Gender in Management: Volume 38 Issue 4


An International Journal

Table of contents

Did the Arab Spring change female emancipation perceptions?

M. Azhar Hussain, Narjes Haj-Salem

This study aims to investigate whether perceptions about female workplace participation in a number of Arab countries has changed during or after the Arab Spring.


Gender managerial obstacles in private organizations: the UAE case

Mohamed Osman Shereif Mahdi Abaker, Helen Louise Patterson, Boo Yun Cho

The purpose of this study is to report empirical research on gender managerial obstacles in UAE private organizations. It identifies the barriers that limit opportunities for…


The impact of differentiated empowering leadership on employees’ depression: moderation of employees’ envy and gender

Neelam Qasim, Muhammad Arshad, Omer Farooq, Rabeeya Raoof

This study aims to investigate the effect of differentiated empowering leadership on employees’ depression. Using the behavioral theory of depression, this study further explores…


Women as leaders: the glass ceiling effect on women’s leadership success in public bureaucracies

Changzheng Zhang, Damto Basha

Much research has been conducted regarding leadership success challenges. However, few are practically oriented on whether the success of women's leadership aligns to…


Does board diversity affect the cost of debt financing? Empirical evidence from Turkey

Mine Aksoy, Mustafa Kemal Yilmaz

This study aims to investigate the effects of board characteristics on the cost of debt for non-financial companies in the Turkish capital markets.


How do females in top executive positions influence firm profitability: new insight from non financial firms on Ghana Stock Exchange

Peter Kodjo Luh, Baah Aye Kusi

This study aims to investigate the impact of female chairperson, female chief executive officer and presence of females on boards on listed firms’ profitability using data from…


Attracting Gen Z talents: do expectations towards employers vary by gender?

Hermann Lassleben, Lisa Hofmann

This paper explores, which employer attractiveness attributes Generation Z (Gen Z) talents prioritize. Comparing the findings for female and male participants, this study examines…


Nexus between financial inclusion and women empowerment: evidence from developing countries

Ameena Arshad

This paper aims to conduct an empirical investigation of how financial inclusion impacts women empowerment. Then, it examines the overall effect of various dimensions of financial…

Cover of Gender in Management







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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge