Gender in Management: Volume 39 Issue 3


An International Journal

Table of contents

Organizational resistance through organizing principles: the case of gender equality in the military

Arita Holmberg, Aida Alvinius

Previous studies show that the implementation of gender equality encounters resistance in military organizations, but it is often invisible or seen as confined to anonymous…

Open Access.

Think manager – Think male or female: exploring the content of gendered stereotypes of the managerial role among undergraduate business students in Ireland over a 10-year period

Elaine Berkery, Nuala F. Ryan

Using Schein’s Descriptive Index (SDI), this paper aims to first examine gender role stereotypes and requisite managerial characteristics among Irish business students over a…

Open Access.

Gender diversity of board of directors and shareholders: Machine learning exploration during COVID-19

Lenka Papíková, Mário Papík

European Parliament adopted a new directive on gender balance in corporate boards when by 2026, companies must employ 40% of the underrepresented sex into non-executive directors…


Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms

Lingyun Huang, Jiankun Liu, Zhigang Huang

The operational framework of external financing in the correlation between the gender of entrepreneurs and firm performance remains to be resolved. This study aims to investigate…


Gender of firm leadership, audit committee gender diversity and audit quality through the lens of audit fee: a Ghanaian insight

Peter Kodjo Luh

This study aims to examine how woman leadership (i.e., woman board chairperson, woman chief executive officer (CEO) and board gender diversity) affects audit fee and also…


Cooperative organizational cultures: a factor promoting equal gender representation in leadership

Nora Elena Daher-Moreno, Kara A. Arnold

This study aims to investigate the relationship between feminine gender identity and leadership intention. Based on the theory of planned behavior and social role theory, the…


Board gender diversity and corporate litigation: evidence from China

Xiaojing Zheng, Xiaoxian Wang

This study aims to examine the effect of board gender diversity on corporate litigation in China’s listed firms. The key questions this study addresses are: what are the effect of…


Setbacks, strain and stress: lived experiences of U.S. working mothers during COVID-19

Lisa Rosen, Shannon Scott, Bek Urban, Darian Poe, Roshni Shukla, Shazia Ahmed

The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experiences of working mothers during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and assess their perceptions of the types of…

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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge