Sajid Ali, Syed Ali Raza and Komal Akram Khan
This research paper aims to explore asymmetric market efficiency of the 13 Euro countries, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherland…
This research paper aims to explore asymmetric market efficiency of the 13 Euro countries, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain, concerning the period before global financial crisis (GFC), after GFC and period of COVID-19 pandemic.
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) is applied to examine the persistence and anti-persistency. It also discusses the random walk behavior hypothesis of these 13 countries non-stationary time series. Additionally, generalized Hurst exponents are applied to estimate the relative efficiency between short- and long-run horizons and small and large fluctuations.
The current study results suggest that most countries' markets are multifractal and exhibit long-term persistence in the short and long run. Moreover, the results with respect to full sample confirm that Portugal is the most efficient country in short run and Austria is the least efficient country. However, in long run, Austria appeared to be highly efficient, and Slovakia is the least efficient. In the pre-GFC period, Greece is said to be the relatively most efficient market in the short run, whereas Austria is the most efficient market in the long run. In the case of Post-GFC, Netherland and Ireland are the most efficient markets in short and long run, respectively. Lastly, COVID-19 results indicate that Finland's stock market is the most efficient in short run. Whereas, in the long run, the high efficiency is illustrated by Germany. In contrast, the most affected stock market due to COVID-19 is Belgium.
This study will add value to the present knowledge on efficient market hypothesis (EMH) with the MF-DFA approach. Also, with the MF-DFA approach, potential investors will be capable of ranking the stock markets of Eurozone countries based on their efficiency in the period before and after GFC and then specifically in the period of COVID-19.
本研究旨在探討13個歐元區國家在環球金融危機前後, 以及2019新型冠狀病毒病肆虐時期之不對稱市場效率; 這13個國家包括: 奧地利、比利時、芬蘭、法國、德國、希臘、愛爾蘭、義大利、荷蘭、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞和西班牙。
研究人員使用多重分形去趨勢波動分析法、來探討持續性與反持續性。這分析法也用來討論正在研究中的13個國家的非平穩時間序列的隨機漫步假說; 而且, 廣義赫斯特指數被用來估算長期/短期投資與大/小波動之間的相對效率。
研究結果間接表明了大部份國家的市場都是多重分形的; 而且, 它們無論以短期抑或以長期來審視觀察, 均能展示持久性。再者, 就整體樣本而言, 研究結果確認了在短期來看, 葡萄牙是效率最高的國家, 而奧地利則效率最低。唯以長期來審視觀察, 奧地利則似乎效率很高, 而效率最低的則是斯洛伐克。在環球金融危機爆發前, 就短期而言, 希臘被認為是相對效率最高的市場, 而長期而言, 效率最高的則是奧地利。至於在環球金融危機爆發後, 就短期而言, 荷蘭是效率最高的市場, 而就長期而言, 效率最高的則是愛爾蘭。最後, 2019新型冠狀病毒病的結果顯示, 就短期而言, 荷蘭的股票市場是效率最高的, 而長期而言, 德國則展示了其高效率性。而受疫情影響最大的股票市場則是比利時。
研究採用了多重分形去趨勢波動分析法、來探討股票市場的效率, 並以此分析法來討論有關國家的非平穩時間序列的隨機漫步假說, 這使我們對效率市場假說有進一步的認識; 就此而言, 本研究為有關的探討增添價值; 而且, 有意投資者在使用多重分形去趨勢波動分析法下, 能夠基於歐元區國家的股票市場在環球金融危機前後, 以及更明確地在2019新型冠狀病毒病肆虐時期的效率, 來把這些股票市場分等級。
Raheem Bux Soomro, Irfan Ali Mirani, Mirani Sajid Ali and Soomro Marvi
This paper aims to assess the impact of green purchasing behavior (GPB) of a young generation in Pakistan.
This paper aims to assess the impact of green purchasing behavior (GPB) of a young generation in Pakistan.
The data were collected from students of different colleges affiliated with Shah Abdul Latif University from Sukkur and Larkana regions of Upper Sindh. A total of 400 questionnaires were administrated among students and 361 completed questionnaires were returned. A pen-and-paper method was applied to collect the data.
Model 1 revels that interpersonal influence and environmental knowledge were found positively related to GPB, whereas media and price were found positively but insignificantly related to GPB. Lastly, trust in green products was also found negatively and insignificantly related with GPB. Model 2 was used to test the moderating impact of price on the relationship between EA and GPB.
