Gender in Management: Volume 39 Issue 5


An International Journal
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Table of contents

Evolving needs of men at the workplace: an Indian perspective

Sweta Sinha, Koustab Ghosh

This paper aims to explore the evolving needs of Indian men and their aspirations regarding work–life balance practices. The ultimate aim is to assess whether the available…


The moderating role of women directors in politically connected companies on the performance of Liberian companies

Maria Elisabete Neves, Rui Guedes, Catarina Proença, Belen Lozano

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of political connections and gender diversity on the performance of Iberian companies as a singular market and considering…


Unpacking the career transition process of returning women professionals in the Indian workplaces: a qualitative study

Seema Das, Sumi Jha, Sumita Datta

This study aims to explore the career transition process of women professionals when they return to the workplace after a break and re-integrate with their career aspirations.


Gender and leadership evaluations: what happens if we actually measure expectations–behavior incongruence?

Connor Eichenauer, Ann Marie Ryan

Role congruity theory and gender stereotypes research suggests men are expected to engage in agentic behavior and women in communal behavior as leaders, and that role violation…


Corporate social performance and board gender diversity: the moderating role of governance

Cynthia R Phillips, Abraham Stefanidis, Victoria Shoaf

Drawing on legitimacy and upper-echelon theory, this paper aims to investigate the moderating role of corporate governance in the relationship between corporate social performance…


Tussle of identities: Indian women engineers on work–family conflict

Pooja Purang, Archita Dutta, Sailee Biwalkar

This study aims to focus on understanding the work–family conflict of Indian women engineers through the lens of identity conflict.


Reimagining work but operating with a no off button: experiences of working mothers in India during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pooja Purang, Mahati Chittem, Haripriya Narsimhan

This study focuses on the work from home experiences of professional, middle and upper middle class married women with children in India during the COVID-19-induced lockdowns…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge