Penny Snow and Elizabeth Moody
The paper sets out the work of the Mental Health Unit, part of the Health and Offender Partnerships Directorate. It explains the functions of the Unit in advising and taking…
The paper sets out the work of the Mental Health Unit, part of the Health and Offender Partnerships Directorate. It explains the functions of the Unit in advising and taking decisions on behalf of the Home Secretary in exercising his powers in relation to dangerous mentally disordered offenders. It also sets out the work of the Unit in relation to the new Mental Health Bill. The Unit's role in developing Government policy in relation to mentally disordered offenders is not covered here.
Wherever one meets farmers, in a representative or private capacity, the same impression is left upon one's mind. The business of farming cannot go on long as things are. In…
Wherever one meets farmers, in a representative or private capacity, the same impression is left upon one's mind. The business of farming cannot go on long as things are. In solemn tones, one is assured that “something must be done to help matters.” A close survey of past experiences leads agriculturists to expect little from Parliament, and there is an increasing disposition to explore what little fresh ground may remain in an attempt to obtain relief from an impossible position—impossible because of its prolongation rather than its passing severity. The idea seems to be to turn to the markets and systems of marketing, without, of course, neglecting the basic business of production. It is on the farms that the foundations of success are laid, and that fact will not be overlooked. But recent years have shown that something more than a foundation is necessary to ensure prosperity, or even to permit of endurance. The few adverse farming years, marked by a lack of sun, that preceded 1928 tended to obscure the issue, but the brilliant summer and autumn of the present year disclosed the fact that production was not the root cause of trouble in British farming, and showed that it was in the markets that the difficulties originated and developed. The lessons of the current year are clear and definite and, recognising the force of this exposure of crippling evils, and the possible line for remedial measures, agriculturists, with a unanimity that gives weight and encouraging significance to the suggested action, have resolved to direct their energies and inquiries into new channels. Instead of confining their attentions to their own deficiencies, and striving to discover on the farm remedies for the troubles that afflict them, they are determined to extend their investigations into the markets. They have not acted in haste in resolving upon this line of procedure. On the contrary, they have long been blamed for not paying greater attention to their markets—for not studying more carefully what the best buyers required, and for not establishing facilities for reaching the best markets more directly and at less cost to themselves. There appears to be no one supreme authority through which a move could be made to establish better and more equitable conditions for the marketing of home‐grown produce. In the absence of such a body or Department, it is suggested that the Empire Marketing Board might be induced, or enabled, to come to the assistance of farmers in their efforts to improve their position in their own markets. The Ministry of Agriculture has done good service already, and may achieve still better results; but greater concentration is needed in some directions than has yet been attempted. The Empire Marketing Board may be restricted in the manner in which it can render help, but if its sphere of action could be extended to permit of its giving definite information concerning the relative values of alternative supplies of food, the Board would do a great work both for home agriculture and the consuming public. Existing institutions have not given satisfaction to British farmers in so far as their inquiries into matters of this kind have been directed and carried out up till now. Producers and consumers are left in ignorance regarding the relative merits of home and oversea foods of various kinds. The idea that obtains among thinking farmers is that such inquiries as have been made have been planned to favour their competitors. Whether or not such an impression has any justification may be disputed, but it is surely unwise to allow the impression to remain for want of evidence to the contrary. The Ministry of Health has not disproved this view of things, and home producers are becoming impatient with the manner in which their interests are considered in high quarters. The Ministry of Agriculture, it is believed, is working with diligence and wisdom to the limit of its powers, but the opinion is gaining ground that the Empire Marketing Board is the only hope of straightening out things on an equitable basis that would give justice to the producers in the home country. Marketing business need not be interpreted too literally or narrowly. The realisation of produce does not consist merely in placing goods on the market. The grading and classification of commodities would certainly come within the scope of prudent trade development. The suggestion is that the Empire Marketing Board might devote attention to investigations into the nutritive values of foods from different sources, not as they leave the country of production but as they are delivered to consumers in this country. There is wide scope for useful inquiry in this direction. No strong case for investigation might exist concerning articles such as wheat, which presumably do not deteriorate in transit. But in the case of meat, dairy produce, and other perishable commodities, it is believed that the treatment to which the articles have to be subjected to permit of travel affects their food value. It may be contended that chemical evidence exists to satisfy the authorities on this point already. But experienced stockowners, for instance, who have studied the feeding of their herds and flocks, will not accept analytical results as infallible proof. They insist that there should be actual demonstrations of food values. The Empire Marketing Board would do a great service if it could make good this deficiency on the part of the older authorities in respect to human food. It would be easy to suggest suitable lines for research and practical trials. There is, for example, the difference between fresh and chilled or frozen meat; between fresh and tinned milk; between fresh and synthetic cream. The question is far more urgent than appears to be imagined in Government centres. If the results should be different from what home producers expect or could wish, the position would be so much the worse for them. But they have reached a point in their fight against what they believe to be unequal opposition when they prefer to know the worst.—“The Times.”
