Lana Sabelfeld, John Dumay, Sten Jönsson, Hervé Corvellec, Bino Catasús, Rolf Solli, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Elena Raviola, Paolo Quattrone and James Guthrie
This paper presents a reflection in memory and tribute to the work and life of Professor Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024).
This paper presents a reflection in memory and tribute to the work and life of Professor Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024).
We invited those colleagues whom we knew to be close to Barbara to submit reflections about her contributions to academia alongside their memories of her as a person. We present these reflections in the order we received them, and they have only been edited for minor grammatical and punctuation issues to preserve the voice of the contributing authors.
The reflections in this paper represent different translations of Barbara’s academic and theoretical contributions. However, she also contributed to people. While we can count the number of papers, books and book chapters she published, we must also count the number of co-authors, Ph.D. supervisions, visiting professorships and conference plenaries she touched. This (ac)counting tells the story of Barbara reaching out to work and interact with people, especially students and early career researchers. She touched their lives, and the publications are an artefact of a human being, not an academic stuck in an ivory tower.
A paper in Barbara Czarniawska’s honour where some of her closest colleagues can leave translations of her work through a narrative reflection, seems to be a fitting tribute.
Mariah Yates and Michael J. Urick
This chapter explores the influence and charisma of Taylor Swift, highlighting her use of power to captivate audiences. The chapter examines the five bases of power – coercive…
This chapter explores the influence and charisma of Taylor Swift, highlighting her use of power to captivate audiences. The chapter examines the five bases of power – coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, and referent – demonstrated through Swift’s strategic actions in the music industry. Swift’s ability to inspire, reward, and connect authentically with her audience showcases her remarkable leadership. Swift exemplifies how true power lies in authentic connections and steadfast determination, turning personal stories into widely inspiring and authoritative narratives.
The case was developed in partnership with the focal entrepreneur, Michael Maher, and relies on primary data he provided.
Research methodology
The case was developed in partnership with the focal entrepreneur, Michael Maher, and relies on primary data he provided.
Case overview/synopsis
This case is based on the experiences of Michael Maher, a Cincinnati, OH (USA)-based entrepreneur whose ecommerce business failed in 2016, largely due to a major change in Amazon’s marketplace. The case puts students in Michael’s position as this is happening. It focuses on the fact that although Michael knew, logically, that the failure was largely beyond his control, and that he “should” think about failure as a learning opportunity, emotionally and psychologically he felt terrible. The case forces students to confront this reality as they reflect on the situation and determine how Michael might best respond. The case is intended to help instructors address the often undiscussed “dark sides” of entrepreneurship, which can include financial hardship and intense stress, and also cause or exacerbate depression, substance abuse and other mental and physical health issues (Shepherd, 2019). These challenges frequently impact other involved stakeholders (e.g. family members) and, as a result, can negatively impact familial dynamics, friendships and other relationships. The goal of the case is not to discourage students from entrepreneurial activity, but to make them aware of these potential dark sides. In addition to awareness, the teaching plan is designed to provide students with tools and strategies to recognize and navigate the dark sides.
Complexity academic level
This case is appropriate for introductory entrepreneurship courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. It might also be used in more advanced courses focused on developing/launching a new venture (e.g. “New Venture Planning” courses). The case can be taught at any point within a given course, but it is recommended after students have developed an understanding of key entrepreneurship concepts in the focal course or in previous courses. In particular, students should have a working knowledge of the concept of “learning from failure” and other tenets of the lean startup and similar approaches (Blank, 2013; Ries, 2011). This background knowledge is important because the case confronts students with the reality that, although “learning from failure” is central to entrepreneurship, that does not necessarily eliminate the social and psychological challenges that often follow failures. Assuming students possess this background knowledge, the case is most effectively used early in a course to make students aware of the “dark sides” they might confront as an entrepreneur and set the stage for the development of strategies and skills to navigate those dark sides throughout the rest of the course. The case’s brevity means it can be assigned to be read in advance of class or during the class session in which it is being covered.
Mariah Yates and Michael J. Urick
This chapter examines Taylor Swift’s strategic response to losing control over her master recordings, showcasing exemplary crisis management. Swift’s decision to re-record her…
This chapter examines Taylor Swift’s strategic response to losing control over her master recordings, showcasing exemplary crisis management. Swift’s decision to re-record her albums illustrates how proactive crisis handling can transform challenges into opportunities. This chapter uses the five phases of crisis management and positive psychological capital to analyze Swift’s approach, highlighting her resilience, optimism, and strategic thinking. By navigating adversity and advocating for artist rights, Swift demonstrates effective leadership and the power of taking control of one’s destiny.
Mariah Yates and Michael J. Urick
This final chapter encapsulates the key moments and leadership lessons from Taylor Swift’s career. Throughout the book, we’ve seen Swift’s visionary leadership, creativity…
This final chapter encapsulates the key moments and leadership lessons from Taylor Swift’s career. Throughout the book, we’ve seen Swift’s visionary leadership, creativity, resilience, and authenticity. By exploring her strategic decisions and transformative leadership style, we offer aspiring leaders actionable insights on setting clear goals, motivating others, embracing innovation, and leading with integrity. As we conclude, we shift from reflection to action, encouraging readers to apply these principles in their own leadership journeys.
Aditya Ranjan and Priya Chaturvedi
The digital era has revolutionized storytelling, creating intimate connections with audiences through diverse digital mediums. As a link between tradition and modernity, digital…
The digital era has revolutionized storytelling, creating intimate connections with audiences through diverse digital mediums. As a link between tradition and modernity, digital storytelling enhances the conveyance of cultural values in our increasingly digitized world. Prioritizing user experience, customization, and seamless integration with social media, digital stories cater to physical and virtual tourists. The chapter explores the transformative impact of digital storytelling on heritage experiences and tourism. The chapter underscores how interactive storytelling immerses audiences, turning them passive observers into active participants. It emphasizes the need for rich, informative, and culturally sensitive content to preserve heritage essence. While storytelling's significance in tourism is acknowledged, comprehensive research on the implementation and impact of digital storytelling is imperative. Quality content curation is vital for effectively communicating cultural heritage. The chapter sheds light on the evolving landscape of digital storytelling and its nuanced influence on heritage tourism, stressing the ongoing necessity for thorough research in the domain.
Gulasekaran Rajaguru, Sheryl Lim and Michael O'Neill
This review investigates the effects of temporal aggregation and systematic sampling on time-series analysis, focusing on their influence on data accuracy, interpretability and…
This review investigates the effects of temporal aggregation and systematic sampling on time-series analysis, focusing on their influence on data accuracy, interpretability and statistical properties. The purpose of the study is to synthesise existing literature on the topic and offer insights into the trade-offs between these data reduction techniques.
The research methodology is based on an extensive review of theoretical and empirical studies covering univariate and multivariate time series models, focusing on unit roots, ARIMA, GARCH, cointegration properties and Granger Causality.
The key findings reveal that while temporal aggregation simplifies data by emphasising long-term trends, it can obscure short-term fluctuations, potentially leading to biases in analysis. Similarly, systematic sampling enhances computational efficiency but risks information loss, especially in non-stationary data, and may result in biased samples if sampling intervals coincide with data periodicity. The review highlights the complexities and trade-offs involved in applying these methods, particularly in fields like economic forecasting, climate modelling and financial analysis.
The originality and value of this study lie in its comprehensive synthesis of the impacts of these techniques across various time series properties. It underscores the importance of context-specific applications to preserve data integrity, offering recommendations for best practices in the use of temporal aggregation and systematic sampling in time-series analysis.
Thomas M. Hickman and Michael Stoica
The purpose of this study is to determine if regional proximity and fan club involvement could be used to predict success for brands that jointly sponsor a team and their key…
The purpose of this study is to determine if regional proximity and fan club involvement could be used to predict success for brands that jointly sponsor a team and their key rival.
A brand with regional proximity to the rival teams it sponsored was identified. Fan club members of a major college sports team served as respondents. Structural equation modeling was used to test a model that predicted antecedents to purchase intentions and positive word-of-mouth based on individual fan characteristics.
Results suggest that the intrinsic and social components of fanship as well as regional proximity facilitate the success of brands jointly sponsoring rivals. The intrinsic dimension of fandom foreshadowed approval of the joint sponsorship investigated but did not directly enhance the sponsor’s brand equity. Instead, it was demonstrated that fans must first approve of the joint sponsorship arrangement before conferring elevated brand equity onto the sponsor. Increased social interaction with the fan club resulted in higher levels of purchase intentions and positive word-of-mouth of the joint sponsor.
This study differs from prior studies investigating joint sponsors in four ways. First, the intrinsic and social dimensions of fanship were measured within the context of a fan community. Second, the context of the study included a sponsor with regional proximity to both rival teams. Third, it was determined that the proclivity for social interaction within a fan community enhances the positive outcomes for joint sponsors. Fourth, unlike previous research studying joint sponsors, this study demonstrates a path to success for these brands.