Clarinda Rodrigues and Paula Rodrigues
This paper aims to investigate the mediating effect of brand love on purchase intention and word-of-mouth through mystery, sensuality and intimacy as brand image dimensions in the…
This paper aims to investigate the mediating effect of brand love on purchase intention and word-of-mouth through mystery, sensuality and intimacy as brand image dimensions in the context of neo-luxury brands. It also explores the moderating effect of duration and intensity of consumer-brand relationships on brand image dimensions.
The data collection was done via an online survey of a representative group of Millennials. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis.
The paper suggests that brand love mediates the relationship between brand image, purchase intention and word-of-mouth for both Apple and Michael Kors brands. This study also identifies differences in the effects of intimacy, sensuality and mystery on brand love. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the moderation effect of intensity and duration of consumer-brand relationships varies among the two neo-luxury brands.
Research limitations/implications
Further research should aim at investigating other categories of products and services in the field of neo-luxury, as this study focus on fashion and mobile brands. Other antecedents and outcomes of brand love should also be evaluated, as well as other moderating variables.
This paper contributes to the fast-growing consumer-brand relationships literature by exploring the role of brand love in the context of the emergent neo-luxury paradigm. It also intends to provide a better understanding of how to build and nurture an effective brand image through a multidisciplinary approach that combines mystery, sensuality and intimacy.
Ana Pinto Borges, Elvira Pacheco Vieira and Paula Rodrigues
The purpose of this paper is to assess the perception of the city of Porto as a destination engaged with social responsibility practices. The authors intend to analyse if the…
The purpose of this paper is to assess the perception of the city of Porto as a destination engaged with social responsibility practices. The authors intend to analyse if the national and international tourists know the social responsibility practices of the city and if they associate them to the domains of community, environment and customer presented by Öberseder et al. (2014) and the type of CSR image that is presented (Dean, 2002; Lichtenstein et al., 2004; Menon and Kahn, 2003).
The authors used a survey to assess the perception of the tourist regarding the social responsibility practices of the city of Porto. The authors applied a factorial analysis and a logistic regression.
The tourists showed an adequate knowledge regarding the social responsibility practices carried out by the city. The respondents separated the dimensions of perceptions of CSR and revealed that they influence the (re)visit and further recommendation of the city. More specifically, the authors also verified that the CSR image and community, environment and customer domains play an important role in the knowledge of the social responsibility practices engaged by the city of Porto.
It is the first time that the scales of Öberseder et al. (2014) and Dean (2002), Lichtenstein et al. (2004) and Menon and Kahn (2003) were applied in the tourism context. Furthermore, considering that the city of Porto presents a high level of growth in tourism related activities, it is important to study the impact of CSR in the development of a sustainable tourism and its impact on the (re)visit and recommendation.
Clarinda Rodrigues, Amélia Brandão and Paula Rodrigues
This paper aims to the literature on negative consumer-brand relationships by advancing knowledge on the key triggers of brand hate of global and prominent brands. It investigates…
This paper aims to the literature on negative consumer-brand relationships by advancing knowledge on the key triggers of brand hate of global and prominent brands. It investigates for the first time the role of brand in triggering brand hate, as well as behavioral and emotional brand hate outcomes, i.e. willingness to punish and negative brand engagement. Additionally, it explores the impact of product ownership and previous love feelings in the formation of brand hate.
The data collection was conducted on two Apple anti-brand communities after the given consent of its administrators. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling.
The paper suggests that brand hate is a construct with four first-order formative triggers (symbolic incongruity, ideological incompatibility, negative past experience and brand inauthenticity). It also demonstrates that brand hate is a dichotomous concept that comprises negative emotional dimensions (i.e. negative brand engagement) and behavioral dimensions (i.e. brand aversion, negative word-of-mouth and willingness to punish brands). Finally, it shows how brand hate differs among users vs non-users and passionate vs non-passionate consumers of Apple.
This paper contributes to the literature on negative consumer-brand relationships by advancing knowledge on the key triggers and outcomes of brand hate of global and prominent brands. More importantly, it demonstrates empirically that brand hate does not occur at a specific point of time and may result in transient hatred motivated by emotion-eliciting events (e.g. using a product) or as a long-term consumer-brand relationship that changed from love to hatred.
Paula Rodrigues, Ana Sousa, Ana Pinto Borges and Paulo Matos Graça Ramos
This study aims to fill various gaps detected in the literature on mass prestige (hereafter referred to as masstige) theory. The originality of the work stems from the…
This study aims to fill various gaps detected in the literature on mass prestige (hereafter referred to as masstige) theory. The originality of the work stems from the multidimensional application of Paul’s (2015) model, the introduction of brand addiction as a construct from the consumer-brand relationship (CBR) theory within the context of wines and the exploration of a new and less studied sector in masstige strategies.
A structured questionnaire was distributed to collect data from masstige wine brand buyers in Portugal, of whom 166 completed the questionnaire correctly. A conceptual model was developed and tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling.
The findings include that only two dimensions of Paul’s (2015) masstige scale affect brand addiction: brand knowledge and excitement and status. Brand addiction has a positive effect on brand loyalty and electronic word of mouth (eWOM), and brand loyalty has a positive impact on eWOM. Theoretical and managerial implications were explored.
This research added a CBR perspective to masstige theory and applied masstige theory to wine brands for the first time. These three distinctive aspects collectively contribute to the novelty and significance of the research, opening up exciting possibilities for future investigations and providing a valuable contribution to the academic community and the wine industry alike.
Ana Pinto Borges, Paula Rodrigues, Ana Brochado and Ana Sousa
This paper aims to evaluate the links between health importance, mindfulness aspects and positive mental health outcomes in consumers. It uses both symmetric and asymmetric…
This paper aims to evaluate the links between health importance, mindfulness aspects and positive mental health outcomes in consumers. It uses both symmetric and asymmetric methods to study these complex relationships.
A structured questionnaire was distributed to obtain data from consumers, and 721 completed the questionnaire considering our research objectives. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the links between the constructs, whereas Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) was used to find sets of conditions associated with beneficial mental health outcomes.
The study found substantial positive correlations between health importance and all aspects of mindfulness, including attention to one’s body, environment and emotions. Furthermore, attention to one’s body is identified as a strong predictor of positive mental health, highlighting the relevance of bodily awareness in promoting well-being. However, causal asymmetry is evident, implying that diverse combinations of causes result in higher or lower levels of positive mental health.
Research limitations/implications
While the study sheds light on the relationship between health importance, mindfulness and healthy mental health, it is not without limits. The survey-based methodology of the research may create biases, and the sample is predominantly made up of customers, limiting the generalisability of the results. Future study could investigate these correlations in more diverse groups, using longitudinal designs to gain a better grasp of causality.
Practical implications
The findings have practical implications for programmes designed to promote positive mental health. Individuals’ well-being and resilience can be improved by emphasising the value of health and fostering mindfulness activities. Targeted therapies can use these findings to create successful strategies for improving mental health outcomes.
This study fills a gap in the literature by adopting a holistic approach to examine the interplay between health importance, mindfulness and positive mental health. Unlike prior research focusing on isolated mindfulness aspects or singular methods, it uniquely integrates symmetric and asymmetric analyses. This approach reveals novel pathways and causal configurations contributing to well-being. Highlighting mindfulness’s mediating role and multidimensional nature, the study offers actionable insights that bridge theory and practice, advancing mental health promotion and guiding more comprehensive interventions.
Paula Rodrigues, Ana Pinto Borges, Ana Brochado and Ana Sousa
This study aims to examine individual behaviours regarding coronavirus disease-2019 vaccine brands.
This study aims to examine individual behaviours regarding coronavirus disease-2019 vaccine brands.
Firstly, qualitative research identified the reasons for vaccine hesitancy in relation to specific brands using data gathered from 36 semi-structured interviews and processed with Leximancer software. Secondly, a new conceptual model was developed with data from 917 questionnaires and analysed using partial least squares-structural equation modelling. The model integrates health treatment effectiveness, vaccines’ immediate health benefits and individuals’ hope as antecedents of perceived vaccine brand reliability and company reputation and their relationships with choice uncertainty.
The results reveal that vaccine hesitancy can be linked with individual, group and contextual and vaccine brand influences and that brand reliability and company reputation antecedents have variable but statistically significant effects on choice uncertainty.
Practical implications
This research’s contribution lies in its analyses of vaccine acceptance and uncertainty from a vaccine brand perspective. The results can guide brand management policies implemented by public and private organisations.
This study contributes to academic literature by filling in two gaps. The first was that no prior studies have directly addressed vaccine brands’ impact, whereas the second gap was the need for brand management policies that public (e.g. governments and public health agencies) and private organisations (e.g. pharmaceutical laboratories) can apply.
Paula Rodrigues and Ana Pinto Borges
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the scandals and distrust over the past years in brand love regarding a classic and well-known financial brand. The authors…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the scandals and distrust over the past years in brand love regarding a classic and well-known financial brand. The authors consider the antecedents of brand love contemplating the role of negative emotions, engagement and authenticity. The authors study the brand of a Portuguese bank, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, which was associated with harmful management and had to be intervened with monetary aid from the government.
An online questionnaire was used to collect data. The authors applied a confirmatory factor analysis and the hypotheses were tested by the structural equation modelling.
The results show that negative emotions toward the brand have a direct and indirect impact on brand engagement and the consumer-based brand authenticity, brand engagement and consumer-based brand authenticity positively impact brand love and negative emotions toward the brand positively and indirectly impact brand love.
Research limitations/implications
The results should be analyzed with appropriate caution, given the limitations of the sample. The authors used a sample of Portuguese consumers connected with a commercial bank brand. These limitations could be overcome in future research.
Practical implications
The findings are important for the definition of branding strategies in a competitive and vulnerable context.
The model presented in this paper aims at filing a gap in the literature. The negative emotions toward brands have been little studied as an antecedent. It is also the first time that the constructs of engagement and authenticity and their relational outcome in brand love are applied to a financial brand.
Elvira Vieira, Ana Pinto Borges, Paula Lopes Rodrigues, Ana Maria Reis and Svitlana Ostapenko
Circular economy (CE) is receiving increasing worldwide attention as a manner to overcome the challenges linked to current trends of unsustainable energy and resource consumption…
Circular economy (CE) is receiving increasing worldwide attention as a manner to overcome the challenges linked to current trends of unsustainable energy and resource consumption. This paper aims to fill this gap and analyze the adherence to sustainable, access-based and collaborative consumption practices by exploring the role of CE awareness, specifically in the context of Porto, the second-largest city of Portugal.
The methodology of choice is quantitative, based on partial least square-based structural equation modeling.
The result shows that there is an influence of CE awareness on subsequent sustainable consumption models.
Research limitations/implications
Present research contributes to the theory on CE awareness and sustainable consumption. It proposes a model that could be applied in other countries. As this research is developed within the city of Porto, it may limit generalizations of obtained results.
Practical implications
As CE practices are embodied into national and local policies, this research contributes to understanding local contexts of CE practices dissemination, providing practical suggestions for businesses and policymakers aiming the transition to the CE.
An original approach to measuring the awareness of CE economy is proposed, that is analyzed not only from the familiarity perspective but in six dimensions of its construction: familiarity, importance, perception or interpretation, advantages, social impact and barriers in this process. Further, the conceptual model of the impact that these dimensions have on the adoption of sustainable consumption models (purchase of sustainable products, access-based and collaborative consumption) is proposed.
Joana Tavares, Ana Pinto Borges, Bruno Miguel Vieira, Elvira Vieira and Paula Rodrigues
The authors intend to contribute to the lack of information about corporate social responsibility (CSR) in sports verified in the literature. The main purpose is to understand…
The authors intend to contribute to the lack of information about corporate social responsibility (CSR) in sports verified in the literature. The main purpose is to understand what the supporters' perceptions of CSR practices in sports clubs are and how these initiatives influence some of their attitudes towards the clubs they support.
Using a total sample of 142 supporters, the study hypotheses were tested with PLS-SEM structural equation modeling.
The authors conclude that CSR initiatives have a positive influence in the supporters' perception of the club and contribute to the positive word-of-mouth communication about the club. The results also show that these initiatives do not have a significant influence on the supporters' intention to become or remain paid members of sports clubs.
It should be noted that research on CSR in the national sports context is scarce, which increases the importance of its contribution to the literature in this area.
Paula Rodrigues, Ana Pinto Borges and Ana Sousa
This study, based on craft beer brands, aims (1) to explain the importance of four brand authenticity dimensions (continuity, originality, reliability and naturalness) in…
This study, based on craft beer brands, aims (1) to explain the importance of four brand authenticity dimensions (continuity, originality, reliability and naturalness) in consumers' perceptions of brand image; (2) to verify if the brand–consumer emotional relationship (brand love) is enhanced by the consumer's perceptions of the brand's image; (3) to verify if the consumer's perceptions of the brand's image increase brand satisfaction; and (4) to verify if brand satisfaction increases brand love.
Data were collected from consumers of different craft beer brands to evaluate the assumptions underlying the proposed conceptual model. In total, 175 questionnaire responses were used, and the model was estimated through structural equation modelling (SEM) with partial least squares (PLS).
The results confirmed that brand authenticity is a strong antecedent of the brand image of craft beers, and that brand image affects both consumer brand satisfaction and brand love. The effect of brand satisfaction on brand love has also been confirmed. Craft beer brands should aim to attract more fan-consumers, i.e. consumers who seek an emotional relationship that manifests itself in affection, beauty, well-being and long-term commitment. Fan-consumers give their hearts/love and recommend the brand.
The paper tries to fill two gaps in the literature. First, we make the initial empirical application of the Bruhn et al. (2012) scale and verify its adequacy in this context. Second, this is the first time that the model's design has been validated. The results allow us to confirm that authenticity is an antecedent of brand image, and its simultaneous impact on the consumer's brand love for, and satisfaction with, craft beer brands.