Jurai Darongkamas, David Dobel-Ober, Beth Moody, Rachel Wakelin and Somia Saddique
Improvement is sorely needed to the National Health Service (NHS) care for people with trauma induced emotional regulation and interpersonal relational difficulties (TIERI)…
Improvement is sorely needed to the National Health Service (NHS) care for people with trauma induced emotional regulation and interpersonal relational difficulties (TIERI), currently labelled as a variant of personality disorder [PD; borderline personalty disorder/emotionally unstable personality disorder (BPD/EUPD)]. This study aims to improve staff training.
A mixed-methods evaluation demonstrated the benefits of offering 495 staff three-day trainings with a clinician-designed, unique training package.
Statistically significant improvements were reported in both staff confidence and optimism when dealing with people with a diagnosis of PD (PWDPD) and scores on the Helping Alliance questionnaire. No statistically significant changes in social attitude resulted. Qualitative data shows negative descriptions generated by staff decreased post-training with an increase in positive and neutral descriptions. The responses generated six different themes: resources, client demand, medical model, emotional, human and positive rewards. Differing proportions were found pre and post-training.
Research limitations/implications
This was a clinical-world evaluation, not a formal research project. Different pairs/combinations of experienced clinicians (predominantly clinical psychologists) acted as trainers. Some minor variation occurred within the training package used and presentation.
Practical implications
Given the expense of staff time and resources, this evaluation shows the resultant positive changes achieved. TIERI staff about the difficulties experienced by PWDPD and how to negotiate the relational dynamic is essential. Training helps improve staff perception of the people involved, improves staff confidence and promotes better therapeutic alliances (key to providing the relational and trauma work needed). Ongoing supervision is likely needed post-training.
Positive changes resulted from a mixed-methods evaluation of three-day trainings by using a specially designed training package.
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the…
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the Afro‐American experience and to show the joys, sorrows, needs, and ideals of the Afro‐American woman as she struggles from day to day.
Once a taboo subject, death and dying has been considered not only a possible but a healthy topic of discussion since the pioneering work of Dr. Elizabeth Kübler‐Ross with dying…
Once a taboo subject, death and dying has been considered not only a possible but a healthy topic of discussion since the pioneering work of Dr. Elizabeth Kübler‐Ross with dying patients in Chicago beginning in 1965. Since then, the widely publicized court case of the comatose young Karen Ann Quinlan, the growth of the hospice movement, and the rise of groups asserting a person's right to choose the moment and manner of death rather than undergo the prolonged suffering of terminal illness have fueled public interest. Media attention reflects this increasing public awareness—the popular 60 Minutes televised interviews with both hospice people and supporters of the right‐to‐die; a “Dear Abby” newspaper column drew over 40,000 requests to the Society for the Right to Die for information on living wills.
Kristin Stewart, Matt Kammer-Kerwick, Hyeseung Elizabeth Koh and Isabella Cunningham
This paper aims to develop a framework for understanding consumers’ response to digital advertising using the affect transfer hypotheses and incorporating search behaviors. The…
This paper aims to develop a framework for understanding consumers’ response to digital advertising using the affect transfer hypotheses and incorporating search behaviors. The paper also offers future research suggestions.
A quantitative approach is used in this paper by conducting survey research on a research panel. Structural equation model with multi-group comparisons is conducted. The research is conducted using a general US population sample.
Findings demonstrate that the affect transfer hypothesis is sufficient to enhance extant understanding of consumers’ response to digital advertising, but the incorporation of search intentions into the model improves the explanatory power.
