Journal of International Education in Business: Volume 14 Issue 2

Table of contents

Assessing critical incidents in the post-formation phase: a matter of entrepreneurial expertise?

Karin Heinrichs

Entrepreneurs can easily slide into severe economic crises (Fichman and Levinthal, 1991), in particular, in the first years after their founding. Additionally, research shows that…


Bridging job search and perceived employability in the labour market – a mediation model of job search, perceived employability and learning goal orientation

Zakkariya K.A., Nimmi P.M., Smitha Pradeep A.

Perceived employability (PE) is considered as a significant psychological resource that aids individuals in tackling the complex career snags he/she faces. The purpose of this…


Improving project management curriculum by aligning course learning outcomes with Bloom’s taxonomy framework

Erastus Karanja, Laurell C. Malone

This study aims to investigate how to improve the project management (PM) curriculum by evaluating the nature and alignment of learning outcomes in the PM course syllabi with…


Academic burnout and student engagement: a moderated mediation model of internal locus of control and loneliness

Lata Bajpai Singh, Alok Kumar, Shalini Srivastava

This paper aims to assess the relationship between academic burnout-student engagement relationships on management students of the Delhi-NCR region of Northern India. It further…


Tutor and international student perspectives on an action research project: use of a business strategy simulation with mixed nationality cohorts

Clive R. Kerridge, Colin Simpson

This study aims to present the results of a curriculum design intervention, which was undertaken to address the inhibitors and enablers facing international (mainly Chinese…


Challenges and achievements in student learning experiences in a business school’s at-home internationalization programs in China

Huili Tang, Steven J. Hite, Julie M. Hite, David McKay Boren, E. Vance Randall

The purpose of this ontologically qualitative research study was to (a) explore student narratives regarding their educational experiences in at-home internationalization…


Essence of partnership management in project-based learning: insights from a university’s global project programme

Gary Pan, Poh-Sun Seow, Venky Shankararaman, Kevin Koh

Although it is clear that there are many benefits of academic–industry partnership through project-based learning (PBL) courses offered by universities, however, there are…


AACSB assurance for STUST quality and competitiveness: balanced scorecard roadmap

Tamer Zaki Fouad Mohamed, Chia-Hua Chang, Yu-Chuan Huang

This paper aims to explore the role of international quality assurance and accreditation on higher education quality improvement and competitiveness, as well as assessing the…


Developing business students’ intercultural competence through intercultural virtual collaboration: a task sequence implementation

Luana Ferreira-Lopes, Iciar Elexpuru-Albizuri, María José Bezanilla

Allowing for interaction with foreign cultures without the need to travel, intercultural virtual collaboration represents a potential tool to develop business students’…

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  • Dr Boniface Michael