Autoethnography as a methodology has proved increasingly attractive to higher education researchers in recent years, particularly those in marginalized positions. This article…
Autoethnography as a methodology has proved increasingly attractive to higher education researchers in recent years, particularly those in marginalized positions. This article examines the extant research literature, focusing on the origins and meaning of the approach, how it has been applied in practice and the issues and critiques that have been raised. It concludes that collaborative forms of autoethnography probably offer the best way forward.
Rachel Sharples and Linda Briskman
When it comes to deterring and incarcerating people seeking asylum, there is a fusion between racialisation and politicisation. The bedrock is the colonisation of the nation now…
When it comes to deterring and incarcerating people seeking asylum, there is a fusion between racialisation and politicisation. The bedrock is the colonisation of the nation now called Australia, where the dispossession of Indigenous peoples was a national project that later merged into the building of a state that lauded British heritage and the exclusion of migrants through the White Australia policy. This foundation of nationhood continues in a manner that challenges the myth of harmonious multiculturalism by determining who is deemed worthy and who is excluded. The centrepiece of racialised bordering is the immigration detention regime which is increasingly characterised by transporting people to offshore sites. This chapter argues through examples, how people seeking asylum have been racialised, dehumanised and criminalised, particularly through a national security lens.
Robert P. Robinson and Jordan Bell
The purpose of this study is to analyze the first major federal education policy, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the most recent federal policy, the Every…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the first major federal education policy, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the most recent federal policy, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, through a Black critical theory (BlackCrit) lens to understand better how these educational policies have served as antiblack projects. Furthermore, this study locates examples of educational Freedom Dreams in the past and present to imagine new possibilities in Black education.
By analyzing education policy documents and history through BlackCrit methods, the authors expose how education policy is inherently an antiblack project. Freedom Dreams catalyze possibilities for future education.
The data confirms that while these policies purport equity and accountability in education, they, in practice, exacerbate antiblackness through inequitably mandated standardized testing, distributed funding and policed schooling.
This paper applies BlackCrit analysis of education policy to reimagine Black educational possibilities.
This article uses Tribal Critical Race Theory (TribalCrit) and human rights education (HRE) to frame social studies instruction about the Ghost Dance movement of the late 1800s…
This article uses Tribal Critical Race Theory (TribalCrit) and human rights education (HRE) to frame social studies instruction about the Ghost Dance movement of the late 1800s. This religious ritual served as a source of spiritual communion for Native Americans across the Western United States during an especially brutal era of colonization, most tragically exemplified by the Wounded Knee Massacre. The critical approaches offered are meant to challenge dominant narratives that often neglect or minimize colonialism and White supremacy.
TribalCrit is useful in framing acts of racism and genocide faced by Indigenous people in American history and can help teachers approach issues of social justice in a way that identifies oppression, while also promoting empathy and advocacy (Brayboy, 2005; Sabzalian et al., 2021). Furthermore, human rights concepts can support a critical interrogation of colonialism by providing a framework that guides analysis of multidimensional oppression (Bajaj, 2011).
The pedagogical approaches included in this article link the historical context of these events to tenets of TribalCrit and HRE. These strategies are explicitly connected to the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies and the C3 Framework. A lesson plan and enrichment sources, linked to the C3 Inquiry Design Model, are provided.
The Ghost Dance is a powerful illustration of spiritual resistance to colonial policies and ideologies in the United States, such as the Dawes Act and Christian nationalism. An examination of this important religious movement through the critical lenses offered here may build empathy, support justice-oriented citizenship and decolonize curriculum.
Mariana Ribeiro Volpini Lana, Joana Pimenta Maia and Juliana Pontes Ribeiro
This study aims to investigate the (re)construction of body image and identity among Brazilian individuals using orthopedic prostheses from a phenomenological perspective.
This study aims to investigate the (re)construction of body image and identity among Brazilian individuals using orthopedic prostheses from a phenomenological perspective.
This qualitative study involved 16 lower-limb orthopedic prosthesis users, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews.
Thematic analysis, grounded in phenomenology, identified two superordinate themes: 1) Representativeness of the orthopedic prosthesis, and 2) Considerations regarding prosthesis use. These themes were further divided into subordinate themes: the first into “The prosthesis as part of me,” “What the prosthesis provides me,” and “It means everything to me”; the second into “Feelings about prosthesis use,” “Difficulties in daily life,” and “The gaze of others.”
According to orthopedic prosthesis users, their experiences and narratives reveal that prostheses play a key role in reconstructing body image and shaping identity. Initially, many participants viewed the prosthesis as merely a replacement for the lost limb, but over time, especially with prolonged use, it became more deeply integrated into their sense of self, fostering a stronger emotional connection. Prostheses were found to offer both functional and emotional benefits, enhancing users’ independence, self-esteem and sense of normalcy. However, despite these positive aspects, participants reported ongoing challenges, including difficulties in adapting to the device and limitations in functional mobility. Additionally, the study revealed that, despite societal progress, individuals with amputations continue to experience judgment and stigma, often reflected in the gaze of others.
Louis-Etienne Dubois and Laurel Walzak
Talent scouting is recognized as a vital activity for professional sports organizations to establish a competitive advantage on the field. It remains, however, an imperfect…
Talent scouting is recognized as a vital activity for professional sports organizations to establish a competitive advantage on the field. It remains, however, an imperfect science marred with bias and stereotypes. Technology – such as data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) – is a promising avenue to deal with these issues. Yet, much like in the broader HRM literature, little is known about its ability to effectively alleviate bias and on how to successfully make it co-exist with human recruiters.
In collaboration with a professional North American soccer (football) team, this experimental study investigates the impact of using AI-anonymized game footage on scouts’ assessments. In addition to quantitative ratings, it uses a “think-aloud” or verbal cognition methodology to capture changes in the scouts’ assessments.
The results demonstrate how a “blind scouting” approach stands to alleviate bias and leads to more robust scouting assessments. Namely, the findings indicate that using de-identified footage through AI increases the scouts’ focus on tactical abilities and decreases observations on potentially problematic physiological considerations.
This study provides valuable insights on scouts’ cognition and moves past the prevailing AI vs Human dichotomy by demonstrating how the technology can improve processes without removing the need for experts. It also speaks to AI’s benefits beyond cost or time savings and suggests other potential HRM-related applications for AI.
Rima Al Hasan and Pietro Micheli
Despite firms’ growing investments, process improvement (PI) programs often fail to deliver the expected benefits. In this paper, we argue that the widespread adoption in PI…
Despite firms’ growing investments, process improvement (PI) programs often fail to deliver the expected benefits. In this paper, we argue that the widespread adoption in PI research of a paradigm founded in positivism plays a primary role in deriving these conclusions and limits the development of PI theory and practice.
We examine the main characteristics of the dominant paradigm in PI research and then propose an alternative perspective drawing on research in management innovation and complexity. Findings from two empirical case studies in a pharmaceutical and an automotive firm are reported to support our theoretical argument.
The proposed perspective highlights the interaction between various PI approaches – such as lean, Six Sigma and total quality management (TQM) – and the context-dependence and experiential aspects of PI. We argue that this perspective can better account for where, by whom and how PI approaches are shaped and used and, ultimately, can more effectively advance both theory and practice.
This study suggests that PI approaches should be considered as adaptable rather than static, in combination rather than as single entities and as continuously interpreted and translated by organizational actors rather than homogeneously diffused across companies and business units. In this paper, we discuss the substantial conceptual, methodological and practical implications of adopting this perspective.