Policing: An International Journal: Volume 37 Issue 4

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Table of contents

Disciplines and thematics of scientific research in police training (1988-2012)

Remedios Aguilar-Moya, David Melero-Fuentes, Carolina Navarro-Molina, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent, Juan-Carlos Valderrama-Zurián

– The purpose of this paper is to analyze the disciplines and thematic study of scientific production in police training over the period 1988-2012.


Factors affecting police officers’ tendency to cooperate with private investigators

Chang-Hun Lee, Ilhong Yun

– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence police officers’ tendency to cooperate with private investigators.


Perspectives on the police profession: an international investigation

P. Saskia Bayerl, Kate E. Horton, Gabriele Jacobs, Sofie Rogiest, Zdenko Reguli, Mario Gruschinske, Pietro Costanzo, Trpe Stojanovski, Gabriel Vonas, Mila Gascó, Karen Elliott

– The purpose of this paper is to clarify the diversity of professional perspectives on police culture in an international context.


What clears burglary offenses? Estimating the influences of multiple perspectives of burglary clearance in Philadelphia

Brian Lockwood

Although many studies have examined the correlates of homicide clearance rates, few analyses have examined the factors related to the clearance of burglary offenses. The purpose…


Left alone when the cops go home: evaluating a post-mental health crisis assistance program

Luke Bonkiewicz, Alan M. Green, Kasey Moyer, Joseph Wright

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a police department's Post-Crisis Assistance Program (PCAP) for consumers who experienced a police-abated mental health crisis. The…


Crime, costs, and well being: policing Canadian Aboriginal communities

Rick Ruddell, Savvas Lithopoulos, Nicholas A. Jones

The purpose of this paper is to compare the community level factors associated with police strength and operational costs in Aboriginal police services from four different…


The influence of different physical education programs on police students’ physical abilities

Raša Dimitrijević, Nenad Koropanovski, Milivoj Dopsaj, Goran Vučković, Radivoje Janković

– The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of different Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching programs on the level of students’ physical abilities.


Transactional and transformational leadership: An examination of the leadership challenge model

Gennaro F. Vito, George E. Higgins, Andrew S. Denney

The purpose of this paper is to examine three different structural models the Leadership Challenge model to determine if they best capture transactional or transformational…


Spatial risk factors of felonious battery to police officers

Joel M. Caplan, Phillip Marotta, Eric L. Piza, Leslie W. Kennedy

– The purpose of this paper is to examine the spatial influence of features of the physical environment on the risk of aggression toward law enforcement.


Perceived stress among police officers: an integrative model of stress and coping

Jennifer H. Webster

– The purpose of this paper is to propose an original model of stress and coping as a complex interactive process between an individual and his or her environment.


Organizational reform in a hierarchical frontline organization : Tracking changes in stress and turnover intention during the Finnish police reform years

Matti Vuorensyrjä

The purpose of this paper is to track changes in organizational and occupational stress in the Finnish police force during the police reform years. It also estimates the effects…


Stress among Italian male and female patrol police officers: a quali-quantitative survey

Daniela Acquadro Maran, Antonella Varetto, Massimo Zedda, Monica Franscini

The purpose of this paper is to carry out a quali-quantitative study to analyze unease and perceived stress in a population of 485 male and female police officers in a large city…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings