Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance: Volume 21 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Artifical Intelligence: beyond the hype

Guest Editors: Jean Paul Simon

Artificial intelligence: scope, players, markets and geography

Jean Paul Simon

This paper aims to clarify the notion of artificial intelligence (AI), reviewing the present scope of the phenomenon through its main applications. It aims at describing the…


Artificial intelligence and policy: quo vadis?

Anastassia Lauterbach

This paper aims to inform policymakers about key artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, risks and trends in national AI strategies. It suggests a framework of social…


State-of-the-art and adoption of artificial intelligence in retailing

Felix Dominik Weber, Reinhard Schütte

In the most abstract way, artificial intelligence (AI) allows human work to be shifted toward technological systems that are currently not fully capable. Following this, the…


Governance of artificial intelligence and personal health information

Jenifer Sunrise Winter, Elizabeth Davidson

This paper aims to assess the increasing challenges to governing the personal health information (PHI) essential for advancing artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning…


AI: from rational agents to socially responsible agents

Antonio Vetrò, Antonio Santangelo, Elena Beretta, Juan Carlos De Martin

This paper aims to analyze the limitations of the mainstream definition of artificial intelligence (AI) as a rational agent, which currently drives the development of most AI…

AI’s path to the present and the painful transitions along the way

Martha Garcia-Murillo, Ian MacInnes

Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to have a significant impact on work. It will enhance, but also displace, some professions. This paper aims to look retrospectively at the…

The present vision of AI… or the HAL syndrome

Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Hugues Chevalier

The HAL syndrome is a sign of the pathology of analysts and commenters when they are dealing with the stakes and risks of AI, then stressing the omnipotence of technologies and…

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  • Professor Anna Visvizi