Journal of Historical Research in Marketing: Volume 7 Issue 3

Table of contents - Special Issue: Marketing history from below: bringing the consumer back in

Guest Editors: Assoc. Prof. Stefan Schwarzkopf

Marketing history from below: towards a paradigm shift in marketing historical research

Stefan Schwarzkopf

The purpose of this article is to introduce the theme of this special issue. In doing so, the paper argues that marketing historical research is in need of a paradigmatic shift…


Ethical shopping in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain

Ian Mitchell

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the significance and limitations of ethical shopping in Britain in the period between the 1880s and 1914 and, in particular, the use of…


The Tausch-centers of the 1940s: closed markets as an alternative to the black economy

Rolf F.H. Schroeder

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the Tausch- or barter-centers that existed in Germany during the 1940s. These small but unique platforms for the exchange of…


Written testimony, oral history and retail environments: Australian shopping centers in the 1960s

Matthew Bailey

This paper aims to join a growing movement in marketing history to include the voices of consumers in historical research on retail environments. It aims to show that consumer…


Growing consumer rights in neoliberal times: The top-down origins of consumer organizations in Argentina between 1978 and 1993

Pablo Federico Pryluka

The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to analyze the origins of Adelco in the context of the “Consumer Orientation Campaign” (Orientación Para El Consumidor, OPEC, in…


Educational lessons from the past – marketing textbooks during the Age of Enlightenment (16th to 18th Centuries)

Eric Shaw

The purpose of this paper is to critique four marketing textbooks written during the Age of Enlightenment (sixteenth-eighteenth centuries) to understand the educational lessons…


The Complete English Tradesman – business relations, trust, and honesty or ‘let’s rethink the history of relationship marketing’

Mark Tadajewski

This paper aims to provide a close reading of Daniel Defoe’s The Complete English Tradesman. It makes a case that many of the themes that Defoe engages with are consistent with…

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  • Dr Richard Hawkins