Policing: An International Journal: Volume 47 Issue 1
Table of contents
How can we help law enforcement agencies learn? A look at CALEA police accreditation
Gordon Abner, Cullen C. Merritt, Rachel BoggsThis study explores the benefits of accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), according to those who are engaged in the practice.
Decision to adopt body-worn cameras in small and rural Pennsylvania police departments
Daniel B. Yanich, Jennifer C. Gibbs, Jennifer L. Schally, Kaylie Derrickson, Daniel HowardInternationally publicized cases of police violence against unarmed black men have led to calls for accountability in policing. Increased footage of police–public interactions…
Police use of force and race: a focal concerns theoretical perspective
Dae-Young Kim, Scott W. PhillipsThe present study examines the risk of citizens encountering police use of intermediate and deadly force, as opposed to using physical force, given a set of individual…
Distinguishing between normative and non-normative motivations to obey the police: furthering the development of a police legitimacy scale
Michael D. Reisig, Rick TrinknerMeasuring the normative obligation to obey the police, a key component of police legitimacy, has proven difficult. Pósch et al.’s (2021) proposed scales appear to overcome the…
Police leaders' daily feedback-seeking: the role of an organization’s error-management climate, leaders' feedback orientation and the situation
Anastasiia Lynnyk, Andrea Fischbach, Marc LepachLeaders lack essential information about their performance from their followers. In light of the frequently encountered error avoidance climate in the police, leaders should…
Examining how credibility shapes public perception of police interventions in the media
Brigitte Poirier, Remi BoivinThe proliferation of recording technologies has increased the prevalence of police intervention videos in news media. Although previous research has explored the influence of such…
Building career capital in policing in Australia through women's leadership programmes
Barbara Heilemann, Polly ParkerThis paper highlights how career capital is accrued through three ways of knowing in a women’s leadership programme (WLP) in an Australian State Police Department. A shift in…
Understanding how law enforcement agencies share information in an intelligence-led environment: how operational context influences different approaches
Rebecca Phythian, Stuart Kirby, Lauren Swan-KeigThe importance of multi-agency information sharing is recognised as central to tackling crime and disorder in an intelligence-driven environment. However, whilst technology can…
Procedurally just policing and persons in behavioral crises: investigating public perceptions, stigma and emotion
Sean Patrick Roche, Angela M. Jones, Ashley N. Hewitt, Adam VaughanThe police often respond to persons who are not in direct violation of the law, but are rather undergoing behavioral crises due to mental illness or substance abuse disorders. The…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings