Jinwei Wang, Xiaowen Xu, Guangjuan Lu, Xin Wang and Alastair M. Morrison
This study aims to investigate the perceived benefits arising from tourist activities at natural disaster sites, to analyze the influence of perceived benefits on satisfaction and…
This study aims to investigate the perceived benefits arising from tourist activities at natural disaster sites, to analyze the influence of perceived benefits on satisfaction and behavioral intentions and to identify origin region’s moderating role.
A research model containing dark tourism motivations (DTMs), tourist perceived benefits (TPBs), tourist satisfaction (TS), protection intention (PI) and loyalty intention (LIs) was developed, and visitor origin was introduced as a moderating variable. Taking the 5·12 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial Museum as a case site, data were obtained by distributing questionnaires on-site, and the model was tested using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
DTMs had a significant effect on cognitive and affective benefits, and TPBs significantly affected TS, PI and LIs, with satisfaction playing a partial mediating role. The origins of tourists showed a moderating role in part of the influence relationship of perceived benefits.
Practical implications
This study explored the perceived benefits among dark tourists and built a research model of their influence on tourist satisfaction and behavior. This study not only provides suggestions for managers related to dark tourism development in natural disaster areas, but also offers the possibility of enhancing tourist dark tourism experiences by interpreting the psychology and behavior of dark tourists.
This research adopted a new perspective of the decision-making behavior of dark tourists. The perceived benefits arising from visiting natural disaster sites were analyzed and the relationships between TBSs and motivation, TS, PI and LIs were examined. Considering the specificity of dark tourism emotions, the research also analyzed the similarities and differences in the psychology and behavior of locals and non-locals in dark tourism. The research results enrich and deepen the theoretical study of dark tourism.
本文旨在探讨游客在自然灾难遗址地进行旅游活动时产生的感知收获, 分析感知收获对游客满意度和行为意向的影响, 并识别来源地在其中的调节效应。
构建了一个包含旅游动机、感知收获、满意度、保护意愿和忠诚意向等多个变量在内的研究模型, 并引入游客来源地作为调节变量。而后, 选取5·12汶川特大地震纪念馆作为案例地, 通过现场发放问卷的形式获取数据, 并采用PLS-SEM对模型进行了检验。
旅游动机对认知收获和情感收获均具有显著影响; 感知收获显著影响满意度、保护意愿和忠诚意向, 同时满意度在上述影响关系中呈现部分中介作用; 游客来源地在感知收获的部分影响关系中(旅游动机→感知收获、感知收获→保护意愿)呈现出一定的调节作用。
文章采用了一种新的视角来研究自然灾难遗址地游客的行为决策机制。通过实证数据分析了游客的感知收获, 并进一步考察了其与旅游动机、满意度、保护意愿和忠诚意向之间的影响关系。考虑到灾难遗址地旅游的独特情感特征, 文章还分析了不同来源地(本地—非本地)的游客在旅游过程中呈现出的心理与行为差异。本研究能在一定程度上丰富和深化黑色旅游的理论研究。
Este estudio persigue investigar los beneficios percibidos derivados de la actividad turística en lugares afectados por catástrofes naturales, para así analizar la influencia que dichos beneficios ejercen sobre la satisfacción y el comportamiento planificado, e identificar el papel moderador de la región de origen.
Se elaboró un modelo de investigación que contiene las variables de motivación por el turismo oscuro, beneficio percibido, satisfacción, protección e intenciones de lealtad, así como la variable moderadora origen. Tomando como área de investigación el Museo Conmemorativo del Terremoto de Wenchuan 5.12, los datos fueron obtenidos distribuyendo cuestionarios in situ. La técnica de análisis de datos aplicada fue el Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS-SEM)
La motivación por el turismo oscuro tuvo un efecto significativo en los beneficios cognitivos y afectivos, y los beneficios percibidos afectaron significativamente a la satisfacción, protección e intenciones de lealtad, siendo la satisfacción lo que desempeña un papel mediador parcial. El origen de los turistas mostró un papel moderador en cuanto a la relación de influencia de los beneficios percibidos.
