L.F. Russell, K.A. Sanford, S.O. Gaul, J. Haskett, E.M. Johnston, K.B. McRae and R. Stark
This paper aims to examine the effect of selected calcium salts on the colour, clarity and calcium content of fortified apple juice in extended storage.
This paper aims to examine the effect of selected calcium salts on the colour, clarity and calcium content of fortified apple juice in extended storage.
Apple juice was fortified with calcium lactate, calcium lactate gluconate, or anhydrous calcium gluconate and was processed along with an unfortified control juice. The bottled product was stored at 3 and 18°C for 30 weeks, and was assessed for calcium ion concentration, colour and haze. Consumer acceptance of the juices was confirmed using sensory evaluation.
Anhydrous calcium gluconate and calcium lactate gluconate are easily dissolved in apple juice and are as acceptable to consumers as the unfortified control juice. All three calcium salts remain in solution in apple juice after 30 weeks of storage.
The paper shows that, unlike a number of commercially marketed, calcium‐fortified beverages, these calcium salts stayed in solution in apple juice during extended storage. The ease of dissolution of anhydrous calcium gluconate and calcium lactate gluconate make them excellent candidates for commercial processing; their incorporation should cause minimal disruption to existing apple juice production practices.
L Aranganathan and Radhika Rajasree S.R.
The purpose of this paper is to deal with utilization of marine trash fish (MTF) in the production of organic liquid fertilizer for effective solid waste management in urban…
The purpose of this paper is to deal with utilization of marine trash fish (MTF) in the production of organic liquid fertilizer for effective solid waste management in urban locations.
Chopped MTF was treated with molasses and allowed to bacterial degradation. Spectroscopic tools – FT-IR and GC-MS were employed to characterize the biomolecules were employed to characterize the biomolecules. Nutrient content in final organic liquid fertilizer was estimated by physico-chemical analysis. The liquid fertilizer was treated to soil and applied as a foliar spray on leaves of Tomato plants and growth parameters such as height of plants (cm), number of leaves and diameter of leaves (cm) were monitored.
MTF was converted to organic liquid fertilizer using Bacillus subtilis. GC-MS analysis of the final product detected presence of fatty acids that could enrich organic carbon (OC) upon soil application. The final product possesses various organic nutrients to assist plant growth. Tomato plants treated with 5 and 10 per cent organic fertilizer showed highest height than plants treated with chemical fertilizer.
Urban solid waste management is essentially required in developing countries to reduce its impact on the environment and this approach would be helpful for effective utilization of MTF in organic agriculture.
Hazel McBride and Carol Ireland
– The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of coping style, self-efficacy, resilience and emotional reaction of trauma-related intrusions in young offenders.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of coping style, self-efficacy, resilience and emotional reaction of trauma-related intrusions in young offenders.
This is a quantitative study using questionnaires. The sample was 152 young offenders in custody who were approached in their residential hall. Upon agreeing to participate they were given 24 hours to complete the questionnaire pack and returned these to the researcher at a designated time and place.
Over 90 per cent of the sample indicated at least one traumatic event; 33.6 per cent indicated eight or more. Number of traumatic events did not impact on self-efficacy, resilience or coping strategy used. The type of coping strategy did not significantly impact on emotional reaction to intrusions across trauma groups. Participants with higher self-efficacy demonstrated greater problem-focused coping and less emotional reaction to intrusions. Participants with greater resilience scores utilised more problem and emotion-focused coping and experienced less emotional reaction to their intrusions. Resilience was predicted by self-efficacy and emotional reaction to intrusions.
Practical implications
Professionals working with young offenders with trauma-related intrusions should focus on building strengths in the areas of problem-focused coping, self-efficacy and resilience.
This paper adds to the literature on trauma in male young offenders by looking at psychological factors which could be developed upon to improve ability to manage intrusive thoughts.
Maria Thereza Medeiros Fernandes, Wilma Fabiana Ferreira da Silva, Romayana Medeiros Oliveira Tavares, Breno Gustavo Porfírio Bezerra, Rodrigo Antônio Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho and Karla Suzanne Florentino da Silva Chaves Damasceno
The study aims to analyze the composition and mineral profile of oyster shell powder (OSP) and assess its potential as a sustainable source of calcium.
The study aims to analyze the composition and mineral profile of oyster shell powder (OSP) and assess its potential as a sustainable source of calcium.
A total of two batches of OSP with different particle sizes had been evaluated for centesimal and mineral composition and microbiological quality. OSP with smaller particles (0.85 mm) was used in the production of bread: standard bread (SB) (0%), fortified bread (FB1) (3%) and FB2 (4%). Centesimal and mineral composition and sensory acceptance had been performed. The internal preference map had been constructed using principal component analysis. The Just About Right data and the influence of sensory attributes on bread acceptance had been assessed by a penalty analysis test.
OSP-0.85 mm had calcium content (478.47 ± 2.37 mg.g-1) lower than OSP-1.00 mm (521.15 ± 0.99 mg.g-1) due to retention of particles. In both batches, heavy metals such as chromium, nickel and copper had not detected. FB1 and FB2 had the best nutritional content compared to SB, with higher calcium content (mg.g-1) 0.69 ± 0.07; 13.76 ± 0.72 and 19.47 ± 1.99 for SB, FB1 and FB2, respectively. The internal preference map showed better acceptance of FB1 compared to FB2. The penalty test showed that this acceptance was penalized (p < 0.05) due to the sandy texture.
The large number of shells generated in the processing of oysters is an environmental problem and generates waste of a natural source of calcium. It has been demonstrated that oyster shell powder can be used as a natural and sustainable source of calcium in bread, requiring further studies to assess the bioavailability of calcium.
Public external examinations were woven into the fabric of the education system of New South Wales (NSW) during the first three decades of the 20th century. By the late 1920s…
Public external examinations were woven into the fabric of the education system of New South Wales (NSW) during the first three decades of the 20th century. By the late 1920s examination results had become the fetish and goal of most teachers and pupils in the state. In the early 1930s a reaction to this state of affairs developed; examination reform became a lively issue of debate. Central to the debate was the issue of the examination which marked the close of general adolescent education: the Intermediate Certificate (IC) examination. The agitation for IC modification began in the 1930s and did not cease until the 1960s. It began in the dissatisfaction of the 1930s, developed through the 1940s when opinion crystallized, survived the stagnation in educational reform of the late 1940s and early 1950s, quickly revived during the professional and public discussion surrounding the hearing and deliberations of the Committee Appointed to Survey Secondary Education in New South Wales (Wyndham Committee) and finally ceased with its abolition in the mid 1960s.
Annie Haver, Espen Olsen and Kristin Akerjordet
This study aims to test a theoretical research model specifying how two emerging job stressors, i.e. centralized authority and reporting requirements, influence hotel managers’…
This study aims to test a theoretical research model specifying how two emerging job stressors, i.e. centralized authority and reporting requirements, influence hotel managers’ well-being. A mediated model through reappraisal is hypothesized.
The model was tested on 600 Norwegian and Swedish hotel managers using a questionnaire survey (72 per cent response rate). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analyses, correlation and structural equation modeling, which included bootstrapping.
Job stressors were negatively related to well-being, whereas reappraisal had a positive influence on well-being. A positive relationship was found between reporting requirements and reappraisal, while the opposite appeared for centralized authority. A negative mediating role of reappraisal existed in the relationship between centralized authority and well-being, while there was a positive one in the relationship between reporting requirements and well-being.
Practical implications
The findings will have important implications for management practices, as they illuminate how job stressors reduce well-being on the one hand and how reappraisal positively influences well-being on the other. This knowledge indicates that reappraisal is important for well-being when faced with stressful environments. The findings illustrate the importance of controlling stress in the managerial environment, and for hotel managers to maintain the ability to reappraise.
The study advances the knowledge of the managerial role, as well as the importance of reappraisal and well-being. This is the first empirical study among hotel managers testing a research model that illustrates how job stressors and reappraisal influence well-being.
Haotian Hu, Dongbo Wang and Sanhong Deng
The citation counts are an important indicator of scholarly impact. The purpose of this paper is to explore the correlation between citations of scientific articles and writing…
The citation counts are an important indicator of scholarly impact. The purpose of this paper is to explore the correlation between citations of scientific articles and writing styles of abstracts in papers and capture the characteristics of highly cited papers' abstracts.
This research selected 10,000 highly cited papers and 10,000 zero-cited papers from the WOS (2008-2017) database. The Coh-Metrix 3.0 textual cohesion analysis tool was used to quantify the 108 language features of highly cited and zero-cited paper abstracts. The differences of the indicators with significant differences were analyzed from four aspects: vocabulary, sentence, syntax and readability.
The abstracts of highly cited papers contain more complex and professional words, more adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and personal pronouns, but fewer nouns and verbs. The sentences in the abstracts of highly cited papers are more complex and the sentence length is relatively longer. The syntactic structure in abstracts of highly cited papers is relatively more complex and syntactic similarities between sentences are fewer. Highly cited papers' abstracts are less readable than zero-cited papers' abstracts.
This study analyses the differences between the abstracts of highly cited and those of zero-cited papers, reveals the common external and deep semantic features of highly cited papers in abstract writing styles, provide suggestions for researchers on abstract writing. These findings can help increase the scientific impact of articles and improve the review efficiency as well as the researchers' abstract writing skills.
Joanie Caron, Hugo Asselin, Jean-Michel Beaudoin and Doïna Muresanu
While companies in developed countries are increasingly turning to indigenous employees, integration measures have met with mixed results. Low integration can lead to breach of…
While companies in developed countries are increasingly turning to indigenous employees, integration measures have met with mixed results. Low integration can lead to breach of the psychological contract, i.e. perceived mutual obligations between employee and employer. The purpose of this paper is to identify how leadership and organizational integration measures can be implemented to promote the perceived insider status (PIS) of indigenous employees, thereby fostering fulfillment of the psychological contract.
A search for relevant literature yielded 128 texts used to identify integration measures at the level of employee–supervisor relationships (leader-member exchanges, inclusive leadership) and at the level of employee–organization relationships (perceived organizational support, pro-diversity practices).
Measures related to leadership included recruiting qualified leaders, understanding cultural particularities, integrating diverse contributions and welcoming questions and challenges. Organizational measures included reaching a critical mass of indigenous employees, promoting equity and participation, developing skills, assigning meaningful tasks, maintaining good work relationships, facilitating work-life balance, providing employment security, fostering support from communities and monitoring practices.
While PIS has been studied in western and culturally diverse contexts, it has received less attention in indigenous contexts. Yet, some indigenous cultural values are incompatible with the basic assumptions of mainstream theories. Furthermore, colonial policies and capitalist development have severely impacted traditional indigenous economic systems. Consequently, indigenous people are facing many barriers to employment in ways that often differ from the experiences of other minority groups.
Christine Irvine and Sonia Mawhinney
As rates of dangerous drinking increase, services must improve their understanding of the needs of people with alcohol‐related brain damage such as Korsakoff syndrome (KS). This…
As rates of dangerous drinking increase, services must improve their understanding of the needs of people with alcohol‐related brain damage such as Korsakoff syndrome (KS). This study looked at indications of change in key functioning areas for four people with KS living in a new supported living environment. The research highlighted the individualised and complex needs of people with KS and suggests that three specific factors may influence changes in functioning.