Gender in Management: Volume 38 Issue 1


An International Journal
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Table of contents

Are work–life policies fair for a woman’s career? An Italian qualitative study of the backlash phenomenon

Lara Bertola, Lara Colombo, Angela Fedi, Mara Martini

Work–family balance practices available in several work organizations to help employees with children to manage the demands of work and family life can have a negative impact on…


The balance between status quo and change when minorities try to access top ranks: a tale about women achieving professorship

Viviana Meschitti, Giulio Marini

This paper aims to study vertical gender segregation, which persists even in the fields where women are represented at junior levels. Academia is an example. Individual…


Exploring the nexus between microlevel and contextual influencers on women leaders’ paradox mindset

Lydia Amaro, Caren Brenda Scheepers

Women leaders struggle with the persistent paradoxical expectations. Literature suggests that a paradox mindset helps to leverage these tensions. This study aims to understand the…

Open Access.

Corporate governance, gender diversity and risk-taking behaviour of banks in an emerging economy – some empirical evidence from Ghana

Vera Fiador

This study aims to examine the relationship between corporate governance, including board gender diversity and bank risk-taking behaviour in Ghana.


Pandemic silver lining: how the COVID-19 pandemic helped women to beat the “gender stereotypes pandemic” in entrepreneurship

Haroon Muzaffar

This study aims to explore how the COVID-induced exogenous shock changed the prevalent occupational gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship in urban Turkey and presented an…


Women on corporate boards in a predominantly male-dominated society: the case of Peru

Beatrice Avolio, Carolina Pretell, Edy Valcazar

This phenomenological study aims to analyze the factors perceived by women to be important to their nomination and selection for board positions in Peruvian public companies. The…


Does the presence of three or more female directors associate with corporate recognition?

Madeline N. Neuberger, Richard A. Bernardi, Susan M. Bosco, Erynne E. Landry

The purpose of this study is to extend Landry et al.’s (2016) work and examines the possible association between corporations having three or more female directors and these…


Are firms with women executives better at surviving a crisis? Evidence from South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic

Hyejeong Shin, Sorah Park

This study aims to examine whether investors react differently to the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic based on chief executive officer (CEO) gender.

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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge