Ana Sabino, Sónia P. Gonçalves and Francisco Cesário
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of organizational cynicism on prosocial voice and defensive silence and to verify the mediating role of workplace…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of organizational cynicism on prosocial voice and defensive silence and to verify the mediating role of workplace bullying in these relationships.
A cross-sectional survey design with a sample of 205 individuals was used in this study.
The hypotheses were confirmed as organizational cynicism plays a significant and negative influence on prosocial voice and a significant and positive influence on defensive silence. In addition, workplace bullying partially mediates both relationships.
This study contributes to a deeper understanding of organizational cynicism and workplace bullying influences on prosocial voice and defensive silence. It investigates a relationship that, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, has not been studied yet. It also contributes to the discussion regarding the close relationship between prosocial voice and defensive silence.
Ana Sabino, Fernanda Nogueira and Francisco Cesário
Individuals’ intentional responses to declining job satisfaction have been associated with the EVLN model. Employees’ silence, as an independent construct, can be understood as an…
Individuals’ intentional responses to declining job satisfaction have been associated with the EVLN model. Employees’ silence, as an independent construct, can be understood as an individual, intentional and deliberate decision to retain important information for the organization. The purpose of this paper is to analyze employees’ silence, which can be understood as a fifth individual response to job satisfaction declining, along with the remaining four responses proposed in the EVLN model. It is proposed as an extension to the original model through the introduction of employee silence; the model is referred to as the EVLNS model.
The present study is quantitative, hypothetical-deductive, correlational and transversal. The sample is composed of 756 professionals working in the higher education sector. The paper used structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses to test its hypotheses.
Results showed that employees’ silence has a dual factorial structure, which is composed of an adhesion dimension and a rejection dimension. The study also finds that these two dimensions can be integrated as an extension of the original EVLN model. It is found that, although they are related, these dimensions also capture a certain degree of independence, with different levels of influence of job satisfaction.
Practical implications
An important implication is that silence is a complex phenomenon, suggesting that this is more than the simple absence of voice and may have different motives. Additionally, it is important to emphasize that job satisfaction can contribute to different individual responses and managers must act accordingly.
The study contributes to a better understanding of the individuals’ potential responses to declining job satisfaction through the extension of the original EVLN model with the introduction of a fifth response – the employees’ silence.
As respostas intencionais dos indivíduos ao declínio da satisfação com o trabalho têm sido associadas ao Modelo EVLN. O silêncio dos colaboradores, enquanto construto independente de outros, pode ser entendido como uma decisão intencional e deliberada do indivíduo em reter informação importante para a organização. Pretende-se analisar medida o silêncio dos colaboradores pode ser entendido como uma resposta dos indivíduos ao declínio da satisfação com o trabalho, a par das restantes quatro estratégias propostas no Modelo EVLN. Propõe-se uma extensão ao modelo original através da introdução do silêncio denominando-se assim de modelo EVLNS.
O presente estudo caracteriza-se pela sua componente quantitativa, hipotético-dedutiva, correlacional e transversal. A amostra é construída 756 profissionais que atuam no sector do ensino superior. Os dados foram analisados fazendo recurso à técnica da modelagem por equações estruturais.
Os resultados demonstraram que o silêncio dos colaboradores apresenta uma estrutura fatorial dual, composta por uma dimensão de adesão e uma de rejeição e que estas duas dimensões correspondem à expansão do modelo original EVLN sobre as respostas deliberadas dos indivíduos ao declínio da satisfação. Verifica-se assim que estas respostas apresar de relacionadas apresentam um determinado grau de independência nomeadamente pelos diferentes graus de influência da satisfação com o trabalho.
Uma importante implicação deste estudo é o facto do silêncio ser um fenómeno complexo, sugerindo-se que este é mais que a simples ausência da voz e que pode ter diferentes motivos. Adicionalmente, destaca-se também a importância reforçar que a satisfação com o trabalho poderá contribuir para diferentes respostas dos indivíduos, devendo os gestores atuar em conformidade.
O estudo contribui com um melhor entendimento das potenciais respostas dos indivíduos ao declínio da satisfação, nomeadamente através da extensão do modelo original com a introdução de uma quinta estratégia – o silêncio dos colaboradores.
