Journal of International Cooperation in Education: Volume 26 Issue 1 , Open Access

Table of contents

Lessons from over 70 years of regional alignment processes in Europe for international higher education

Hans de Wit, Lizhou Wang

This article provides an overview and analysis of 50 years of European policies, actions, and challenges to align its higher education and research, as well as lessons learned…

Open Access.

Can higher education contribute to trust building in a fragmented reality? A Latin American perspective

Danilo Romeu Streck, Maria Julieta Abba, Paulina Latorre, Carolina Schenatto da Rosa

The article aims at exploring the challenges and possibilities of cooperation of higher education in a Latin American social, political and cultural context that faces historical…

Open Access.

Recent developments in higher education in Africa: partnerships for knowledge transformations

James Otieno Jowi

This paper explores some of the recent developments and transformations in Africa's higher education.

Open Access.

Impact of a consortium-based student mobility programme: The case of AIMS (Asian International Mobility for students)

Naoki Umemiya, Miki Sugimura, Romyen Kosaikanont, Nordiana Mohd Nordin, Abdul Latiff Ahmad

This paper discusses the effectiveness of a consortium-based student mobility programme by investigating the impact of the Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS…

Open Access.

Towards a robust approach for evidencing quality in higher education learning: The new CALOHEE model

Robert Wagenaar

Key to transnational higher education (HE) cooperation is building trust to allow for seamless recognition of studies. Building on the Tuning Educational Structures initiative…

Open Access.

Evolution of quality assurance in higher education from INQAAHE GGP to ISGs − Are quality assurance agencies in Asia ready to the emerging modules?

Angela Yung Chi Hou, Christopher Hong-Yi Tao, Kyle Zi-Wei Zhou, Arianna Fang Yu Lin, Edward Hung Cheng Su, Ying Chen

In 2022, the International Network for Quality Assurance (QA) Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) published the new guidelines by adding three QA modules in response to the…

Open Access.

Higher education cooperation at the regional level

Jane Knight

This article focuses on regional-level cooperation in higher education by examining the functional, organizational and political approaches (FOPA) framework for higher education…

Open Access.

Convergence or fragmentation? Recent developments in recognition of microcredentials and their impact on higher education in Asia and the Pacific

Shingo Ashizawa, Christopher Ziguras, Akiyoshi Yonezawa

This paper explores the development of microcredentials (MCs) through a regional lens, considering their implications for lifelong learning and skilled labour mobility in Asia and…

Open Access.
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Hiroshima University, Japan

Open Access:

open access


  • Professor Tatsuya Kusakabe
  • Dr Nozomi Sakata
  • Dr Takamichi Asakura