OCLC Micro: Volume 3 Issue 5
Table of contents
The June 1987 issue of The Records & Retrieval Report is devoted to “The Cost of Creating and Filing a Letter.” The article describes the life of a document from its creation to…
Mark BendigSome users of DOS versions 3.2 and 3.3 have experienced a problem with the FORMAT command that causes them to receive an erroneous bad track zero error message. This problem has…
From the Jaws of Oblivion…
Steve ClancyAccidentally erasing a file or program on the hard disk need not be a soul‐shattering experience, thanks to a nifty little utility called UNERASE. UNERASE is a compact, fast…
Function Keys to the Rescue
Judith W. WildWe have 15 OCLC terminals, 4 of which are used exclusively for cataloging and are connected to a CLSI interface and a printer used for labels. The four cataloging terminals are…
Tracking the Drive
Janet M. TiampoYou don't have to be a mighty hunter to buy a CD‐ROM drive, but the search will require patience and time. You can follow one of two avenues to obtain a reader: disc title…
Getting More from Diskette Storage
Arne J. AlmquistIn today's world of microcomputing, there is one given: however much disk storage space you have today, you'll need much, much more tomorrow. Just four years ago Arthur Naiman…
Microcomputers and LANs:: Are They a Viable Part of Your Future?
Sandy SchmidtAt the recent ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, I attended the LAMA Systems and Services Section program “Microcomputers and LAN's: Are They a Viable Part of Your Future?”…
An Introduction to Local Area Networks
BCR, NELINETLocal Area Networks (LANs) are becoming more prevalent in library automation systems. What is a local area network? A LAN is a collection of microcomputers and peripheral…
Paths and Piping
Sonja MarshalekThe problems encountered in using the DOS TYPE command when trying to view a file on the screen, either because you don't have a printer connected to your PC or because you want…
Interlibrary Loan, Dial Access, and ProComm
Nancy SmithErwin Welsch's article in the April OCLC Micro described an automated OCLC dial access procedure using an IBM XT, AT, or compatible, a Hayes 1200‐baud modem, and ProComm…
Not for Novices: Environmental “Studies”
Mark BendigSometimes I wish that the DOS COPY command (or the DIR command) would accept multiple arguments. For instance, how do I copy all the .EXE files and all the .COM files from the…
Ashton‐Tate's dBASE, in its various versions, is undoubtedly the most widely used database management program in libraries. Scores of articles in the library literature describe…