Silêncio dos colaboradores, Modelo EVLN, Voz, Saída, Lealdade, Satisfação com o Trabalho
Tipo de artigo
Trabalho de investigação
Las respuestas intencionales de los individuos a la disminución de la satisfacción laboral se han asociado con el Modelo EVLN. El silencio de los empleados, como constructo independiente, puede entenderse como una decisión individual, intencional y deliberada de retener información importante para la organización. Nuestro objetivo es analizar el silencio de los empleados, que puede entenderse como una quinta respuesta individual a la disminución de la satisfacción laboral, junto con las cuatro respuestas restantes propuestas en el Modelo EVLN. Se propone como una extensión del modelo original a través de la introducción del silencio de los empleados; el modelo se conoce como el modelo EVLNS.
El presente estudio es cuantitativo, hipotético-deductivo, correlacional y transversal. La muestra está compuesta por 756 profesionales que trabajan en el sector de la educación superior. El artículo utilizó análisis de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para probar sus hipótesis.
los resultados mostraron que el silencio de los empleados tiene una estructura factorial dual, que se compone de una dimensión de adhesión y una dimensión de rechazo. El estudio también encuentra que estas dos dimensiones se pueden integrar como una extensión del modelo EVLN original. Se observa que, aunque están relacionadas, estas dimensiones poseen un cierto grado de independencia, con diferentes niveles de influencia de la satisfacción laboral.
una implicación importante es que el silencio es un fenómeno complejo, lo que sugiere que esto es más que la simple ausencia de voz y puede tener diferentes motivos. Además, es importante enfatizar que la satisfacción laboral puede contribuir a diferentes respuestas individuales y que los gerentes deben actuar en consecuencia.
el estudio contribuye a una mejor comprensión de las posibles respuestas de los individuos a la disminución de la satisfacción en el trabajo mediante la extensión del modelo EVLN original con la introducción de una quinta respuesta: el silencio de los empleados.
Palabras clave
Silencio de los empleados, Modelo EVLN, Voz, Salida, Lealtad, Satisfacción laboral
Tipo de artículo
Trabajo de investigacion
Ana Sabino, Francisco Cesário and Armanda Antunes
This study aims to analyze the relationship between toxic leadership and exit, prosocial voice, neglect and defensive silence. Second, this study investigates the mediating role…
This study aims to analyze the relationship between toxic leadership and exit, prosocial voice, neglect and defensive silence. Second, this study investigates the mediating role of loyalty in these relationships.
A cross-sectional survey design with a sample of 544 individuals was used in this study.
The results suggested that toxic leadership positively influences exit, defensive silence and neglect and negatively influences prosocial voice. In addition, loyalty was found to be a partial mediator of the studied relationships.
This study addresses different theoretical debates, namely, loyalty as an attitude or behavior and its role in individuals’ responses and the relationship between silence and voice.
Neste estudo, pretendeu-se analisar a relação entre a liderança tóxica e a saída, voz prosocial, negligência e silêncio defensivo. Foi também investigado o papel mediador da lealdade nestas relações.
Foi realizado um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 544 participantes.
Os resultados sugerem que a liderança tóxica influência positivamente a saída, o silêncio defensivo e a negligência. Sugerem também uma influência negativa da liderança tóxica na voz prosocial. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a lealdade é uma mediadora parcial nestas relações.
Este estudo aborda diferentes debates teóricos, nomeadamente a lealdade como atitude ou comportamento, o seu papel nas respostas dos indivíduos e a relação entre silêncio e voz.
En este estudio, nos proponemos analizar la relación entre el liderazgo tóxico y la salida, la voz prosocial, la negligencia y el silencio defensivo. En segundo lugar, investigamos el papel mediador de la lealtad en estas relaciones.
En este estudio se utilizó un diseño de encuesta transversal con una muestra de 544 individuos.
Los resultados sugirieron que el liderazgo tóxico influye positivamente en la salida, el silencio defensivo y la negligencia e influye negativamente en la voz prosocial. Además, la lealtad resultó ser un mediador parcial de las relaciones estudiadas.
Este estudio aborda diferentes debates teóricos, a saber, la lealtad como actitud o comportamiento y su papel en las respuestas de los individuos y la relación entre silencio y voz.
