Arthur Seakhoa-King, Marcjanna M Augustyn and Peter Mason
The present research aims to examine a range of momentum trading strategies for the tourism and hospitality sector.
The present research aims to examine a range of momentum trading strategies for the tourism and hospitality sector.
The paper followed the methodology of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) to construct the portfolios. In this methodology, all portfolios were formed and evaluated by their cumulative stock returns over the past J periods and holding the position for the next K periods. In total, nine formation and holding periods were used, represented by 3, 6 and 12. For example, strategy 3–3 (that is, strategy with J = 3 and K = 3) refers to the strategy that stocks are ranked based on their previous three months and then held for the next three months.
The findings demonstrated that none of these momentum investing strategies was profitable. Most of the results, however, show positive, but insignificant momentum returns. This finding can be interpreted as price reversal over a horizon of three to twelve months in the US hospitality and tourism sector. These results are robust to size, different formation and holding combinations, beta and turnover.
Research limitations/implications
Regarding the research limitations, this paper only considers the US tourism and hospitality sector. Therefore, the extension of results to other developed and developing markets should be taken carefully. Also, this paper relies only on the methodology of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993). Other methodologies could be suitable avenues for future research.
Practical implications
Investors and portfolio managers who seek for earning abnormal returns by investing in the US HT stocks can attain their hopes by constructing portfolios based on existing guidelines in the literature and adopting a short-term reversal trading strategy or by buying past losers and selling past winners of the US tourism and hospitality stocks.
This research contributes to the hospitality finance literature by offering the investors who are interested in the US hospitality and tourism sector an uncomplicated trading rule that uses real return data and is expected to generate actual returns. Moreover, the momentum strategy of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) is never used in the hospitality finance literature.
本文按照 Jegadeesh 和 Titman(1993)的研究方法來建造投資組合。使用這研究方法時,所有投資組合均以它們在過去J 時期的累積股票收益和在未來K 時期的持倉來建立及評價的。九個組成方式及持有期被使用,以3、6、12來表示。例如,策略3-3(那就是說,該策略以J = 3和 K = 3)指的策略是以有關的股票基於過去三個月而被分等級,繼而在未來三個月被持有。
研究結果顯示,這些投資策略全沒帶來利潤;唯大部分結果顯示正動能策略報酬,雖報酬是微不足道的。這研究結果或許可理解為在美國酒店及旅遊業為期三至十二個月的價格逆轉。這些結果就規模、不同組成方式和持有組合、beta 和成交量而言是強而有力的。
就研究的局限而言,本文只是考慮美國的酒店及旅遊業;因此,如把研究結果伸延至其它已開發或發展中的市場,則需小心處理。另外,本文只依賴 Jegadeesh 和 Titman(1993)的研究方法,就此,使用其它研究方法會是日後相關研究的適當途徑。
本研究為酒店金融文獻作出貢獻,因研究為對美國酒店及旅遊業有興趣的投資者提供了使用實際收益數據及預期可創造實際回報的簡單交易規則;而且, Jegadeesh 和 Titman(1993)的動量策略從未在酒店金融文獻內被使用過。