Tuba Angay-Crowder, Christi L. Pace and Rebecca Rohloff
The purpose of this self-study is to examine how transformative leadership in student organizations contributes to doctoral students’ professional development in higher education…
The purpose of this self-study is to examine how transformative leadership in student organizations contributes to doctoral students’ professional development in higher education. Drawing from Mezirow’s (1997) notion of transformative learning and Bass’s (1990) theory of transformational leadership, the researchers discuss how an academic student organization, Alpha Upsilon Alpha, provided opportunities for transformative leadership in scholarship and service thus crafted academic identities and re-envisioned student organizations as spaces of transformative professional development.
Kristine Hoover and Maggie Douglas
In times of deep political and religious division and limited resources, the need for developing leadership that influences and heals our communities is particularly critical…
In times of deep political and religious division and limited resources, the need for developing leadership that influences and heals our communities is particularly critical. Using service- learning, combined with community engaged scholarship, this pedagogical approach enhanced student transformation, involved and benefited the community growing together, and explored potential contributions to literature in servant leadership. The collaboration involved designing and planning a three-hour event and data collection to address combatting hate and creating greater compassion. Student, faculty, and community worked together in this independent project and reflections indicate significant efficacy of servant leadership in the interfaith community with actionable and accessible outcomes.