Built Environment Project and Asset Management: Volume 7 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Development of a web-based system for managing suppliers’ performance and knowledge sharing in construction project

Zi Qian Li, Hai Chen Tan, Chimay Anumba, Fah Choy Chia

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a web-based system that provides an efficient means for managing suppliers’ performance which also facilitates the leveraging of…


Challenges to the implementation of building management systems in Saudi Arabia

Mohammad A. Hassanain, Ameen Bin-Mohanna, Abdul-Mohsen Al-Hammad, Muizz O. Sanni-Anibire

The purpose of this paper is to present an assessment of the challenges to the implementation of building management systems (BMS) in Saudi Arabia, during the life cycle of…


Critical success factors for local government project stakeholder management

Charles Amoatey, Mawuena Vincent Kodzo Hayibor

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the critical success factors (CSFs) for effective project stakeholder management at the local government level in Ghana.


Process mapping for road works planning and coordination

Rizwana Shaheen Hussain, Kirti Ruikar, Marcus P. Enoch, Nigel Brien, David Gartside

Diminishing local government budgets and the need to reduce highway works activities necessitate cost effective and efficient processes. The purpose of this paper is to…

Open Access.

Improving the cost estimates of complex projects in the project-based industries

Pournima Sridarran, Kaushal Keraminiyage, Leon Herszon

Project-based industries face major challenges in controlling project cost and completing within the budget. This is a critical issue as it often connects to the main objectives…


Sustainability and cost assessment of coastal vacation homes for energy retrofits

Kamalesh Panthi, Kanchan Das, Tarek Abdel-Salam

Vacation rental homes, in general, have different energy usage characteristics than traditional residential homes mainly because of the occupancy pattern that changes on a weekly…


Developing labour productivity norms for aluminium system formwork in Sri Lanka

Ruchini Senarath Jayasinghe, Nirodha Gayani Fernando

The purpose of this paper is to establish labour productivity norms (LPNs) on an elemental basis to investigate a measurement for the labour productivity (LP) of aluminium system…


Review of project planning methods for deconstruction projects of buildings

Felix Hübner, Rebekka Volk, Anna Kühlen, Frank Schultmann

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of literature and methods that can be used for deconstruction project planning of buildings. Furthermore…

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  • Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy