Héctor López-Ospina, Luis E. Quezada, Ricardo A. Barros-Castro, Miguel A. Gonzalez and Pedro I. Palominos
The purpose of this paper is to propose a quantitative methodology for the identification of the causal relationships between strategic objectives in a strategy map of a balanced…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a quantitative methodology for the identification of the causal relationships between strategic objectives in a strategy map of a balanced scorecard. This is done to face the possible weaknesses described in the literature regarding the causal links and the difficulty in validating the relationships.
The proposed method combines the multi-criteria decision-making method called decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and an optimization model. DEMATEL is used to establish the importance of the strategic relations between strategic objectives, and the optimization model is used to find the relations that are more “important” and should be included in the strategy map. The method was created by reviewing the existing literature, modeling the problem, and applying it in a company.
The most important results of applying this methodological design include that the proposed method maintains the BSC classical structure; it also enables the generation of several alternatives to support the decision-making process in terms of strategic objectives for a better organizational performance.
Practical implications
The method facilitates the decision-making process by presenting several alternatives of strategy maps according to different levels of organizational criteria. In fact, these alternatives help the organization in focusing on the most important aspects of the strategy map. Consequently, managers may identify where to pay more attention and resources in order to achieve the most important objectives of the company. Hence, this method, as a support for decision makers, enables (and requires) the active participation of senior managers and any kind of decision makers in creating and valuating objectives, relations, constraints, importance, and parameters of the optimization model.
DEMATEL has been used to design strategy maps. The contribution of the paper is the use of a linear programming model to select those relationships that should be included in the strategy map. It allows manager to focus on those strategic elements that are important from a strategic point of view. The application in a company showed that the contribution is not only theoretical but practical as well.
Miguel Angel Ortíz-Barrios, Stephany Lucia Madrid-Sierra, Antonella Petrillo and Luis E. Quezada
Food manufacturing supply chain systems are the most relevant wheels of the world economy since they provide essential products supporting daily life. Nevertheless, various supply…
Food manufacturing supply chain systems are the most relevant wheels of the world economy since they provide essential products supporting daily life. Nevertheless, various supply inefficiencies have been reported to compromise food safety in different regions. Sustainable supplier management and digitalization practices have become cornerstone activities in addressing these shortcomings. Therefore, this paper proposes an integrated method for sustainability management in digital manufacturing supply chain systems (DMSCS) from the food industry.
The Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (IF-AHP) was used to weigh the criteria and subcriteria under uncertainty. Second, the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (IF-DEMATEL) was applied to determine the main DMSCS sustainability drivers whilst incorporating the expert's hesitancy. Finally, the Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) was implemented to pinpoint the weaknesses hindering DMSCS sustainability. A case study from the pork supply chain was presented to validate this method.
The most important criterion for DMSCS sustainability management is “location” while “manufacturing capacity” is the most significant dispatcher.
This paper presents a novel approach integrating IF-AHP, IF-DEMATEL, and CoCoSo methods for sustainability management of DMSCS pillaring the food industry.
Miguel Angel González, Luis Quezada and Pedro Palominos
The purpose of this paper is to design a method or process that relates dynamic environmental conditions with the strategic objectives present in a company’s strategy map, thereby…
The purpose of this paper is to design a method or process that relates dynamic environmental conditions with the strategic objectives present in a company’s strategy map, thereby allowing rapid analysis and the generation of new strategies that the company can adopt in a timely manner in order to maintain and/or improve its competitive position in the market.
One training session and three workshops were run involving the company staff. The intervention team reviewed and analyzed the results achieved and prepared the final presentation. Finally, they were asked to evaluate the intervention methodology with respect to usefulness and ease of use.
The developed methodology allows companies to obtain a broader vision of their future prospects. The executives’ participation in the process provided them a vision and understanding of the most relevant and sensitive variables of their environment.
Research limitations/implications
The proposed methodology is easy to use. It provides a simple and agile mechanism to adapt the strategy of an organization to the changes in the market and environment.
Social implications
This process will provide social benefit for the global community, from both a methodological perspective and a practical one, as it will provide a tool that will positively impact competitiveness and quality of life for workers and the wider community.
This paper allows the identification of the possible scenarios and their incorporation into a strategy map, which may help companies deal with the changes in their competitive environment. The strategy maps generated for each of the scenarios provide useful information with respect to presented events.
el objetivo de este documento es diseñar un método o proceso que relacione las condiciones ambientales dinámicas con los objetivos estratégicos presentes en el mapa estratégico de la empresa, permitiendo un análisis y la rápida generación de las nuevas estrategias que la empresa pueda adoptar de manera oportuna en para mantener y/o mejorar su posición competitiva en el mercado.
se realizó una sesión de capacitación y tres talleres en los que participó el personal de la empresa. El equipo de intervención revisó y analizó los resultados logrados y preparó la presentación final. Finalmente, se les pidió a los ejecutivos de las empresas intervenidas que evaluaran la metodología de intervención con respecto a la utilidad y facilidad de uso.
la metodología desarrollada permite a las empresas obtener una visión más amplia de sus perspectivas futuras. La participación de los ejecutivos en el proceso les proporcionó una visión y comprensión de las variables más relevantes y sensibles de su entorno.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
la metodología propuesta es fácil de usar. Proporciona un mecanismo simple y ágil para adaptar la estrategia de una organización a los cambios en el mercado y el entorno.
Implicaciones sociales
este proceso proporcionará beneficios sociales para toda la comunidad, tanto desde una perspectiva metodológica como práctica, ya que proporcionará una herramienta que tendrá un impacto positivo en la competitividad y la calidad de vida de los trabajadores y la comunidad en general.
este documento permite identificar posibles escenarios y su incorporación en un mapa estratégico, lo que puede ayudar a las empresas a lidiar con los cambios en su entorno competitivo. Los mapas estratégicos generados para cada uno de los escenarios brindan información útil con respecto a los eventos presentados.
Reyes L. Quezada, Mario Echeverria, Zulema Reynoso and Gabriel Nuñez-Soria
In this chapter, we present critical race theory (CRT) with a focus on Latino critical theory (LatCrit) and its impact on Latinx educators, Latinx youth, and Latinx communities…
In this chapter, we present critical race theory (CRT) with a focus on Latino critical theory (LatCrit) and its impact on Latinx educators, Latinx youth, and Latinx communities. We focus on identity inclusion and Latinidad as a way to increase critical consciousness of educators and Latinx youth, language rights, and feminist pedagogies of resistance. LatCrit frameworks are used as transformational resistance and afford a productive platform for developing critical understandings of the educational experiences of Latinx youth. We discuss relationships and community through the alignment of LatCrit and critical pedagogy and the application of critical theory and community-responsive pedagogy in increasing equitable outcomes in educational settings that support Latinx youth and families. We provide recommendations to address the challenges Latinx youth face and how Latinx educators can continue to support youth through a LatCrit framework, and a summary of possible solutions to consider. We close with some reflection and dialogue questions.
Luis Ernesto Quezada and, Pedro Ivan Palominos, Rosa E. Galleguillos and Alexis H. Olmedo
– The purpose of this paper is to present a method for identifying causal relationships in a strategy map.
The purpose of this paper is to present a method for identifying causal relationships in a strategy map.
A strategy map is a visual representation of the strategy of a company, which includes the strategic objectives of a company and the cause-effect relationships between them. Its network structure facilitates its representation as an analytic network process (ANP) model. The proposed method starts with a network with all possible relationships and then it deletes those relationships, which are not important. To do this, it uses the techniques of the ANP approach.
It was found that ANP is a good tool for modelling a strategy map and for identifying the important relationships of a strategy map. A study case of a manufacturing is shown to illustrate how the proposed method can be used in practice.
Practical implications
Normally, the cause-effect relationships between strategic objectives are generated in a subjective way. Even this way of working is widely accepted in practice, some studied have shown that the declared relationships are not necessarily valid. The proposed method provides a quantitative tool to establish the relationships between strategic objectives, which are obtained using a method (ANP) that has a strong conceptual base. This is an indication that the strategy map obtained represents in a better way the strategy of the company.
ANP is a methodology which is used to estimate the priority of nodes with in a network. In this work ANP is used to estimate the priority of the arcs of the network. The results of application in a company represent a good indication that the method may be implemented in other manufacturing companies.
Christian Viñán-Merecí, Katty Celi-Sánchez, Ronny Correa-Quezada and Amador Durán-Sánchez
The health emergency resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a public health crisis with serious effects on all social dimensions. This chapter has estimated the effects that this…
The health emergency resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a public health crisis with serious effects on all social dimensions. This chapter has estimated the effects that this pandemic could potentially have on tourism activities in Ecuador. The scenario methodology was the method of choice since it allows analyzing the environment and comparing different internal and external factors, placing them in a future context for the tourism sector. The data were obtained using the following: (1) UNWTO estimates anticipate that the pandemic will cause a decrease in tourist arrivals and income between −50% and −78% across the world; and (2) a simulation of the pandemic's possible impacts on employment, production and taxes that would cause drops of 50%, 70% and 78% in the demand for accommodation and food and beverage services that represent economic activities that are directly related to tourism.
The results confirm that in scenario 1, losses will amount to 1.327 million US dollars; in scenario 2, to 1.600 million USD; while for scenario 3, the country will stop receiving more than 1.700 million USD. Eight sectors of the economy will suffer 95% of the impact on job loss: the food and beverage service stands out from the rest, since 77 out of 10 jobs lost will come from those types of activities. The two other sectors that would suffer significant impacts would be trade and accommodation activities, which account for 8% and 5%, respectively, of the total number of jobs lost.
Valeria Maurizi, Adelfo Santis de la Torre, Luis Mauricio Escalante Solís, Ana Luisa Quezadas Barahona, Gontrán Villalobos Sánchez, Felipe de Jesús Colorado González and Xavier Moya García
The present study proposes the analysis of DRM strategies that had been implemented into subnational development plans and public policy instruments in the States of Chiapas and…
The present study proposes the analysis of DRM strategies that had been implemented into subnational development plans and public policy instruments in the States of Chiapas and Tabasco, located in Southeast Mexico. It describes the methodological phases for the implementation of those strategies and the participatory process, with a multi-level approach, carried out with multiple stakeholders and UNDP advisory.
For this research, two case studies were developed to highlight the factors which make successful DRM in development plans and policies. It included the compilation and review of documents generated by UNDP-PMR program on the mainstreaming process in the past four years, interviews with key actors in the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, such as governmental officers, national and international ONG's, UN agencies and rural communities' leaders.
The review of these case studies demonstrate that for developing countries like Mexico, the process to strengthening institutions setting, needs being present in the field and creating alliances and synergies to generate advocacy processes from a capacity development approach. Having not only an output approach in projects but also mainly an impact strategy, both at the local and the sectoral levels, along with a mid-term timeline and budget, are some of the hallmarks of UNDP-PMR program work.
This study showed two original experiences of mainstreaming DRM into subnational development policies in high risk contexts. These experiences had the participation of multiple stakeholders from local governments and communities. Nowadays, these two experiences are being implemented in the territories despite political administration changes in the last years.
Sandra E. Cha, Stephanie J. Creary and Laura Morgan Roberts
Black people, as members of a historically underrepresented and marginalized racial identity group in the workplace, are often confronted with identity references – face-to-face…
Black people, as members of a historically underrepresented and marginalized racial identity group in the workplace, are often confronted with identity references – face-to-face encounters in which their race is referenced by a White colleague in a comment, question or joke. Identity references can be interpreted by a Black colleague in a variety of ways (e.g. as hostile and insulting or well-intentioned, even flattering). Identity references can derail the building of relationships across difference, but under certain conditions may open the door for deeper understanding and connection. The conceptual framework in this article delineates conditions under which an identity reference may elicit an initial negative reaction, yet, when engaged directly, may lead to generative experiences and promote higher connection and learning in relationships across difference.
This article builds theory on identity references by incorporating relevant research on race, identity, diversity, attribution and interpersonal relationships at work.
The framework identifies a common precursor to identity references and three factors that are likely to influence the attribution a Black person makes for a White colleague's identity reference. It then describes how, based on that attribution, a Black person is likely to respond to the White referencer, and how that response is likely to affect their interpersonal relationship over time.
By explicating how a single identity reference can have significant implications for relationships across difference, the framework deepens understanding of how race affects the development of interpersonal relationships between Black and White colleagues at work. In doing so, this article advances research on race, diversity, workplace relationships and positive organizational scholarship.
José Luis Cruz Maceín, Maite Iriondo DeHond and Eugenio Miguel
The artisanal cheese industry in the Community of Madrid (CM) in Spain has recently experienced an increased development despite its traditionally limited cheese and milk…
The artisanal cheese industry in the Community of Madrid (CM) in Spain has recently experienced an increased development despite its traditionally limited cheese and milk production. The purpose of this paper is to explain this phenomenon by identifying the determinants of consumer attitudes towards cheese consumption in relation to the offer provided by recent artisan cheese producers.
A phone survey (n = 1,111 consumers) consisting of 17 questions was carried out to analyse cheese consumption culture in the CM. Principal component analysis was used to identify the factors that determine cheese-purchasing variance.
The first component was explained by hedonic (38 per cent of variance), followed by health aspects (24 per cent of variance) and price (15 per cent of variance). Price was identified as the most important criterion when purchasing cheese (67 per cent of consumers), followed by fat (57 per cent) and salt content (56 per cent). Results indicate a low cheese consumption culture in Madrid, as 48 per cent of consumers did not know exactly what kind of cheese they normally consumed. The type of milk used in cheese production was used to identify consumer profiles for market segmentation. Sheep and goat cheese consumers valued local production food quality and may be the driving force behind the expansion of artisanal cheese industry in Madrid.
Research limitations/implications
Madrid Region is one of the most important markets in Spain and Europe; however, local cheeses are not a traditional product in the market.
Practical implications
This paper offers a very interesting approach about how consumers’ culture can support a new local agricultural industry.
Social implications
Rural entrepreneurs can innovate focussing on new consumers demands. Local and handcrafted products are an opportunity in rural and periurban areas.
This paper shows consumer preferences and attitudes towards the novel artisan cheese sector that has expanded in the CM.