Esta investigación adoptó una nueva perspectiva en el comportamiento de toma de decisiones en los turistas de turismo oscuro, analizó los beneficios percibidos del turismo de oscuro en los lugares donde se produjeron las catástrofes naturales, y examinó la relación entre los beneficios percibidos y la motivación, la satisfacción, la protección y la intención de lealtad. Teniendo en cuenta la especificidad de las emociones del turismo oscuro, la investigación también analizó las similitudes y diferencias entre la psicología y el comportamiento de los turistas locales y no locales en lo respectivo al turismo oscuro. Los resultados de la investigación enriquecen y ofrecen un acercamiento más profundo a los estudios teóricos del turismo oscuro.
Extant research addressing how consumers respond to electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) remains limited. Even less attention has been devoted to examining the trustworthiness of…
Extant research addressing how consumers respond to electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) remains limited. Even less attention has been devoted to examining the trustworthiness of consumer reviewers with different ethnic backgrounds. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of reviewer ethnicity, review valence and social distance (to three different ethnic groups) on perceived reviewer trustworthiness, brand attitude and purchase intention toward a product evaluated by reviewers of three ethnic backgrounds.
The study adopted a 2 (review valence)×3 (reviewer ethnicity) design; 398 participants were randomly assigned to one of the six conditions. A mock product-review web page for each study condition was created to manipulate review valence and reviewer ethnicity.
Results show that while review valence, reviewer ethnicity and social distance each had a significant effect on perceived reviewer trustworthiness, only review valence had an influence on brand attitude and purchase intention. The interaction between reviewer ethnicity and review valence also had a significant effect on perceived reviewer trustworthiness, brand attitude and purchase intention.
The current study is the first to apply social distance theory to explain cross-cultural perception of trust, as it extends and updates the original social distance scale to broaden its empirical relevance to contemporary society via an eWOM marketing context. As social distance is a fluid and timely concept to study the diverse ethnic cultural environment, the current findings carry strong implications to future research in a wide variety of digital communication and marketing contexts, among others.
Tai-Yee Wu, Xiaowen Xu and David Atkin
This study integrates the spiral of silence (SoS) theory and theory of planned behavior (TPB) by examining Facebook users' opinion expression avoidance, the reactions to…
This study integrates the spiral of silence (SoS) theory and theory of planned behavior (TPB) by examining Facebook users' opinion expression avoidance, the reactions to dissenting views without revealing one's true opinion, in the context of political discussions. The present integrative approach provides a more comprehensive framework that expands our understanding of online opinion expression and withdrawal.
A cross-sectional online survey was employed, which rendered 348 valid responses from US college students (61.5% female; average age 19.11) recruited from a northeastern university.
The results categorized two sets of opinion avoidance strategies from six Facebook features. The intention to adopt “proactive avoidance strategies” (filtering out unwanted information) is positively related to descriptive norms and perceived self-efficacy, but negatively related to fear of isolation and perceived control of the urge to debate. Regarding the intention to employ “reactive avoidance strategies” (less obtrusive articulations), fear of isolation and attitudes toward opinion expression avoidance are positive determinants, whereas perceived control of the urge to debate again exerts a negative influence.
This study examines the growing variety of features that users adopt to avoid expressing their true opinion in reacting to dissenting views, updating our understanding of opinion circumvention in social media environment. As one of the few theoretically driven empirical investigations of SoS theory and TPB, the findings not only elucidate the significance of perceived behavioral control as the common ground in association with user adoption intention but also identify distinct qualities of the two sets of strategies that affect the likelihood of adoption. That is, proactive avoidance is more susceptible to normative influences, while reactive avoidance reflects user attitude and belief. This theoretical integration also helps identify diverse levels of intentions to strategically avoid opinion expression influenced by fear of isolation.
