Journal of International Education in Business: Volume 16 Issue 2

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A comparison of graduate university perspectives of online versus face-to-face during the pandemic

Lynn Ann Fish, Coral Rose Snodgrass, Ji-Hee Kim

This study aims to compare graduate student perspectives of online versus face-to-face (FTF) education during the pandemic at two different universities. One university, the…


Understanding faculty acceptance of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Saudi Arabian case study

Haider Madani, Ajay Adhikari, Christopher Hodgdon

This study aims to leverage the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology framework developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) to explore the factors influencing faculty…


Determinants of satisfaction with global virtual teamwork

Michael Stoica, Liviu Florea, Akhadian S. Harnowo

Data was obtained from students from 39 universities in 24 countries, part of a large experiential exercise, X-Culture, who worked remotely in cross-cultural teams to solve…


Increasing global mindset through collaborative online international learning (COIL): internationalizing the undergraduate international business class

Fernando Garcia, Stephen Ray Smith, Amy Burger, Marilyn Helms

This study aims to provide a case example of two partner institutions and business faculty who creatively used a collaborative online international learning (COIL) experience…


Closing the gender gap in the business classroom: focus on finance

Andres Ramirez, Joan Lofgren

Finance is a male-dominated field of work. This study aims to understand if learning in finance follows the same pattern. Furthermore, the authors want to understand if foreign…

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  • Dr Boniface Michael