To date, little research in digital marketing has studied search intentions and less has done so in the context of digital video advertising. Interestingly, theory from a more traditional domain can lends support for the authors hypotheses.
The purpose of this paper is to argue for an archaeological expedition of sorts, to search for and to uncover a host of stories which might assist us in piecing together a…
The purpose of this paper is to argue for an archaeological expedition of sorts, to search for and to uncover a host of stories which might assist us in piecing together a framework worth dedicating our future lives to understanding ageing.
This is a theoretical paper on ageing.
An individual's experience of ageing is integrally bound to questions of culture – particularly the systems of meaning within culture – and context. Just as there is not “one true story of aging”, so the paper suggests that we must have multiple narratives to assist us in building our own models of successful ageing.
Narratives of successful ageing, like all narratives, are never told in a vacuum. Rather, there must be those who are able to hear them, often stretching themselves beyond their own experiences, even beyond their own cultural frameworks. This has strong implications for researchers of successful ageing: together, we must try to meet the challenge of listening to diversity.
Elizabeth Goryunova and Daniel M. Jenkins
While scholars recognize that digital technology is a major tool employed by contemporary learners to access knowledge, its full capacity is yet to be utilized. This paper…
While scholars recognize that digital technology is a major tool employed by contemporary learners to access knowledge, its full capacity is yet to be utilized. This paper investigates opportunities to increase individual learning engagement and knowledge retention in higher education and corporate environments through integrating educational content with innovative digital technology. Currently, within commonly adopted e-learning platforms, the most utilized online content delivery and student progress assessment tools in leadership education appear to be discussion-based instruction, along with written assignments, and research projects (Jenkins, 2016). To inform leadership educators’ choice in innovative tools for increased effectiveness of instruction, this paper shares an experience of delivering integrated global leadership education pedagogical content (i.e., cross-cultural competency instruction for graduate management class at a U.S.-based public university) within a gamified real-time multiuser learning platform—MyAltis—and discusses implications for leadership education.
LIBRARIANS, unlike the Surveyors and others, have not added “Royal” to their Association's title, yet the Library Association is one of the few, and now one of the venerable…
LIBRARIANS, unlike the Surveyors and others, have not added “Royal” to their Association's title, yet the Library Association is one of the few, and now one of the venerable, societies which draw their Charter Straight from the King. More than that, after we had enjoyed fifty‐three years with such Status, our King became our Patron, and the Consort of the Heir‐Apparent actually our President. It is in this proud position that we may share specially the sense of loss which the untimely death of George VI has caused in the world. Whether his patronage will be extended by his successor or not, we cannot be deprived of the consciousness of privilege which his recognition created, and we pay homage to the fine memory of him who bestowed it. Libraries are places wherein memories endure; our shelves prove that the most brilliant eras have been those with Queens‐Regnant. All who work in them are the loyal servants of the new, youthful Queen Elizabeth, who will be as much Queen of Hearts in her own time as was her namesake four centuries ago.
Elizabeth Breeze, Nicola Jean Hart, Dag Aarsland, Catherine Moody and Carol Brayne
– The purpose of this paper is to scope potential and gaps in European cohort studies with focus on brain ageing and neurodegeneration.
The purpose of this paper is to scope potential and gaps in European cohort studies with focus on brain ageing and neurodegeneration.
Combined and augmented two scoping exercises conducted for European Union Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND) and the Alzheimer Society UK.
In total, 106 cohorts initially identified with a further 52 found on second sweep. Strengths include gender balance, diversity of measures and much detail on health and health behaviours, and lifecourse representation. Major gaps identified were the oldest old, non-Caucasians, people in Eastern Europe, migrant populations, rural residents and people in long-term care. Quality of life, psychosocial and environmental factors were limited. Relatively few cohorts are population representative. Analytical methods for combining studies and longitudinal analysis require careful consideration.
Research limitations/implications
European studies and published information only.
Practical implications
Collaboration across disciplines and studies, greater dissemination of methods and findings will improve knowledge about cognitive and functional decline in current and future older populations.
Social implications
Better understanding of brain ageing and the dementia syndrome will improve investment decisions for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Building on the work of JPND and the Alzheimer Society is the first study of the scope and limitations of current cohorts in Europe. It is designed to help researchers and policy makers in their planning.