Multinational Business Review: Volume 30 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Business against violence: assessing how business impacts peace

John Katsos, John Forrer

This study aims to advance theory on business in conflict zones (often termed “business for peace”) so as to enable the categorization of empirical work testing the field’s…


The concept of “spatial knowledge” used by top-management-teams and CEOs in internationalization

K. Skylar Powell, Eunah Lim

Top-management-teams (TMTs) and chief executive officers (CEOs) dealing with internationalization are naturally predisposed to deal with space, so they will consult “spatial…


How learning orientation drives the international performance of INVs: the roles of entrepreneurial bricolage and degree of internationalization

Zhenkuo Ding, Guangyu Ye, Sheng Huang, Man Hu

Despite extensive research into the effect of organizational learning processes on firm performance, it remains unclear how and when learning orientation influences the…


Chairpersons’ hubris and internationalization: evidence from emerging market’s family business groups

Arpita Agnihotri, Saurabh Bhattacharya

This paper aims to explore the association between chairperson hubris and the internationalization of firms belonging to business groups in an emerging market, India, under the…


The death of distance, revisited: disseminative capacity and knowledge transfer

Chansoo Park

The purpose of this paper is to assess how the transfer of explicit and tacit knowledge is affected by the knowledge disseminative capacity of a foreign parent firm, with an…


A comparative analysis of the internationalization of sub-national and central state-owned enterprises: shreds of evidence from Latin America

Diego Finchelstein, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Erica Helena Salvaj

In this exploratory multiple case study, we aim to compare the internationalization of two state-owned enterprises (SOEs) owned by subnational governments with three owned by…

Open Access.

The role of market orientation and innovation capability in export performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises: a Latin American perspective

Diana Kolbe, Marta Frasquet, Haydee Calderon

This study aims to extend the existing base of knowledge of proactive and reactive market orientation and innovation capability by testing their impact on the export performance…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Irina Surdu-Nardella
  • Tazeeb Rajwani