Journal of Property Investment & Finance: Volume 24 Issue 1

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Table of contents - Special Issue: European Real Estate Society

Guest Editors: amonn D'Arcy

The impact of the New Basel Capital Accord on real estate developers

Christoph Pitschke, Stephan Bone‐Winkel

The New Basel Capital Accord (Basel II) was published in June 2004. This modification of the regulatory framework for banking institutions raises the question to what extent real…


The performance of property developments of institutional investors: An empirical analysis and European comparison

Björn‐Martin Kurzrock, Michael Roth

Only a small amount of research is available as yet on the performance of property developments. This article seeks to analyse the performance of property developments in…


Uncertainty and feasibility studies: an Italian case study

Nick French, Laura Gabrielli

Uncertainty affects all aspects of the property market, but one area where the impact of uncertainty is particularly significant is within feasibility analyses. Any development is…


Architecture for a real estate analysis information system using GIS techniques integrated with fuzzy theory

Elli Pagourtzi, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Vassilios Assimakopoulos

Proposes a new real estate valuation methodology and presents the architecture for a decision support system for real estate analysis based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS…


Market valuation of real estate finance mergers: a note

Marc Kirchhoff, Dirk Schiereck, Markus Mentz

Real estate finance institutions as well as the mortgage banking landscape have undergone a profound restructuring since the late 1980s. This study seeks to examine the value…


Freehold valuations: the relationship between implicit and explicit DCF methods

Nick French

Proposes to elucidate the relationship between implicit and explicit discounted cash flow (DCF) methods in freehold valuations.

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  • Nick French