Practical implications
To promote GPB, government can play significant role by sponsoring environmental campaigns and environmental culture and these campaigns may include broadcasting promotional messages, distributing leaflets with utility bills, speeches in schools and colleges and advertisements with the help of printing and electronic sources.
Regarding green food purchase, this study’s results contribute to the literature by providing some theoretical contributions in literature. Green purchasing is so far a very new notion in Pakistan and therefore, literature on promotion of GPB is still lacking in the said country.
Muhammad Jawad Sajid, Qingren Cao, Ming Cao and Shuang Li
Presentation of the different industrial carbon linkages of India. The purpose of this paper is to understand the direct and indirect impact of these industrial linkages.
Presentation of the different industrial carbon linkages of India. The purpose of this paper is to understand the direct and indirect impact of these industrial linkages.
This study uses a hypothetical extraction method with its various extensions. Under this method, different carbon linkages of a block are removed from the economy, and the effects of carbon linkages are determined by the difference between the original and the post-removal values. Energy and non-energy carbon linkages are also estimated.
“Electricity, gas and water supply (EGW)” at 655.61 Mt and 648.74 Mt had the highest total and forward linkages. “manufacturing and recycling” at 231.48 Mt had the highest backward linkage. High carbon-intensive blocks of “EGW” plus “mining and quarrying” were net emitters, while others were net absorbers. “Fuel and chemicals” at 0.08 Mt had almost neutral status. Hard coal was the main source of direct and indirect emissions.
Practical implications
Net emitting and key net forward blocks should reduce direct emission intensities. India should use its huge geographical potential for industrial accessibility to cheaper alternative energy. This alongside with technology/process improvements catalyzed by policy tools can help in mitigation efforts. Next, key net-backward blocks such as construction through intermediate purchases significantly stimulate emissions from other blocks. Tailored mitigation policies are needed in this regard.
By developing an understanding of India’s industrial carbon links, this study can guide policymakers. In addition, the paper lays out the framework for estimating energy and non-energy-based industrial carbon links.
Sheikh Sajid Mohammad and Nazir A. Nazir
This review analyzes data from research articles published from 2010 to 2022 related to workplace ostracism which include theoretical or empirical practical implications. The…
This review analyzes data from research articles published from 2010 to 2022 related to workplace ostracism which include theoretical or empirical practical implications. The primary motive of this review is to identify main themes of practical implications relevant to workplace ostracism.
In total, 86 research articles published in 56 journals were retrieved from six well-known management science databases, namely, Science Direct, Emerald Online, Springer Link, Taylor and Francis, Wiley and Sage. The affinity diagram was utilized to organize the practical implications of the studies into meaningful themes. Moreover, in order to prioritize the main themes, the Pareto diagram was utilized.
Eleven themes have been used to categorize the practical implications of the reviewed articles, demonstrating various human resource (HR) interventions for avoiding or limiting the feelings of ostracism at work. Specifically, they focus on training and development, culture, formal and informal meetings, interpersonal relationships, task interdependence, monitoring, trust and transparency, proper channel, job autonomy and individual characteristics.
While many systematic and traditional literature reviews have been undertaken in an attempt to thoroughly organize extant literature on various aspects of workplace ostracism, no study has addressed the main themes of practical implications vis-à-vis employees experiencing workplace ostracism. Moreover, the majority of them are apparently out of date (prior to 2019), and there is just one study undertaken up to 2020.
Vina Paramitha, Ser Zian Tan and Weng Marc Lim
Amidst growing concerns about environmental sustainability, brands face the challenge of upholding authenticity in their green marketing efforts. While existing research primarily…
Amidst growing concerns about environmental sustainability, brands face the challenge of upholding authenticity in their green marketing efforts. While existing research primarily focuses on understanding and preventing greenwashing, there is a critical need to explore its consequences and mitigation strategies. This study aims to investigate the effects of greenwashing across varying levels of severity on consumer forgiveness and brand attitude, with growth beliefs and apology sincerity serving as moderators.
This study conducted a between-subjects online experiment in two phases: Phase 1 examined the effects of greenwashing severity on brand attitude, mediated by consumer forgiveness and moderated by their growth beliefs, whereas Phase 2 tested the moderating role of apology sincerity.
This study identifies different types of greenwashing and reveals that higher perceived severity of active greenwashing worsens brand attitude through reduced consumer forgiveness. However, consumers with stronger growth beliefs show greater forgiveness, moderating the negative impact of greenwashing severity. Crucially, a sincere apology effectively mitigates the detrimental effects of greenwashing severity on brand attitude.
Research limitations/implications
This study offers actionable insights for brand managers, highlighting that fostering growth beliefs and offering sincere apologies can mitigate the negative impacts of greenwashing.
This study advances the greenwashing literature by highlighting the negative consequences of greenwashing on consumer forgiveness and brand attitude, and underscoring the role of growth beliefs and apology sincerity as effective mitigation strategies.
This chapter analyzes the campaign against race norming in the 2013 National Football League (NFL) concussion settlement that caregivers of retired players designed, and it…
This chapter analyzes the campaign against race norming in the 2013 National Football League (NFL) concussion settlement that caregivers of retired players designed, and it considers how their collective action throws new light on activism in sport. While there is a substantial literature on how individual athletes engage in protest, less work has focused on how families – partners, children, siblings, and parents – of athletes organize as a group to answer back to anti-Black racism in professional sport. I argue that a group of spouses used their position as caregivers to shame the NFL, the presiding judge of the settlement, Class Counsel, and even the Department of Justice into acknowledging not only individual suffering from traumatic brain injury but also of the distribution of that suffering across households. Specifically, the wives group expanded definitions of risk and damage to include not only individual illness but also family and group suffering and demanded inclusion of gendered and racialized aspects of social care. Through their campaign, the group recast what is considered protest in the world of sport and who has the ability to access an activist subjectivity.
P. Nagesh, Sindu Bharath, T.S. Nanjundeswaraswamy and S. Tejus
The present study is intended to assess the risk factors associated with digital buying. Also aims to design and develop an instrument to assess the digital buyers risk factor…
The present study is intended to assess the risk factors associated with digital buying. Also aims to design and develop an instrument to assess the digital buyers risk factor score (DBRFS) in light of pandemic.
Present investigation uses a quantitative approach to achieve the stated objectives. The survey instrument for the purpose of assessing risk factors associated with digital buying was developed in two phases. The present study adopts theory of planned behaviour (TPB), built based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The data were collected and analysed considering 500 valid responses, sampling unit being digital buyers using social media platforms in tyre-II city of India. The data collection was undertaken between June 2021 and August 2021. The instrument is designed and validated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) followed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
The present research identified six perceived risk factors that are associated with digital buying; contractual risk, social risk, psychological risk, perceived quality risk, financial risk and time risk. The DBRFS of male is 3.7585, while female is 3.7137. Thus, risk taking by the male and female is at par. For the age group 15–30, DBRFS is 3.6761, while age group 31–45 noted as 3.7889 and for the 46–50 age groups it is measured as 3.9649.
Practical implications
The marketers are expected to have the knowledge about how people responds to the pandemic. The outcome of the research helps to understand consumer behaviour but disentangling consumer’s “black box” is challenging especially during global distress. The present study outcome helps the digital shopkeepers to respond positively to meet the needs of digital buying.
The scale development and to quantify the DBRFS. A deeper understanding of about digital consumers during pandemics will help digital shopkeepers to connect issues related digital buying.
Frank Nana Kweku Otoo and Nissar Ahmed Rather
Highly committed, motivated and engaged employees assure organizational success and competitiveness. The study aims to examine the association between human resource development…
Highly committed, motivated and engaged employees assure organizational success and competitiveness. The study aims to examine the association between human resource development (HRD) practices and employee engagement with organizational commitment as a mediating variable.
Data were collected from 760 employees of 13 star-rated hotels comprising 5 (five-star) and 8 (four-star). The data supported the hypothesized relationships. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the proposed model and hypotheses. Construct validity and reliability were established through confirmatory factor analysis.
The results indicate that HRD practices and affective commitment are significantly associated. HRD practices and continuance commitment were shown to be non-significantly associated. HRD practices and normative commitment were shown to be non-significantly associated. Employee engagement and organizational commitment are significantly associated. The results further show that organizational commitment mediates the association between HRD practices and employee engagement.
Research limitations/implications
The generalizability of the findings will be constrained due to the research's hotel industry focus and cross sectional data.
Practical implications
The study's findings will serve as valuable pointers for stakeholders and policymakers of the hotel industry in the adoption, design and implementation of proactive HRD interventions to keep highly engaged and committed employees for organizational competitiveness and sustainability.
By evidencing empirically that organizational commitment mediates the nexus between HRD practices and employee engagement, the study extends the literature.