Hongliang Chen, Yueying Chen, Xiaowen Xu and David Atkin
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the public relied heavily on digital media to stay tuned for the latest update. Media preference could increase risk perceptions, although the…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the public relied heavily on digital media to stay tuned for the latest update. Media preference could increase risk perceptions, although the influence of diverse media exposure remains unknown. Based on protection motivation theory, this study aims to investigate how digital media exposure diversity and information verification influence vaccination intention.
Analyzing survey data from 837 respondents in China, this study examined the effects of digital media exposure on information verification, including their influences on the threat appraisal, coping appraisal, vaccine misinformation beliefs, subjective norms and trust in vaccines.
Results indicate that diversity of digital media exposure increased threat appraisal (perceived severity) and coping appraisal (response efficacy and self-efficacy), while information verification increased only coping appraisal (response efficacy and self-efficacy). In addition, diversity of digital media exposure decreased vaccine misinformation beliefs. Furthermore, digital media exposure and information verification were linked to vaccination intention via the mediations of response efficacy, subjective norms and trust in vaccines.
This study is the first of its kind to investigate media exposure diversity in the context of vaccination and health crises. Our findings extended the PMT framework by exploring proactive information-related behaviors as antecedents of mediation processes. In addition, we examined misinformation beliefs, social norms and trust as societal influences. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
Kai Li, Xiaowen Wang, Kunrong Li and Jianguo Che
As social network sites (SNS) have increasingly become one of the most important channels for communication, the related privacy issues gain more and more attention in both…
As social network sites (SNS) have increasingly become one of the most important channels for communication, the related privacy issues gain more and more attention in both industry and academic research fields. This study aims to connect the antecedents of information privacy disclosure on SNS.
Based on exchange theory, this study tries to investigate the decision-making process for information privacy disclosure on SNS. Factors from both user’s and website’s perspectives are taken into account in the proposed model.
The results suggest that an individual’s perceived benefits will increase their willingness to disclose information privacy on SNS, but perceived risks decrease this kind of willingness. The authors also find social network size, personal innovativeness and incentive provision positively affect people’s perceived benefits.
Moreover, privacy invasion experience enhances perceived personal risks, but website reputation helps to reduce perceived risks.
Yang Liu, Kangyin Dong, Kun Wang, Xiaowen Fu and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of green bonds on common prosperity in China. Green bonds have gained significant attention as a means to address financial…
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of green bonds on common prosperity in China. Green bonds have gained significant attention as a means to address financial challenges and promote environmental protection. This research aims to investigate the influence of green bonds on common prosperity by utilizing the system-generalized method of moments (SYS-GMM) and analyzing panel data from prefecture-level cities. The study also explores the theoretical mechanisms and heterogeneous relationships between green bonds and common prosperity, providing valuable guidance for advancing economic and social well-being in China.
This study employs a system-generalized method of moments (SYS-GMM) as the methodology to investigate the influence of green bonds on common prosperity in China. Panel data from prefecture-level cities for the period 2014 to 2020 are utilized for analysis. The SYS-GMM approach allows for the examination of dynamic relationships and control of endogeneity issues. By utilizing this methodology, the study aims to provide robust and reliable findings on the impact of green bonds on common prosperity, considering the specific context of China's ecological civilization development and financial challenges faced by energy-saving and environmental protection enterprises.
The findings of this research indicate several important outcomes. Firstly, common prosperity in China experienced substantial growth between 2014 and 2020. Secondly, green bonds have demonstrated a clear and positive impact on common prosperity. They contribute to the enhancement of common prosperity by driving industrial structure upgrading and fostering green technology innovation. Lastly, the study reveals that the positive influence of green bonds on common prosperity is particularly pronounced in the western region of China. These findings highlight the significance of green bonds in promoting sustainable economic development and societal well-being.
This study contributes to the existing literature by examining the impact of green bonds on common prosperity in China, utilizing the system-generalized method of moments (SYS-GMM) and panel data analysis. The research not only adds to the understanding of the relationship between green bonds and economic well-being but also provides insights into the theoretical mechanisms and heterogeneous relationships involved. The findings showcase the positive influence of green bonds on common prosperity, emphasizing their role in addressing financial challenges, promoting environmental protection, and driving sustainable development. The study's conclusions offer valuable guidance for policymakers, financial institutions, and stakeholders in advancing common prosperity in China.
