This study aims to offer an original criterion of assessment for examiners of practice-based doctorates in contemporary arts practices, based upon the degree of intrigue…
This study aims to offer an original criterion of assessment for examiners of practice-based doctorates in contemporary arts practices, based upon the degree of intrigue, perceptual and conceptual, afforded by the research outputs. It is argued that intrigue is the necessary stimulus for the states of attention required for the recognition of fresh understanding and the acquisition of new knowledge from such outputs. The paper is intended to support doctoral students structuring theses for such research, those responsible for assessing proposals in university cross-disciplinary research committees with limited experience of practice-based research and the examiners of such research.
Acknowledging the several decades of work already published on practice-based research, this study adopts an aesthetic cognitivist position from which the visual arts are construed as powerful means of deepening our understanding, a source of non-propositional knowledge on a par with, although qualitatively different from, the way that the sciences are accepted as the means to propositional knowledge.
A case study demonstrates the efficacy of applying the proposed criterion in the assessment of practice-based doctoral research.
Social implications
Within the social context of academic research, the article strengthens the validation of practice-based research.
The terms perceptual intrigue and conceptual intrigue are coined as values implicit in aesthetic cognitivism; they are construed as the initial stimuli for the state of attentiveness required for fresh understanding, and the degree of balance between them is proposed as an original criterion for the assessment of practice-based research.
Lynette Riley, Deirdre Howard-Wagner, Janet Mooney and Cat Kutay
This chapter outlines the successful community engagement process used by the authors for the Kinship Online project in the context of Indigenous methodological, epistemological…
This chapter outlines the successful community engagement process used by the authors for the Kinship Online project in the context of Indigenous methodological, epistemological, and ethical considerations. It juxtaposes Indigenous and western ways of teaching and research, exploring in greater detail the differences between them. The following chapter builds on and extends Riley, Howard-Wagner, Mooney & Kutay (2013, in press) to delve deeply into the importance of embedding Aboriginal cultural knowledge in curriculum at the university level.
Practical implications
The chapter gives an account of an Office for Learning and Teaching (OLTC) grant to develop Indigenous Online Cultural Teaching and Sharing Resources (the Kinship Online Project). The project is built on an existing face-to-face interactive presentation based on Australian Aboriginal Kinship systems created by Lynette Riley, which is being re-developed as an online cultural education workshop.
A key consideration of the researchers has been Aboriginal community engagement in relation to the design and development of the project. The chapter delves deeply into the importance of embedding Aboriginal cultural knowledge into curriculum at the university level. In doing so, the chapter sets out an Aboriginal community engagement model compared with a western research model which the authors hope will be useful to other researchers who wish to engage in research with Aboriginal people and/or communities.
Arthur Seakhoa-King, Marcjanna M Augustyn and Peter Mason
Faith Valencia-Forrester and Bridget Backhaus
Work-integrated learning (WIL) and service learning are widespread approaches to experiential, practice-based learning in Australia. Both are associated with extensive bodies of…
Work-integrated learning (WIL) and service learning are widespread approaches to experiential, practice-based learning in Australia. Both are associated with extensive bodies of research that support their benefits to students, industry, and the community at large. What is less explored, however, is the accessibility of such experiences. In Australia, there are several groups of students that are at a disadvantage in terms of participation in WIL and service learning. When considering access to higher education as an emerging human right, the importance of addressing these inequalities becomes even more clear.
This chapter draws on case studies of pedagogical and curriculum changes that challenge existing power structures from within the curriculum and improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of WIL. This includes a research project that informs redesigning WIL experiences to better suit the needs of students including, a pilot project to improve international student access to service learning, and the development of a Community Internship module that weaves First Peoples’ knowledge and perspectives throughout. While by no means exhaustive, these cases represent the start of ensuring that all aspects of higher education, including experiential, practice-based aspects, are accessible to all students.
As sociologists we all try to make a contribution to our field. Having completed our comprehensives and dissertations we have read in depth in several areas, have focused on an…
As sociologists we all try to make a contribution to our field. Having completed our comprehensives and dissertations we have read in depth in several areas, have focused on an area that interests us, and have learned the research process whether it uses quantitative or qualitative methodology. We all make our contributions available to the field, but occasionally one among us makes a startling discovery, has an unusual idea or a way to approach a problem, starts examining a new problem at just the right moment, or has an insight into a specific conceptual problem with unusual alacrity. A few among us combine all that skill and happenstance and lead the way into new sociological insights, new areas of research and provide a notable foundation or advancement to an area of knowledge. Saad Nagi is one of those contributors with vision, insight, and skill to see ahead of his time. This paper attempts to bring together in one place his major contributions to the disability knowledge base in sociology.
The approach used in this paper is an in depth review of all of Nagi’s published works in the area of disability. The published literature is grouped into the five areas in which Nagi made major contributions, including major research of the Social Security Disability Insurance process; development of a framework for the disability process; epidemiological definitions and research; development of a coherent set of disability measures; and an examination of the social problem, policy, and program process as developed and practiced in this country.
Nagi made a large and significant contribution in all the areas listed above and much of the measurement, and process examination is still relevant and useful in current research. His framework is still the basis for the very newest models of disability which dominate disability research today.
Research implications
Researchers need to go back to find Nagi books and articles written in the 60s, 70s, and 80s to ground their work in the originals rather than to take the interpretations of others on this material. The ICF and the Social Model did not originate in Europe alone, but much of the work began in the states in the early 60s with the work of Nagi, Haber, and others and should not be overlooked or ignored.
Shilla Shomai, Peter Unwin and Clive Sealey
“Kidfluencer” is a relatively new term and refers to where young people actively exert influence on lifestyle and consumer behaviour through the use of social media. This study…
“Kidfluencer” is a relatively new term and refers to where young people actively exert influence on lifestyle and consumer behaviour through the use of social media. This study focused on capturing the complexities of this phenomenon, and issues of concern for policymakers that subsequently occur.
The study used semi-structured interviews to capture the retrospective experiences of ten young people as “kidfluencers” on the social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
The findings identified several issues associated with being a kidfluencer, such as affecting individuals’ work-life balance, their education, how safe they felt online and physically, how they maintained friendships, pressure to increase their profile and their mental health well-being. Overall, the study suggests that kidfluencing has specific negative effects on kidfluencers and their childhood experiences, which should be of concern to policy makers.
Research limitations/implications
All participants were above the age of eighteen. Therefore, their contributions reflect upon their past, rather than speaking about their recent experiences, which can lead to retrospective bias. The sample size is small, reflecting the difficulties in accessing this sensitive area for study.
Practical implications
The study provides support for the decision taken in France to introduce legislation that protects kidfluencers, which may suggest a need for legislation in other countries.
The study is relevant in the context of the new law adopted by the French National Assembly in 2020 to provide a legal framework for the activities of child influencers on a range of online platforms. To date, France is the only country where such laws have been enacted. So far, there has been no specific evaluation of this law, and very little research on welfare issues experienced by kidfluencers themselves, making this study timely.
The purpose of this paper is to assess state-of-the-art techniques for quantifying flow distortion in the inlets of turbofan engines, particularly with respect to the prospects…
The purpose of this paper is to assess state-of-the-art techniques for quantifying flow distortion in the inlets of turbofan engines, particularly with respect to the prospects for future flight applications.
To adequately characterize the flow fields of complex aircraft inlet distortions, the author has incorporated laser velocimetry techniques, namely, stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV) and Doppler velocimetry based on filtered Rayleigh scattering (FRS), into inlet distortion studies.
Overall, the results and experience indicate that the pathway for integration of FRS technologies into flight systems is clearer and more robust than that of PIV.
Practical implications
While always a concern, the topic of inlet distortion has grown in importance as contemporary airframe designers seek extremely compact and highly integrated inlets. This research offers a means for gaining new understanding of the in situ aerodynamic phenomena involved with complex inlet distortion.
This paper presents unique applications of turbofan inlet velocimetry methods while providing an original assessment of technological challenges involved with progressing advanced velocimetry techniques for flight measurements.
This research explores the subjective health experiences of women incarcerated in a provincial detention center in Ottawa, Canada.
This research explores the subjective health experiences of women incarcerated in a provincial detention center in Ottawa, Canada.
Narrative interviews conducted with 16 previously incarcerated women were analyzed to explore how health issues shaped their experiences in detention.
Women identified a set of practices and conditions that negatively impacted health, including the denial of medication, medical treatment, and healthcare, limited prenatal healthcare, and damaged health caused by poor living conditions.
Research limitations/implications
Findings suggest that structural health problems emerge in penal environments where healthcare is provided by the same agency responsible for incarceration. The incompatibility between the mandates of incarceration and healthcare suggests that responsibility for institutional healthcare should be transferred to provincial healthcare bodies.
This research responds to the lack of research on carceral health experiences within both penal scholarship and medical sociology, particularly in relation to women and those confined in jails.