Journal of International Education in Business: Volume 17 Issue 1

Table of contents

The portrayal of the role and agency of students and higher education institutions in highly ranked business school discourses

Réka Tamássy, Zsuzsanna Géring, Gábor Király, Réka Plugor, Márton Rakovics

This study aims to investigate how highly ranked business schools portray ideal students in terms of their attributes and their agency. Understanding how these higher education…

Open Access.

Underrepresented minorities in business doctoral programs: trends and academic placements (1973 to 2018)

Joanna R. Jackson, Willis Lewis, Jr, Nir Menachemi

This paper aims to present demographic characteristics and postgraduate employment trends of business doctoral graduates, especially the proportion that are underrepresented…


The mathematics-based learning method and its impact on student performance in the Introductory Accounting course: cognitive load theory

Sony Warsono, Ratna Candra Sari, Laura Neviyanti Kusuma Putri, Muhammad Roy Aziz Haryana

This study aims to describe and examine the effectiveness of the mathematics-based learning method, called Accountamatics (Accounting from Mathematics perspective). The…


Teaching the concept of control under IFRS 15: the effect of a three-step teaching approach and analogy usage

Ying Zhee Lim, Anna Che Azmi, Tuan Hock Ng

This study aims to extend the current literature on International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) teaching by examining the argument by Hodgdon et al. (2013) that arranging…


Can spiritual power reduce online cheating behavior among university students? The fraud triangle theory perspective

Zahrotush Sholikhah, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Eka Pariyanti

Although the academic literature provides extensive insight into the motivations for the unethical use of information technology in online classes, little is known about how…


Closing the entrepreneurial attitude-intention-behavior gap: the direct and moderating role of entrepreneurship education

Van Hoa Tran, Trong Nghia Vu, Huong Thao Pham, Thi Phuong Thu Nguyen, Cong Doanh Duong

The purpose of this paper is to adopt the theory of planned behavior to close the entrepreneurial attitude–intention–behavior gap in the entrepreneurship field as well as test the…


Analyzing destination country risk profiles in business study abroad programs: a neural network approach

Rick L. Brattin, Randall S. Sexton, Rebekah E. Austin, Xiang Guo, Erica M. Scarmeas, Michelle J. Hulett

This study aims to identify how objective indicators of destination country risk differentiate business study abroad programs from those in other academic disciplines.


Educational innovation in supply chain management and logistics for active learning in Latin America

David Ernesto Salinas-Navarro, Ernesto Pacheco-Velazquez, Agatha Clarice Da Silva-Ovando, Christopher Mejia-Argueta, Mario Chong

This study aims to present a conceptual framework aimed at promoting educational innovation in supply chain management and logistics (SCM&L). The framework can help to design…


Development of university–industry partnership in Armenia: university perspective

Karlen Khachatryan, Anna Hakobjanyan, Krisitne Nikoghosyan, Tigran Keryan

The purpose of this study is to investigate university–industry partnerships in Armenia from the viewpoint of universities. By doing so, it contributes to the existing literature…

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  • Dr Boniface Michael