Haijie Huang, Changjiang Lyu and Xiaowen Zhu
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of second generation involvement on corporate innovation in Chinese family firms.
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of second generation involvement on corporate innovation in Chinese family firms.
Based on the manually collected sample of listed Chinese family firms from 2003 to 2014, the study empirically examines the impact of second generation involvement on corporate innovation. The authors apply a difference-in-differences research design and a Heckman two-stage least squares regression to relieve the endogeneity concerns.
The research finds a positive relationship between second generation involvement and corporate innovation. This effect is more pronounced among the firms appointing second generation family members with overseas training experience and firms with weak external monitoring. Further analysis shows that the curtailment of related party transactions and the improvement of accounting information quality are important channels.
Practical implications
The findings provide several practical implications for Chinese family firms to survive the succession process and maintain competitive advantages across generations.
First, this study is helpful to understand the strategies adopted by family firms to maintain their long-term competitiveness and pursue continuing growth across generations. Second, the findings are also consistent with the transfer cost hypothesis of Fan et al. (2012) and Bennedsen et al. (2015). Finally, the findings imply that second generation involvement has a substitutive effect for external monitoring mechanisms.
Chunlan Li, Xinwu Xu, Hongyu Du, Debin Du, Walter Leal Filho, Jun Wang, Gang Bao, Xiaowen Ji, Shan Yin, Yuhai Bao and Hossein Azadi
The paper aims to investigate the possible changes in mean temperature in the Mongolian Plateau associated with the 1.5 and 2°C global warming targets and how snow changes in the…
The paper aims to investigate the possible changes in mean temperature in the Mongolian Plateau associated with the 1.5 and 2°C global warming targets and how snow changes in the Mongolian Plateau when the mean global warming is well below 2°C or limited to 1.5°C.
In total, 30 model simulations of consecutive temperature and precipitation days from Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) are assessed in comparison with the 111 meteorological monitoring stations from 1961–2005. Multi-model ensemble and model relative error were used to evaluate the performance of CMIP5 models. Slope and the Mann–Kendall test were used to analyze the magnitude of the trends and evaluate the significance of trends of snow depth (SD) from 1981 to 2014 in the Mongolian Plateau.
Some models perform well, even better than the majority (80%) of the models over the Mongolian Plateau, particularly HadGEM2-CC, CMCC-CM, BNU-ESM and GFDL-ESM2M, which simulate best in consecutive dry days (CDD), consecutive wet days (CWD), cold spell duration indicator (CSDI) and warm spell duration indicator (WSDI), respectively. Emphasis zones of WSDI on SD were deeply analysed in the 1.5 and 2 °C global warming period above pre-industrial conditions, because it alone has a significant negative relation with SD among the four indices. It is warmer than before in the Mongolian Plateau, particularly in the southern part of the Mongolian Plateau, indicating less SD.
Providing climate extremes and SD data sets with different spatial-temporal scales over the Mongolian Plateau. Zoning SD potential risk areas and proposing adaptations to promote regional sustainable development.
Bing Xu and Xiaowen Hu
– The purpose of this paper is to find alternative strategies to change negative output gaps in China.
The purpose of this paper is to find alternative strategies to change negative output gaps in China.
A path Philips curves approach is proposed to investigate output gaps, which develops hybrid Philips curves with the control variables of money, house prices and interest rates.
An alternative strategy to stop the decline in output gaps rate is to perform interest rate, house price, and money growth rate about 3, 1 and 15 percent, respectively. The results also indicate that only one of monetary increase, changes in interest rates, and house price adjustments are difficult to change the negative output gap.
Practical implications
Alternative strategies cannot only change the negative output gap, but also succeed in pushing the inflation rate down to 3 percent.
This study provides a new path Philips curves to simulate how the macroscopic control variables influence output and inflation. It provides a useful insight for stopping the decline in output gaps.