Stephanie E. Perrett, Christie Craddock, Gareth Dunseath, Giri Shankar, Stephen Luzio and Benjamin J. Gray
Smoking rates are known to be higher amongst those committed to prison than the general population. Those in prison suffer from high rates of comorbidities that are likely to…
Smoking rates are known to be higher amongst those committed to prison than the general population. Those in prison suffer from high rates of comorbidities that are likely to increase their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), making it more difficult to manage. In 2016, a tobacco ban began to be implemented across prisons in England and Wales, UK. This study aims to measure the effect of the tobacco ban on predicted cardiovascular risk for those quitting smoking on admission to prison.
Using data from a prevalence study of CVD in prisons, the authors have assessed the effect of the tobacco ban on cardiovascular risk, using predicted age to CVD event, ten-year CVD risk and heart age, for those who previously smoked and gave up on admission to prison.
The results demonstrate measurable health gains across all age groups with the greatest gains found in those aged 50 years and older and who had been heavy smokers. Quitting smoking on admission to prison led to a reduced heart age of between two and seven years for all participants.
The data supports tobacco bans in prisons as a public health measure to reduce risk of CVD. Interventions are needed to encourage maintenance of smoking cessation on release from prison for the full health benefits to be realised.
Kathryn Ashton, Aimee Challenger, Christie Craddock, Timo Clemens, Jordan Williams, Oliver Kempton, Mariana Dyakova and Liz Green
The sexual health of the male prison population is often among the poorest in a country. This paper aims to identify the wider health impacts and social value of a sexual health…
The sexual health of the male prison population is often among the poorest in a country. This paper aims to identify the wider health impacts and social value of a sexual health self-sampling programme offered to male prisoners in an open prison setting in Wales.
This study applied a unique pilot approach of using Health Impact Assessment and Social Return on Investment Frameworks in tandem. Key stakeholder groups affected by the intervention were identified, and engaged with through workshops, interviews and questionnaires to identify and quantify the health impacts and wider outcomes. Outcomes were then valued using proxy financial values to present the overall estimated social value of the self-sampling service.
Based on a small sample, results indicate that for every £1 spent on the self-sampling service in the prison, a potential value of £4.14 was created. This resulted in a ratio of £4.14:£1. Approximately one-third of the value created (£1,517.95) was categorised as monetarily returnable, whereas the remaining value (£3,260.40) was purely illustrative social value, for example improved mental well-being.
This unique pilot study demonstrates the health impacts and wider social value of providing a self-sampling sexual health service to prisoners within an open prison setting. By innovatively testing the feasibility of using a Health Impact Assessment process alongside Social Return on Investment analyses, this paper has outlined how the frameworks can be used in synergy to illustrate not just direct return on investment but also the social value of providing such a service.
The enormous improvement in child health in this country—in infant mortality and morbidity, in physical growth and well‐being, are self‐evident. Not only do we see the physical…
The enormous improvement in child health in this country—in infant mortality and morbidity, in physical growth and well‐being, are self‐evident. Not only do we see the physical improvement in our children, but it strikes visitors from overseas more forcibly, and there can be few other countries in the world which can boast such swarms of healthy, vigorous children. If this was preventive medicine's only success, it would be worth many times over the money spent on this branch of the National Health Service, which is little enough in all conscience: about £20 millions a year compared with over £400 millions for curative medicine. Can any of the undoubted great and dramatic advances of the latter match the far‐reaching effects of this one achievement of preventive medicine?
Latisha Reynolds, Samantha McClellan, Susan Finley, George Martinez and Rosalinda Hernandez Linares
This paper aims to highlight recent resources on information literacy (IL) and library instruction, providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of…
This paper aims to highlight recent resources on information literacy (IL) and library instruction, providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of publications covering all library types.
This paper introduces and annotates English-language periodical articles, monographs, dissertations and other materials on library instruction and IL published in 2015.
This paper provides information about each source, describes the characteristics of current scholarship and highlights sources that contain either unique or significant scholarly contributions.
The information may be used by librarians and interested parties as a quick reference to literature on library instruction and IL.
Australia is failing to meet its sustainable development commitments in areas linked to social and economic equality and decent work for all. Decent work for all, not some, by…
Australia is failing to meet its sustainable development commitments in areas linked to social and economic equality and decent work for all. Decent work for all, not some, by 2030 requires rethinking current approaches if Australia is to meet this aspirational target. This discursive paper aims to reinvigorate discussion about how Australia can progress its sustainable development goal (SDG) commitments to reducing inequality and creating decent work for all.
Applying a critical lens to current approaches to reducing workforce inequality through diversity management [diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)] in Australia, this article argues that current approaches alone will not progress Australia’s SDG commitments and proposes universal design (UD) as a human rights-based approach for realising these SDG commitments. An entry point for critical scholarship is to interrogate concepts and categories. Thus, this paper interrogates the concepts of “diversity” within the context of workplace DEI.
UD can support and uphold the SDG commitments if embedded as an underpinning paradigm within a human rights-based best-practice framework. This is in keeping with growing calls for Australia’s national policies and legislations to be grounded in human rights legislation and policy that leaves no one behind. UD is proposed as an opportunity to do just that.
Practical implications
Given Australia renewed its SDG commitments now is an ideal time to reinvigorate discussion about how best to reduce inequality and create decent work for all as there is a receptive political-economic context to enable such reform.
Social implications
This paper considers the inherent limitations of current DEI approaches for reducing inequality, raises awareness of potential harms associated with ‘othering’ and shows that current practices can unintentionally hinder progress towards decent work and equality.
This paper extends current thinking about UD by considering its application beyond “disability inclusion” to explicitly explore the UD paradigm as a means to realise Australia’s SDG commitments and ensure no one is left behind.