Silvia Lopes, Paulo C. Dias, Ana Sabino, Francisco Cesário and Ricardo Peixoto
The present study aims to examine the mediating role of (in)voluntariness in teleworking in explaining the relationship between employees’ fit to telework and work well-being…
The present study aims to examine the mediating role of (in)voluntariness in teleworking in explaining the relationship between employees’ fit to telework and work well-being (i.e. work engagement and exhaustion).
A cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. The sample comprised 222 individuals performing telework in Portugal. Statistical analyses employed were descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, confirmatory factor and structural equation analyses, and mediation analysis using Hayes Process macro.
The findings confirmed the hypothesis that employees’ fit to telework raises the voluntariness in telework and decreases involuntariness in telework. However, contrary to expectations, no significant relationships were found between voluntariness in telework, work engagement and exhaustion. Yet, involuntariness in telework showed a significant role in decreasing work engagement and increasing workers’ exhaustion. The mediating role of involuntariness in telework was confirmed in explaining the relationship between employees’ fit to telework and exhaustion.
Practical implications
Managers in global firms can draw from the results to understand how employees’ fit to telework directly and/or indirectly contributes to work well-being and develop human resource (HR) management practices aiming to increase employees’ fit to telework.
Although teleworking is already studied, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no studies have analyzed the same conceptual model employees’ fit to telework, (in)voluntariness in teleworking and work well-being.
Ana Sabino, Elizabete Basilio, Silvia Lopes, Maria José Chambel, Paulo C. Dias and Francisco Cesário
This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived overqualification, perceived employability, perceived job insecurity and global psychological needs satisfaction…
This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived overqualification, perceived employability, perceived job insecurity and global psychological needs satisfaction, considering the moderating role of age groups.
A cross-sectional survey design with a sample of 350 individuals was used in this study.
A cross-sectional survey design with a sample of 350 individuals was used in this study.
By addressing the moderating role of age, this study is original and has practical implications for age diversity management.
Este estudo tem como objetivo estudar a relação entre a sobrequalificação, a empregabilidade, a insegurança no trabalho percebidas e satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais, considerando o papel moderador dos grupos etários.
Foi utilizado neste estudo um desenho de pesquisa transversal com uma amostra de 350 indivíduos.
A sobrequalificação percebida, a empregabilidade percebida e a insegurança no trabalho percebida estão, em geral, significativamente relacionadas com a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais. No entanto, essas relações diferem entre as faixas etárias. Ou seja, para os indivíduos mais jovens, foi observada uma relação negativa entre a perceção de sobrequalificação e a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais, e para os indivíduos de meia-idade, a empregabilidade percebida está positivamente relacionada à satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais, enquanto a insegurança no trabalho percebida e a sobrequalificação percebida estão negativamente relacionadas à satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais. Finalmente, para os indivíduos mais velhos, a insegurança no trabalho percebida e a sobrequalificação percebida estão negativamente relacionadas à satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais.
Ao abordar o papel moderador da idade, este estudo é original e tem implicações práticas para a gestão da diversidade em função do grupo etário.
Este estudio examina la relación entre la sobrecualificación percibida, la empleabilidad percibida, la inseguridad laboral percibida y la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales, considerando el papel moderador de los grupos de edad.
En este estudio se utilizó un diseño de encuesta transversal con una muestra de 350 individuos.
La sobrecualificación percibida, la empleabilidad percibida y la inseguridad laboral percibida estaban, en general, significativamente relacionadas con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales. Sin embargo, estas relaciones difieren entre los grupos de edad. En concreto, para los individuos más jóvenes, se observó una relación negativa entre la sobrecualificación percibida y la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales, y para los individuos de mediana edad, la empleabilidad percibida se relacionó positivamente con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales, mientras que la inseguridad laboral percibida y la sobrecualificación percibida se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales. Finalmente, para los individuos de mayor edad, la inseguridad laboral percibida y la sobrecualificación percibida se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas globales.
Al abordar el papel moderador de la edad, este estudio es original y tiene implicaciones prácticas para la gestión de la diversidad de edad en el contexto de las políticas de RRHH de las organizaciones.
- Perceived employability
- Perceived overqualification
- Perceived job insecurity
- Age groups moderation
- Global psychological needs satisfaction
- Empregabilidade percebida
- Insegurança no trabalho percebida
- Sobrequalificação percebida
- Satisfação das necessidades psicológicas globais
- Moderação por idade
- Empleabilidad percibida
- Inseguridad laboral percibida
- Sobrecualificación percibida
- Satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas globales
- Moderación por edad
Francisco Cesário, Antero Rodrigues, Filipa Castanheira and Ana Sabino
Due to the importance of performance management in any organizational structure, the present study aims to analyze the mediating role of an employee's reaction to the employee's…
Due to the importance of performance management in any organizational structure, the present study aims to analyze the mediating role of an employee's reaction to the employee's supervisor' feedback on the impact of the performance management system on job satisfaction and supervisor–employee relationship.
A quantitative study was conducted, with data collected by questionnaire, where 1815 workers from a customer service company in Portugal participated and with the data analyzed using structural equation model.
Three effects were observed in this study: first, the importance of performance management on the reaction to feedback and on the supervisor–employee relationship; second, reaction to feedback fully mediated the effect of performance management on job satisfaction and third, reaction to feedback partially mediated the effect of the performance management on the supervisor–employee relationship.
Despite the growing interest in research on performance management, this study suggests that there are still some areas in need of additional research attention, namely on the important role that adequate feedback to the employee on his/her performance can have. Implications for research on performance management are developed.
Ana Clara Mourão Moura, Ashiley Adelaide Rosa, Beatriz Maria Fernandes Araújo and Felipe Andrade Ferreira
This study aims to present a methodological experience using geodesign as a process and instrument that facilitates citizen awareness and the use of alternative urban parameters…
This study aims to present a methodological experience using geodesign as a process and instrument that facilitates citizen awareness and the use of alternative urban parameters in a discipline of an undergraduate course in architecture and urbanism, about urban planning at a local scale.
Aiming to develop solutions more suited to the reality of the area and attentive to contemporary practices of collaborative urban planning – for and with people – the methodological approach was divided into two complementary steps. The first step was elaborated through a general plan of ideas, with the aid of the Geodesign Hub platform, and for the more detailed second step, we used the Brazilian virtual GISColab geodesign platform. Both steps were conducted in workshop format.
In this experience, by incorporating geoinformation technology resources, geodesign proved to be a potential tool for creating opinions and decision-making regarding co-creative planning and experimenting with alternative urban parameters.
In the context of a current scenario of city growth oriented from the perspective of motor vehicles, the urban sprawl and in turn, the progressive loss of the human dimension in the urban space, students were introduced and encouraged to reflect on the different functions of the street and on the possibility of measuring urban quality from alternative parameters: completeness indicators.
Douglas J. Ernest and Lewis B. Herman
In recent years, guides to hiking trails and wilderness areas have enjoyed an increase in popularity. Here, Douglas J. Ernest and Lewis B. Herman evaluate more than 100 such books.
Pedro Senna, Lino Guimarães Marujo, Ana Carla de Souza Gomes dos Santos, Alberto Eduardo Besser Freitag and Sergio Luiz Braga França
Healthcare supply chains (HCSCs) face severe challenges when compared to regular chains. Besides avoiding bankruptcy, they must accomplish their goal which is to save lives. Since…
Healthcare supply chains (HCSCs) face severe challenges when compared to regular chains. Besides avoiding bankruptcy, they must accomplish their goal which is to save lives. Since 2019 the COVID-19 pandemic evidenced that a HCSC disruption generates disruptions to other SCs. Therefore, the objective of this paper is threefold: conduct a systematic literature review to build a HCSC operational excellence (HSCOE) definition; build a conceptual framework by mapping the antecedents of HSCOE and formulate hypotheses; test the hypotheses using a fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) combined with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques to obtain empirical validation.
Given this context, this paper conducted a systematic literature review to build a HSCOE conceptual framework and used a fsQCA combined with PLS-SEM techniques to obtain empirical validation.
The paper revealed a relationship between important variables to achieve HSCOE, such as Supply chain 4.0, SC risk management, SC integration, SC resilience (antecedents) and HSCOE (consequent).
The literature contributions of this paper are as follows: validating a new scale for each of the constructs; finding evidence of the causal relationships between the latent variables; measuring how the constructs influence the HSCOE; in addition, the results address important literature gaps identified by researchers and serve as a guide to organizations that need to implement these practices. Furthermore, this study recommends that HCSC managers consider the implementation of robust initiatives concerning the latent variables presented in this work.