Policing: An International Journal: Volume 47 Issue 5

Table of contents - Special Issue: Police Staffing: Global Perspectives and Local Realities

Guest Editors: Ian Adams, Scott Mourtgos, Jeremy Wilson

What do we know about key influences on police attrition and retention rates? A literature review 2019–2023

Amanda Jane Davies, Antony Stephenson, Belinda Briggs, Douglas Allan

Literature and research are emerging in an effort to contribute to strategy development and implementation to address these challenges. Currently, there is no readily identified…


When your reputation precedes you: strategic recruitment for enhancing diversity

Jordan Holmes, Ann Marie Ryan

This paper provides a discussion of evidence supporting strategic, targeted recruitment for increasing minority representation in police agencies in the context of negative…


Police personnel allocation and homicide clearance

Ko-Hsin Hsu, Brooks K. Emerick, Victoria A. Sytsma

This paper applies novel techniques from the field of operations management to examine the allocation of patrol and investigative personnel to identify which is most effective in…


Cold case reviews: college students as a force multiplier

Trish - Oberweis, Abigail Keller, Michael Lewis

In the absence of new funding dedicated to cold case investigation, innovation is required.


Improving the application and assessment experiences of special constable candidates in England and Wales

Steven Wadley

This paper proposes a set of recommendations based upon the limitations found with the application and assessment process to become a Special Constable (SC) with one of the 43…


COVID-19 impacts and mental health of auxiliary police: the moderating role of supervisor procedural justice

Rui Sun, Ziqiang Han

This study aims to investigate the relationship between COVID-19 impacts and auxiliary police officers’ mental health as well as the moderating role of supervisor procedural…


Understaffed and beleaguered: a national survey of chiefs of police about the post-George Floyd era

Brandon del Pozo, Saba Rouhani, M.H. Clark, Danielle Atkins, Barbara Andraka-Christou, Kaitlin F. Martins

The 2020 murder of George Floyd resulted in challenges to policing in the United States of America, but little is known about how police chiefs perceive them. At the same time…

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings