preponderant number of workers in our craft are in public…
THIS journal is not devoted exclusively to public libraries; they are only part of the library fabric but, because the preponderant number of workers in our craft are in public libraries, they and their work naturally occur more often in our pages than do those of others. We have always urged that the profession is indivisable and that a librarian is a person who, in his fundamental training, should be equipped to serve in any kind of library. The tendency to create distinctions, based upon slight—and they usually are slight—differences of work, are unfortunate and have led to bickerings and sometimes recriminations. Even between the two arms of the public library service, the county and the urban, there has been an emphasis on the differences rather than the likenesses; and every wise librarian knows that the services of a fully‐engaged library in a town are exactly the same as those of a county except that the county has to cover longer distances. The emphasis is even stronger where public and nonpublic libraries are in question.