Anne Leeming and Yehuda Baruch
It is still widely accepted that women managers are not catching up on their male peers with regard to seniority of position and pay. To learn more about the problem, a study was…
It is still widely accepted that women managers are not catching up on their male peers with regard to seniority of position and pay. To learn more about the problem, a study was conducted into the career development of MBA graduates from one of the leading UK business schools. Of the 344 alumni who took part in the study, 96 were women. The respondents came from the UK and from many nations around the world. The career development of the graduates, their competences and their career aspirations were compared across those variables. Differences in performance based on discrimination due to gender were studied. Variables of career development of the graduates, their competences and career aspirations were compared for women and men. The findings indicate that studying for an MBA has a place as a vehicle to reduce discrimination and increase self‐confidence of the individual. Results also indicate the potential value of having an MBA in dealing with discrimination due to gender in organisations.
Yehuda Baruch and Anne Leeming
Curricula for MBA programmes are designed to meet business needs and are continuously monitored and reviewed as needs change with time. Examines the content of an MBA programme at…
Curricula for MBA programmes are designed to meet business needs and are continuously monitored and reviewed as needs change with time. Examines the content of an MBA programme at a leading UK business school and its effects on its graduates. A survey of the alumni from this MBA programme brought 344 responses. Analysis demonstrates how MBA studies have provided for individuals and their employers and also some improvements thought necessary by graduates who are now working managers. They responded well to the competences gained during their studies and found a good fit with their needs in their business life. The responses from the study enable potential improvements to the curriculum to be evaluated against the benefits to the graduate’s working life.
Yehuda Baruch and Anne Leeming
The goal of Master Business Administration (MBA) programmes is to add value to its graduates and make them better managers. Reports on a study which provides a comprehensive…
The goal of Master Business Administration (MBA) programmes is to add value to its graduates and make them better managers. Reports on a study which provides a comprehensive evaluation for the impact of an MBA programme of a leading UK business school on the competencies, skills, self‐perception and careers of its graduates. The results demonstrate the value that these MBA studies generate for individuals and their employers. Based on responses of 344 graduates, now working managers, the output of the study clearly indicates the value they have gained from their MBA. This is seen in increased managerial skills, self‐confidence and several aspects of career development.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.
EVERYBODY knows that the housewife's work entails long working hours and occasionally strenuous activity. Consequently the first question confronting the work study physiologist…
EVERYBODY knows that the housewife's work entails long working hours and occasionally strenuous activity. Consequently the first question confronting the work study physiologist is: How high must we rate the physical demand on the housewife?
Kerri Anne Crowne, Richard J. Goeke and Mary Shoemaker
Adjustment to the new locale is one of the primary factors that influence performance on an international assignment. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model that depicts…
Adjustment to the new locale is one of the primary factors that influence performance on an international assignment. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model that depicts how online social networks may contribute to international assignees’ adjustment via their influence on well-being and knowledge transfer.
The present research uses network theory and readily available technology to develop a model of how online supportive social networks and informational social networks may increase the international assignee’s well-being and knowledge transfer (with prior/next assignees and with the organization). These increases will subsequently have a positive impact on the assignee’s adjustment and ultimately his/her job performance.
Since this paper is conceptual rather than empirical, there are no findings; however, it is argued that online social networks may have a positive impact on an expatriate’s well-being, knowledge transfer, adjustment, and job performance.
Research limitations/implications
This paper is a conceptual piece, so data will need to be collected to test the model developed here. Furthermore, other factors may influence international assignee adjustment, such as spouse and/or family adjustment.
Practical implications
Suggestions are provided regarding how organizations can utilize in-house or external online social networks to assist international assignees.
Despite the ubiquity of online social networks, there is a paucity of research examining the potential impact of online social networks on international assignees.
Water‐borne coatings Increasing use of water‐borne emulsion coatings for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and product finishes is requiring greater efficiency in…
Water‐borne coatings Increasing use of water‐borne emulsion coatings for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and product finishes is requiring greater efficiency in coalescing‐aid solvents, an Eastman Chemical Co. representative said at a recent Chicago Society for Coatings Technology meeting. Eastman's Ronald K. Litton said emulsions designed for OEM and industrial applications have higher glass transition temperatures than emulsions used in architectural paints. That requires higher levels of coalescing aid to achieve good film formation. As a result, coalescing‐aid efficiency with a given emulsion system is a key factor, both from environmental (lower‐volatile organic compound (VOC)) and economic standpoints. Several properties should be examined when a coalescing aid is selected for water‐borne emulsion industrial coatings. The formulator should consider the evaporation rate and solubility parameter of the coalescing aid, along with its distribution pattern in a specific emulsion system. Those properties are important in defining the efficiency of a coalescing aid in terms of its ability to lower the minimum film‐forming temperature (MFFT) of an emulsion system. The coalescing aids also must be hydrolytically stable to provide minimum loss of efficiency due to ageing, Litton said. He showed several charts designed to assist formulators in the selection of optimum coalescing aids for emulsion systems. At the same conference, James T.K. Woo of The Glidden Co. discussed the grafting of high‐molecular‐weight epoxy resins with styrene‐methacrylic acid monomers, producing a water‐reducible copolymer. Grafting takes place at the aliphatic carbons of the epoxy resin, according to carbon‐13 NMR spectroscopy. The study was a follow‐up to a paper presented 14 years ago. Woo said recent research indicates that five grafting “peaks” were identified on a 400 megacycle carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy instrument. The paper provided several theoretical calculation on grafting. Three of the graft peaks resulted from grafting at the secondary methylene carbons ‐CH2‐ and two resulted from grafting at the tertiary carbon ‐CH‐. The ratio of grafting at ‐CH2‐ to ‐CH‐appears to be 2.7:1 — lower than the 4:1 ratio of protons present on the aliphatic carbons that are susceptible to hydrogen abstraction leading to grafting. That indicates that the tertiary hydrogen is somwhat more susceptible to grafting than the methylene hydrogens, he said.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
NOW removed to Chaucer House, Malet Place, London, W.O., the Library Association is in its permanent home adjoining University College and the new National Central Library. Some…
NOW removed to Chaucer House, Malet Place, London, W.O., the Library Association is in its permanent home adjoining University College and the new National Central Library. Some strenuous work has yet to be done by the secretary and his staff before the ceremonial opening, but when Chaucer House is completed it should not only facilitate and permit the growth of the work of the Library Association; it should also form a meeting place of great value. We refer not only to meetings of a formal character, although room for these, for council and committee meetings and for examinations will, for the first time in our record, be adequate; we refer rather to the clubbable meetings that have hitherto been rather difficult. For many years librarians have advocated a professional club, where meals might be taken, friends might meet, and some of the social amenities generally be possible. There seems to be an opportunity here; but, clearly, no such club idea can be realized unless there is a definite desire for it, and, what is more, practical use made of it. If the London members dropped in regularly some catering scheme could be arranged which the provincial members could take advantage of too whenever they visited London. Can this be done? Other professions have managed it. It is merely sense to recognise that the provision of refreshments and other necessaries can only be made if there is a regular demand for them which will at least pay their cost.
The question of the best commercial method of retailing milk requires to be dealt with from the various standpoints of the different classes of milk vendors.