Gender in Management: Volume 37 Issue 7


An International Journal

Table of contents

Gender, diversity and the 2020 US presidential election: towards an androgynous presidential profile?

Gary N. Powell, D. Anthony Butterfield, Xueting Jiang

The purpose of this study was to explore issues of gender and diversity raised by the 2020 US presidential election.


Challenges of female executives' work activities: the hyper-efficiency operating mode

Emilie Giguere, Karine Bilodeau, Louise St-Arnaud

This paper aims to examine the work experiences of female executives and the challenges of their visible and invisible work activities, considering the operating modes they…


Women directors, educational background and firm value of Spanish listed companies

Patricia Molinero-Díez, Virginia Blanco-Mazagatos, Inigo Garcia-Rodriguez, M. Elena Romero-Merino

This study aims to evaluate changes in the presence of women on Spanish boards after the Unified Good Governance Code of Listed Companies (2006) and the Organic Law 3/2007 on…


The development of perception scale of gender role in disaster management and the examination with related factors

Ebru Inal Onal, Sümeyra Soysal , Nüket Paksoy Erbaydar

This study aims to develop a perception scale of gender role in disaster management and examine related factors.


Why do multi-child mothers suffer from employment exclusion? Analysis based on Chinese women’s evidence

Xi-Xi Zhang, Jun Wang

The purpose of this study is to examine the lasting effect of reproductive behaviour on career cycles for women. Women are the main bearers of population reproduction and family…


Audit committee and CSR disclosure: does the gender diversity of audit committee members matter?

Yasser Rezaei Pitenoei, Mehdi Safari Gerayli, Ali Khozein

The gender theory demonstrates that women have made significant contributions to the increases of firm performance and monitoring the management. Therefore, the purpose of this…


To predict and to explain: a multigroup analysis of gender on job and family satisfaction among hospitality employees

Kim-Lim Tan, Adriel K.S. Sim, Thomas Donohue

The recent trends of work and family issues have prompted a proliferation of research in the work-family study; however, evidence from the hospitality industry is limited. This…


Determinants of Iberian companies’ performance: corporate boards and the nonlinearity of gender diversity

Catarina Proença, Maria Elisabete Neves

This paper aims to analyze the performance determinants of listed companies in the Iberian Peninsula, focusing on the analysis of the effect of gender diversity and the structure…


Female executives and firm value: the moderating effect of co-CEO power gaps

Jiyeun Hong, Su-In Kim

This study aims to examine the moderating effect of co-CEO power gaps on the impact of female executives on firm value. Several studies have suggested that female executives have…

Cover of Gender in Management







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Adelina Broadbridge