Gender in Management: Volume 39 Issue 1


An International Journal
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Table of contents

CEO demographics and gender diversity in senior management in large Scandinavian firms

Josep Garcia-Blandon, Josep Argilés-Bosch, Diego Ravenda

This study aims to investigate whether chief executive officer (CEO) demographics are associated with gender diversity in senior management in the Scandinavia region.

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Do board gender diversity and remuneration impact earnings quality? Evidence from Spanish firms

Paolo Saona, Laura Muro, Pablo San Martín, Ryan McWay

This study aims to investigate how gender diversity and remuneration of boards of directors’ influence earnings quality for Spanish-listed firms.


Retaining U.S. stem women faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic: the important role of family-supportive supervisor behaviors to lower work-to-life conflict

Katie M. Lawson, Soomi Lee, Claire Smith, Kelsey C. Thiem

The COVID-19 pandemic may negatively impact the careers of U.S. women faculty in computer science (CS) – a field with few women and high attrition rates among women – due to…


Perceived/experienced sexism and perceptions of support and job attitudes

Jacqueline Deuling, Jenell Lynn-Senter Wittmer, Kimberly Wilson, Adrian Thomas

This study aims to provide a psychometrically sound measure intended to capture perceived/experienced sexism in the workplace, the perceived/experienced sexism scale (PESS). PESS…


CEO gender and social versus economic value creation of social enterprises: an attention-based view

Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeongho Choi, Chiung-Wen Tsao, Jeff Stambaugh, Dina L. Taylor

This study aims to investigate the effects of CEO gender on social enterprise (SE) value creation and the moderating effect of selective attention on SEs’ dual goals (i.e…


Gender discrimination and the backlash effect in recruitment and dismissal processes: experimental evidence from Slovakia

Magdalena Adamus, Eva Ballová Mikušková

Following Goldberg’s paradigm, this study aims to investigate whether women and men are at risk of differential treatment by HR professionals in recruitment and dismissal…


Adopting a gender quota policy in Qatar: a path to gender equity

Noora Lari

Societal barriers continue to cause gender disparities in women’s share of political authority. As a representative case study for the Arab Gulf region, this paper aims to…


The influence of personality and team-member exchange on creativity: a gendered approach

Ana Pérez-Luño, Rocio Aguilar-Caro, Maria F. Muñoz-Doyague

Given the general consensus that creativity is a crucial driving force for innovation and progress, understanding how to promote it would benefit individuals, companies, society…

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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge