International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children: Volume 2 Issue 1


Table of contents

The Net Generation: Research Findings from the Fast Lane!

Andreà Woolley

The Youth Research Group (YoRG) is into its second year of running the UK's largest Internet research site. Over 21,000 7–16 year olds participate in the survey annually and the…

Schools and Marketing: Notes from the Chalkface

Chris Gerry

Consider these questions: does your own tailor make your clothes for you or do you shop in chain stores? Do you shop for food in a major supermarket or does the local corner shop…

Kids Culture

Mike Bowen

This paper is taken from a presentation slide show given by the author late last year. It talks about promoting to children and how, as children are growing up younger, new…

Advertising and Marketing to Children: Exploitation or Socialisation?

Paul Cowell

This article discusses some of the views on advertising and marketing to children from both sides of the argument and takes a position that marketers should accommodate the views…


Chinese Children's Consumer Behaviour: A Review

James U. McNeal, Hongxia Zhang

China's population of children is the largest in the world. It is the largest in terms of numbers in spite of its limitation of one child per family. Soon it will be the largest…

Making Your Mark On The High Street

David Dalziel

The Toys and Games retailer is facing one of the toughest challenges on the High Street. This paper looks at how, with price and product comparisons being very easy to make, and…

Up Close and Personal: Questioning the Orthodoxy of Objectivity in Qualitative Research

Jo Adams, David Burrows

This paper was first presented at the ESOMAR Youth Marketing Conference, Beijing, 24–26 October 1999. It discusses approaches to youth research designed to help ensure that our…

Selling Through the Classroom? Brands Should Keep An Open Mind

William Anderson

Over recent years schools have developed considerably as a channel through which manufacturers, retailers and service providers can market their products. Unfortunately, marketers…

The Importance of Using the Right Label: For ‘Kids’ Don't Read ‘Children’

Gerrie Hawes

The author believes children are very different ‘creatures’ to kids and that marketers need to understand which one of these distinct groups they are targeting. This article was…

Children And The Internet

Barbie Clarke

There are now 3.6 million Internet users aged 7–16 in the UK. Over half of all children, 51%, now have access to the Internet in school or at home, a massive leap from 31% just…

Making Learning Fun: Repositioning a Traditional Brand for the New Millennium

Fiona Davis

This paper looks at how the Early Learning Centre have reviewed their relevancy to their customer base and ensured that they have developed a differentiated communications…

Let's Go Euro

Kate Eden

Euro Kid Power. Why ‘go Euro’? Because Euro kid power is immense: this region accounts for 64 million kids under the age of 14; and its annual expenditure on toys and games…



Renamed to:

Young Consumers

Online date, start – end:

1999 – 2001

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited