Authenticity as an antecedent of brand image in a positive emotional consumer relationship: the case of craft beer brands
ISSN: 1450-2194
Article publication date: 14 September 2021
Issue publication date: 22 November 2022
This study, based on craft beer brands, aims (1) to explain the importance of four brand authenticity dimensions (continuity, originality, reliability and naturalness) in consumers' perceptions of brand image; (2) to verify if the brand–consumer emotional relationship (brand love) is enhanced by the consumer's perceptions of the brand's image; (3) to verify if the consumer's perceptions of the brand's image increase brand satisfaction; and (4) to verify if brand satisfaction increases brand love.
Data were collected from consumers of different craft beer brands to evaluate the assumptions underlying the proposed conceptual model. In total, 175 questionnaire responses were used, and the model was estimated through structural equation modelling (SEM) with partial least squares (PLS).
The results confirmed that brand authenticity is a strong antecedent of the brand image of craft beers, and that brand image affects both consumer brand satisfaction and brand love. The effect of brand satisfaction on brand love has also been confirmed. Craft beer brands should aim to attract more fan-consumers, i.e. consumers who seek an emotional relationship that manifests itself in affection, beauty, well-being and long-term commitment. Fan-consumers give their hearts/love and recommend the brand.
The paper tries to fill two gaps in the literature. First, we make the initial empirical application of the Bruhn et al. (2012) scale and verify its adequacy in this context. Second, this is the first time that the model's design has been validated. The results allow us to confirm that authenticity is an antecedent of brand image, and its simultaneous impact on the consumer's brand love for, and satisfaction with, craft beer brands.
This work is supported by national funding’s of FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the project UIDB/04005/2020.
Rodrigues, P., Pinto Borges, A. and Sousa, A. (2022), "Authenticity as an antecedent of brand image in a positive emotional consumer relationship: the case of craft beer brands", EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 634-651.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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