Qian Yang, Liping Qian and Xiande Zhao
This study investigates both direct and moderation effects of two dimensions of contract control and information technology governance on platform participants' financial…
This study investigates both direct and moderation effects of two dimensions of contract control and information technology governance on platform participants' financial performance.
Using data collected from 384 platform participants from China's two largest digital platforms, hierarchical regression is used to validate the conceptual model and hypotheses.
The empirical results show that contract completeness and information technology governance independently improved financial performance, while contract enforcement had an inverted U-shaped effect on financial performance. Furthermore, information technology governance amplified the positive effect of contract completeness, but not of contract enforcement, on financial performance.
This study advances the literature on partnership control by showing the interactive role of information technology governance and contract control. It also enriches research on information technology usage by revealing how information technology governance benefits business partnerships. Finally, it extends transaction cost theory by demonstrating that different dimensions of contracts have different effects on governing interfirm relationships.
Liping Qian, Yiyao Wang and Pianpian Yang
This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of control mechanisms in promoting collaborative performance by exploring the moderating effects of formal institutions (government…
This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of control mechanisms in promoting collaborative performance by exploring the moderating effects of formal institutions (government support and legal enforcement in this study) and informal ties (business ties in this study) on the relationship between control mechanisms and collaborative performance.
A conceptual model is developed with the direct effects of contractual execution and relational norms on collaborative performance and the moderating effects of government support, legal enforcement and business ties on the above relationships. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses based on 393 responses from Chinese computer and computer components distributors.
The empirical results generally support the conceptual model. First, consistent with most previous studies, both contractual execution and relational norms contribute to collaborative performance. Second, government support and business ties weaken the role of contractual execution, whereas legal enforcement strengthens it. Third, business ties enhance the effects of relational norms, and, unexpectedly, government support also fosters the relationship between relational norms and collaborative performance.
First, this study solves the problem of conflicting findings on the relationship between contract and performance by examining the effect of contractual execution, rather than contract design, on collaborative performance. Second, this study contributes to institutional theory by examining the moderating role of formal institutions. Third, this study deepens the understanding of the role of business ties by exploring its moderating effect on the relationship between control mechanisms and collaborative performance.
Pianpian Yang, Liping Qian and Songyue Zheng
The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of the role of contracts in channel relationships. Treating contracts as a multidimensional construct, this study…
The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of the role of contracts in channel relationships. Treating contracts as a multidimensional construct, this study examines the effects of contractual issue inclusiveness and contractual obligatoriness on performance and opportunism, as well as the moderating effects of relational norms on the above relationships.
Based on the data of 206 samples collected from distributors of house furnishing, computer and computer components, moderated regression is used to test the hypotheses.
The empirical test generally supports the conceptual model and provides three findings. First, contractual issue inclusiveness is more profound in enhancing relationship performance than contractual obligatoriness, and contractual obligatoriness is more statistically powerful in mitigating opportunism than contractual issue inclusiveness. Second, relational norms can enhance the positive effect of contractual issue inclusiveness but not contractual obligatoriness on performance. Third, relational norms can strengthen the negative effect of contractual obligatoriness but not contractual issue inclusiveness on opportunism.
Research limitations/implications
First, this study investigates only contractual issue inclusiveness and contractual obligatoriness, and future studies should consider other dimensions of contracts. Second, the influence of external environment is not considered in the model. Third, data from Chinese distributors limit the generalization of conclusions. Finally, data come only from buyers, and suppliers’ viewpoints are not included.
Practical implications
The results provide a framework for managers to use contracts and relational norms. Managers should pay attention to the alignment between contractual dimensions and firm objectives because various dimensions of contracts have different impacts on channel relationships.
Prior research has documented contracts’ role in coordinating channel relationships but has not achieved consistent conclusions on contracts’ effectiveness. Furthermore, extant research indicates that channel members will use contracts and relational norms simultaneously but has conflicting views on the combined effects of these two control mechanisms. The study contributes by addressing these issues.
Qian Yang, Liping Qian and Xiande Zhao
This paper assesses whether communication via interpersonal and IT channels accounts for short-term financial performance and long-term orientation and how these effects are…
This paper assesses whether communication via interpersonal and IT channels accounts for short-term financial performance and long-term orientation and how these effects are influenced by contract completeness and technology usage in platform builder-platform participant relationships.
The conceptual model and hypotheses are validated through a moderated regression of 384 survey responses from platform participant.
The empirical results indicate that interpersonal and IT-enabled communication contribute to both short-term financial gains and long-term orientation. The coexistence of interpersonal communication and IT-enabled communication has a synergetic effect on long-term orientation. Contract completeness positively moderates the effect of interpersonal communication on short-term performance while negatively moderating its effect on long-term orientation. Furthermore, contract completeness undermines the effect of IT-enabled communication on short-term performance. Technology usage enhances the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in generating long-term orientation.
First, diverging from the extant research treating communication as a single dimension construct, this study differentiates communication on media channels and shows their separate and synergetic effects on short-term performance and long-term orientation. Second, our empirical findings indicate that the effects of communication are influenced by governance practices, which extends the communication literature. Third, previous studies have presented conflicting results concerning the role of governance mechanisms in inter-firm relationships. By showing that governance mechanisms also either support or suppress communication in generating performance for platform participants, this study extends the existing research on governance mechanisms. Finally, by regarding technology usage as a transactional governance mechanism, this study furthers our understanding of the role of technology in interfirm relationships.
Tao Zhang and Liping Qian
This study aims to enhance our understanding of how advanced IT improves the efficiency of contract governance in mitigating partners' opportunistic behaviors in interfirm…
This study aims to enhance our understanding of how advanced IT improves the efficiency of contract governance in mitigating partners' opportunistic behaviors in interfirm cooperation and the moderating effects of boundary spanners' personal relationships and cooperative orientation.
Contract governance is divided into two subdimensions: contract completeness and contract execution safeguards. Then, the hypotheses are examined using partial least squares–based structural equation modeling based on survey data collected from manufacturers in supply chain relationships.
The results first demonstrate that advanced IT can improve efficiency in both the design of complete contracts and the provision of contract execution safeguards. Second, the results also show that both the personal relationships between boundary spanners and the cooperative orientation of the firm have different moderating effects. Finally, contract execution safeguards are effective in mitigating partners' opportunistic behaviors, whereas contract completeness is not.
This study enriches the contract governance literature in two ways. First, it unveils how advanced IT improves the efficiency of contract governance and the effects of two contingent factors (i.e. personal relationships and cooperative orientation), thus extending the research on contract governance. Second, it reveals the different effects of contract completeness and contract execution safeguards on partners' opportunistic behaviors, thus deepening our understanding of the role of contracts in interfirm cooperation.
Songyue Zheng, Liping Qian and Pianpian Yang
This study examined how the technological (tech) advantage and market advantage of new products influence the level of formal channel governance and, in turn, affect the success…
This study examined how the technological (tech) advantage and market advantage of new products influence the level of formal channel governance and, in turn, affect the success of new products in the presence of relational governance.
The hypotheses are tested using the partial least squares approach to analyse survey data collected from 392 retailers of customer goods in China.
The results indicate that tech advantage and market advantage lead to an increase in retailers' transaction-specific investments (TSIs) and contract explicitness, respectively; the positive effect of market advantage on a retailer's TSIs will gradually decrease and will even become negative beyond a certain point. The relational governance mechanism can substitute for the effects of contract explicitness on improving new product success.
This research provides a new perspective for understanding new product advantage and exerts an initial effort to empirically distinguish between tech advantage and market advantage. It enriches the innovation literature by examining the governance of new product launches through retailers and explores the effects of formal and informal governance on channel cooperation performance in the new product launch stage.
Liping Qian, Pianpian Yang and Yao Li
The purpose of this study is to reconcile the positive, non-significant and even negative effects of guanxi on firm performance from two aspects. First, it explores the linear and…
The purpose of this study is to reconcile the positive, non-significant and even negative effects of guanxi on firm performance from two aspects. First, it explores the linear and curvilinear relationships between guanxi and distinct performance dimensions. Second, it examines the moderating effects of both exchange-related behavioral risk (reflected by contract enforcement in this study) and market-related environmental risk (reflected by market turbulence in this study) on the above relationship.
Based on data for 206 samples collected from distributors of house furnishings, computers and their components, a moderated regression is used to test the hypotheses.
The empirical test generally supports the conceptual model and demonstrates three findings. First, guanxi has a linear, positive effect on financial performance and an inverted U-shaped effect on strategic performance. Second, contract enforcement decreases the effect of guanxi on financial performance and enhances its effect on strategic performance. Third, market turbulence enhances the effect of guanxi on financial performance and weakens its effect on strategic performance.
Research limitations/implications
First, this study collects data only from China. Future studies should collect data from other emerging markets to allow for either model validation or cross-country comparisons. Second, the data come only from buyers, and suppliers’ viewpoints are not included. Third, in addition to contract enforcement and market turbulence, other important contingencies should be considered in the guanxi–performance link.
Practical implications
The results provide important implications for managers to manage guanxi in an emerging economy. Managers should be very clear about their primary goal (i.e. pursuing short-term financial revenue or long-term strategic targets); next, they should understand how to match guanxi with various levels of contract enforcement and market turbulence to achieve that goal.
First, prior research has documented guanxi’s role in channel relationships, but it has not achieved consistent conclusions. Second, although existing studies have analyzed the contingencies of guanxi at the firm level, market level and institutional level, another important contingency “the dyadic relationship condition” is rarely considered. Third, although the extant research has realized the value of guanxi contingent on various market conditions, conflicting views exist. This study contributes by addressing these issues.
Yi Liu and Hengyuan Zhang
Chinese marketing scholars have been studying marketing channel strategies for the past 20 years. However, the emergence of the internet and the digital economy has led to new…
Chinese marketing scholars have been studying marketing channel strategies for the past 20 years. However, the emergence of the internet and the digital economy has led to new marketing channels and practices that question the usefulness of this existing body of research, challenging Chinese marketing scholars specialized in channel strategy who are limited by path-dependent foundations and methods. This article reviews the research on marketing channel strategies by Chinese scholars, identifies the challenges posed by new channels and practices, and proposes some strategies for addressing these challenges.
This study systematically summarizes the research on marketing channel strategies published by Chinese scholars in English or Chinese in the past 20 years. Including articles published in either English-language or Chinese-language marketing journals allows this review to summarize the overall current state of marketing channel strategy research.
The theory and research methods used in studies of marketing channel strategies are relatively mature, and the field is saturated. However, the development of e-commerce and online channels have changed the structure of offline marketing channels, making Chinese scholars of marketing channel strategies to necessarily change Chinese scholars' thinking, methods, and research topics. Scholars from the fields of e-commerce, information system management, and big data are now conducting research on marketing channels. Chinese scholars who study marketing channel strategies need to establish and develop novel approaches to researching these new phenomena and practices.
This article analyzes the challenges faced by Chinese scholars who study marketing channel strategies and provides suggestions for future research in the area. The findings will assist in the development of research on new online and offline channel phenomena in the era of the internet and the digital economy.
Junbing Qian, Liping Bao and Chuankun Ji
Precision active vibration isolation system (AVIS) is crucial for the mechanical processing equipment in the field of precision manufacturing. Working reliability and efficiency…
Precision active vibration isolation system (AVIS) is crucial for the mechanical processing equipment in the field of precision manufacturing. Working reliability and efficiency of the system directly influence operating condition of the equipment and the quality of work pieces.
A complete structure of the AVIS includes two parts: the excitation part and the passive vibration isolation system (PVIS). The excitation part consists of voice coil motors (VCMs). In this paper, the working process of AVIS is studied particularly via linear simplification on the decoupling model and the mechanical dynamic equations to solve the vibration problem, and they are validated by the experiments.
According to dynamic analysis and experiment on an AVIS on different reference points, the VCMs are used as actuators in the AVIS to excite the PVIS, and the performance characteristics of the whole AVIS is well reflected by the amplitude–frequency curves, the bode diagrams and the power spectral density curves.
This study has provided a way for obtaining the inner structure and working condition of the AVIS, which are essential to better control of the AVIS and to further study it in precision manufacturing application.
Ahmed Riahi‐Belkaoui and Fouad K. Alnajjar
Summarizes previous research on the links between multinationality and earnings persistence and presents a study which applies the autoregressive, integrated, moving‐average time…
Summarizes previous research on the links between multinationality and earnings persistence and presents a study which applies the autoregressive, integrated, moving‐average time series model to 1990‐1999 data on the largest US multinationals. Explains the methodology and presents the results, which show a negative relationship between the level of multinationality and earnings persistence measures. Puts this down to a negative link between multinationality and performance; and reduced risk through international diversification and profit stabilization.