Surabhi Verma and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
Understanding the circumstance of an emerging market is often difficult, but technologies, such as internet of things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), cloud computing (CC), are…
Understanding the circumstance of an emerging market is often difficult, but technologies, such as internet of things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), cloud computing (CC), are helping usher in an era in which understanding could be better and more quickly achieved. These technologies could also play a big role in enabling IT revolution in the developing nations to help companies’ market products and services billions of consumers at bottom of the pyramid (BOP). The aim of this paper is to build a conceptual interface of IoT, personal digital assistant (PDA), BDA and CC and the opportunities sprouting from such technologies.
This is a review paper.
Emerging technologies could allow us to study large population of BOP and social workgroups in near-real time to predict individual and group behaviors, coordination challenges, team social dynamics, and performance outcomes. Organizations will be able to find the differences between stated versus revealed preferences by tracking data on mobile applications, social media engagement, purchasing, and consumption. Social network studies could examine the dynamics of formal and informal networks as they form and evolve, as well as their impact on individual, network, and organizational and social behaviors. High-volume but granular data from emerging technologies could tell more about the social behaviors in BOP than current data-collection methods allow and have the potential to transform management theory and practice serving BOP markets. This will have a profound effect in the BOP markets and firms’ engagements.
This is the first attempt to integrate IoT, BDA and CC with micro-foundations of strategy.
Vibhav Singh and Surabhi Verma
The sudden onset of COVID-19 has brought about a watershed moment in the current research across all disciplines. As it has impacted almost all aspects of human existence…
The sudden onset of COVID-19 has brought about a watershed moment in the current research across all disciplines. As it has impacted almost all aspects of human existence, academicians are aggressively trying to understand the phenomenon from multidisciplinary perspectives. In this regard, the present study attempts to provide an in-depth understanding of academia's response pattern in the field of social sciences using a grounded theory literature review and bibliometric analysis.
The present study analyzed 395 research articles on the pandemic phenomenon, yielding five main themes and 11 sub-themes.
The emergent research themes are global impact on public health, the influence of COVID-19 on workplace functioning, global governance in COVID-19, research ethics in scholarly works and the influence of COVID-19 on demography.
Drawing from these themes, the authors provide propositions, policy implications and future research directions.
Surabhi Verma, Vibhav Singh and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
Today, big data (BD) is considered as a crucial investment for firms to stay competitive. However, the human resource (HR) function within small- and medium-sized enterprises…
Today, big data (BD) is considered as a crucial investment for firms to stay competitive. However, the human resource (HR) function within small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been slow to adopt this innovation. Drawing on the organizational learning theory (OLT), this study aims to propose that BD can improve HR functions, especially of SMEs, thereby yielding them a competitive edge.
This study analyzed unstructured data from 41 journal papers, based on which, a conceptual framework was developed. Further, this framework was validated with responses collected from 148 SMEs in India.
Bibliometric analysis and results of partial least squares techniques revealed that better BD quality is needed to improve HR practices, human resource service quality (HRSQ) and innovation competency of SMEs.
Research limitations/implications
This paper contributes to the extant literature by considering strategic management theories such as resource-based view and OLT to evaluate BDA’s effect on organizational functional practices such as HR and HRSQ.
Practical implications
In Indian SMEs, BD quality has a substantial effect on BD HR practices and HRSQ. However, these factors influence can constructively impact SMEs, if SMEs are open to organizational change, whereby they need to develop technical skills and competencies of the HR professionals.
Though BD research works have shown exponential growth in recent times, scholarly empirical research investigating BD’s impact upon human resource management (HRM) is scarce. The present study appraises extant literature on BD in HRM.
Vibhav Singh, Surabhi Verma and Sushil Chaurasia
This study attempts to understand the research clusters and thematic evolution of the topic generational diversity at workplace, over the period of 2001–2009 and 2010–2018…
This study attempts to understand the research clusters and thematic evolution of the topic generational diversity at workplace, over the period of 2001–2009 and 2010–2018. Furthermore, it attempts to identify the key shifts (and convergence) that have taken place in the value system across generational cohorts.
In this context, the first stage of the study involved an in-depth systematic analysis of extant literature on multigenerational workforce between 2001–2009 and 2010–2018 by applying bibliometric analysis. Following an explanatory mix-method approach, the second stage of the study comprised of 32 interviews conducted across generations, exploring the role of ethics at the workplace.
It was revealed that during the period 2001–2009, communication and identification of generational characteristics emerged as the major themes. The 2010–2018 period unraveled four themes of research – retaining and engaging millennials through leadership, generational differences in work values, impact of generational differences on organizational-level variables and generational diversity in education and nursing. The outcome from the second stage showed that work values differ across generations with an emphasis on intrinsic work values, and work values have rather deteriorated, with baby boomers possessing stronger work ethics in comparison to the millennials. Finally, an integrated model for multigenerational workforce has been proposed.
Research limitations/implications
This paper provides significant inputs to the expanding research in the area of work values, as it delves into the principal mechanisms leading to differences in work values among generations.
Bibliometric analysis, which is a quantitative approach to understanding the intellectual structure of a research topic, has been applied to generational diversity at the workplace. This constitutes a novel attempt that can be bracketed as a pertinent contribution to the field.
Sushil S. Chaurasia, Surabhi Verma and Vibhav Singh
The purpose of this study is to develop a model that explains a user’s attitude toward M-payments in India, based on the motivational model and awareness about demonetization…
The purpose of this study is to develop a model that explains a user’s attitude toward M-payments in India, based on the motivational model and awareness about demonetization policy. The study also investigates the validity and differential predictive power of four different M-payment usage models, by considering the effect of improved awareness regarding demonetization policy on the core construct of the motivational model.
The model was tested with survey data from 362 M-payment users using partial least squares. Respondents were M-payment users with significant usage experience.
This study empirically determined that the motivation model and awareness about demonetization policy in M-payment usage after demonetization are connected. As hypothesized, the study found: a positive relationship between extrinsic motivation and intention to use M-payment, positive relationship between awareness about demonetization policy and behavioral intention to use M-payment, positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, positive relationship between awareness about demonetization policy and extrinsic motivation and positive moderation effect of awareness about demonetization policy on the extrinsic motivation-behavioral intention relationships. The hypothesis that awareness about demonetization policy would have a moderating effect on intrinsic motivation–behavioral intention relationship was not supported.
Practical implications
From a practitioner’s perspective, this study underscores the importance of raising sufficient awareness about the demonetization policy as a determinant of users’ willingness to use M-payment services. Mandatory regulations by the government and motivation toward M-payment use can be a good starting point for a cashless economy.
This study makes a needed contribution to the literature by validating the integrated motivation model, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness about the demonetization policy among M-payment users. The model may provide a useful foundation for future research in this area.
Patricia Wolf, Surabhi Verma, Pierre-Yves Kocher, Maximilian Joseph Bernhart and Jens O. Meissner
The interrelationship between organizational learning (OL) and organizational culture (OC) is often assumed at an abstract theoretical level, but there is yet no systematization…
The interrelationship between organizational learning (OL) and organizational culture (OC) is often assumed at an abstract theoretical level, but there is yet no systematization of scholarly knowledge allowing to conceptualize and understand its precise nature. In this article, we therefore ask “How can we, based on the insights from the dispersed research studying OC and OL, conceptualize the interrelationship between the two concepts?” Our purpose is to create an overview on the past development path and the current status of research interrelating OL and OC, to use it as basis for the conceptualization of this interrelationship and to identify avenues for future research.
This article utilized a systematic literature review methodology by combining bibliometric and content analysis using relevant articles identified from the Scopus database. A two-stage literature review research approach was employed: (1) Bibliometric analysis was used to identify 416 relevant contributions and to present a comprehensive contextual picture of the interrelations between OL and OC research by analyzing the 162 most relevant articles. (2) A subsequent qualitative content analysis of the 45 most relevant academic contributions detailed and solidified the insights.
We identify four weakly linked thematic clusters on the interrelationship of OC and OL. Based on that, our analysis confirms the theorized bidirectional relationship between OC and OL: OC acts as antecedent, driver and result of OL processes, and OL processes are constrained by and alter OC. We moreover develop three propositions that put knowledge at the center of scholarly attention for understanding this interrelationship in more depth and develop avenues for future research.
Practical implications
Our research has important implications for managers as it shows that mastering leadership challenges is central for the success of OL processes and OC change. We moreover specify the leadership challenges that relate to particular types of OL processes. Managers need to take this interrelationship into account when setting out for OL or OC change processes, and carefully reflect on whether or not the decided OL measures fit the given OC, and the other way round.
Our contribution to existing research is threefold: It first lies in analytically mapping out the research field, second in conceptualizing the interrelationship between OC and OL and third in identifying open research questions and topics.
Surabhi Verma, Vibhav Singh, Ana Alina Tudoran and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
In this study, we investigated the positive and negative effects of stress that is driven by responsible artificial intelligence (RAI) principles on employee job outcomes by…
In this study, we investigated the positive and negative effects of stress that is driven by responsible artificial intelligence (RAI) principles on employee job outcomes by adapting the challenge–hindrance stressors model.
The study design involved empirically validating the proposed model on 299 respondents who use AI for work-related tasks.
The results revealed several RAI-driven challenge and hindrance stressors related to employees’ positive and negative psychological responses and task performance in a digital workplace. Practitioners could use the RAI characteristics to improve employees’ RAI-driven task performance.
Research limitations/implications
This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on technostress and awareness in the context of RAI in the AI literature. By extending the C-HS model to the RAI context, it complements the context-specific technostress literature by conceptualizing different characteristics of RAI as RAI-driven stressors.
Adoption and use of technologies like RAI are not automatically translated into expected job outcomes. Instead, practitioners and academicians also need to know whether the RAI characteristics actually help employees show positive or negative behavior. Furthermore, relying on the challenge–hindrance stressor (C-HS) model, we try to reveal the beneficial and detrimental effects of different RAI characteristics on employees’ job outcomes.
Surabhi Verma, Sushil S. Chaurasia and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
This study proposed and tested three comprehensive models of the usage intention of proximity mobile payment services after a government regulation, by integrating the theory of…
This study proposed and tested three comprehensive models of the usage intention of proximity mobile payment services after a government regulation, by integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the norm-activation model (NAM). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of moral norms, merchant pro-activeness and perceived government regulation (demonetisation) on users’ continuance intention of proximity mobile payment services.
In total, 387 users of proximity mobile payment services in India were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. This study was carried out with shoppers in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region and New Delhi because of the diverse and large population of these cities.
The results of this study indicated that: integrating the variables of NAM into the original TPB model enhanced the prediction effect; perceived demonetisation regulation exerted a direct determinant effect as well as moderate effect on continuance usage intention of mobile payment services; also, extended TPB model with perceived demonetisation regulation as moderator could satisfactorily predict the continuance usage intention.
Research limitations/implications
The results provided insightful evidence for the government and policymakers to outline more effective mandatory regulation policies.
This investigation attempts to enhance the theoretical understanding of the antecedents of in-store proximity mobile payment services after government regulation (demonetisation) in India.
Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya and Surabhi Verma
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) deliberated regarding business firms' actions for doing well to society and natural environment. Specifically, CSR has been about firms…
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) deliberated regarding business firms' actions for doing well to society and natural environment. Specifically, CSR has been about firms contributions towards stakeholder management. As world economy has prospered over the last couple of centuries, business firms have had also increased its footprints in social landscape. In such a scenario, the roles and responsibilities of business firms have expanded in society. Over the years, CSR as a domain of research and literature has developed into a very potent and rich field. Presently, CSR literature as a body of knowledge has become substantial. The authors in this literature review study attempts to conceptually map this complex field of CSR literature.
The objective of this literature review study was to present a visual mapping of intellectual structure of CSR in five-dimensions and to identify the subfields of CSR research concluded by co-citation analysis. All the citation research documents which were listed in the Web of Knowledge (WoK) database between 1998 and 2019 were analysed. Multivariate analysis was undertaken for the literature review. The study conducted a sequence of statistical analyses comprising of factor analysis, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis.
This literature review research study summarised the contours and status of CSR research by categorizing the CSR literature into five classification factors, namely CSR Drivers CSR, Contextual Grounding of CSR, Historical Legacy of CSR, Strategic CSR and CSR Implementation. Further, based upon the analysis of literature review of extant research in CSR, both the contemporary and imminent CSR-related research themes were also deliberated upon.
Research limitations/implications
The results were helpful for academic scholars of CSR to comprehend both the gamut and focus of CSR literature over the years (between the years 1998 and 2019). The sequence of analyses involved factor, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. CSR literature was categorized into five factors namely- CSR Drivers, Contextual Grounding of CSR, Historical Legacy of CSR, Strategic CSR and CSR Implementation.
This study was one of the first set of studies to review the literature on CSR research articles by using citation, co-citation and social network analysis.
Surabhi Verma and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight about factors affecting Big Data Analytics (BDA) utilization and adoption in Indian firms. Research studies have so far focused…
The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight about factors affecting Big Data Analytics (BDA) utilization and adoption in Indian firms. Research studies have so far focused on BDA adoption in developed economies. This study examines the factors that influence BDA usage and adoption in the context of emerging economies.
This study proposed a theoretical model of factors influencing BDA utilization and adoption. Two independent research streams – first, the top managers’ perceived strategic value (PSV) in BDA and second, the factors that influence the adoption of BDA theoretically – have been integrated with the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework. In the BDA context, there was a theoretical necessity to identify the driver and barriers of BDA from the TOE framework on PSV and adoption of BDA. A qualitative exploratory study using face-to-face semi-structured interviews was carried out to collect data from 22 different enterprises and service providers in India. India was selected as the context as it is one of the fastest growing large economies of the world with huge potential of BDA to improve the business landscape.
The results showed that the major reason behind BDA non-adoption is that the organizations did not realize the strategic value (SV) of BDA, and they were not ready to make the changes because of technological, organizational and environmental difficulties. The findings corroborate previous results about significant factors affecting IT adoption and implementation and provide new and interesting insights. The main factors identified as playing a significant role in organizations’ adoption of BDA were SV of BDA, complexity, compatibility, IT assets, top management support, organization data environment, perceived costs, external pressure and industry type.
Research limitations/implications
The main limitation related to this study is the difficulty in generalizing the findings to a larger population of enterprises. To overcome this, a statistical survey has been planned to be conducted in the future.
Practical implications
The BDA adoption model in this study will have both managerial implications for practitioners in India, as well as those in other developing countries, and academic implications for researchers who are interested in BDA adoption in developing counties, in terms of formulating better strategies for BDA adoption. For managers, using the research model of this study could assist in increasing their understanding of why some organizations choose to adopt BDA, while similar ones facing similar conditions do not. Also, the understanding of the strategic utilization of BDA in different business processes may improve the adoption of BDA in organizations.
This paper contributes in exploring and enhancing the understanding of the factors affecting the utilization and adoption of BDA in organizations from an Indian perspective. This study is an attempt to develop and explore a BDA adoption model by the fusion of PSV and TOE framework. The effect of the three contexts of this framework (technological, organizational and environmental) on the strategic utilization of BDA has been studied for the first time.