Table of contents
Public relations, not propaganda, for US public diplomacy in a post‐9/11 world: Challenges and opportunities
Dean Kruckeberg, Marina VujnovicWhile propaganda was central to U.S. public diplomacy in earlier times, and remains central today, the United States must now practice true public diplomacy, which should rely…
Decomposing organisational reputation: The effects of organisation–public relationship outcomes on cognitive representations of organisations and evaluations of organisational performance
Sung‐Un Yang, James E. GrunigThe purpose of this study is to decompose common reputation measurement systems into behavioural organisation–public relationship outcomes, cognitive representations of an…
The anatomy of the product recall message: The structure and function of product recall messages published in the UK press
Călin Gurău, Adriana SerbanProduct recall messages represent an essential communication tool in crisis situations. Their function is twofold: to provide information of a practical nature regarding the…
Lobbying effectively in Brussels and Washington – Getting the right result
Robert MackLobbying of politicians by business and other organisations has spread across the Atlantic and is now working strongly in Brussels. With the recent expansion of the European Union…
CEOs’ views on reputation management
Kevin Murray, Jon WhiteThis paper summarises the findings arising from a series of extended qualitative interviews with 14 CEOs and chairmen from leading UK corporations and international organisations…
Communication and the psychological contract
David ClutterbuckMaking the psychological contract a practical construct for organisations in managing relationships with stakeholders demands a simple but accurate model of the perceptual…
Smelling of roses or drowning in crude oil? A point of view on managing environmental crises
Martin LangfordScrutiny of corporate activity is greater than ever and there is no more active, or indeed, arguably, effective, campaigning force than the environmental lobby. A mismanaged…
Transparency and trust: risk communications and the Singapore experience in managing SARS
K.U. Menon, K.T. GohSARS was Singapore's worst experience of an infectious outbreak in its brief history as an independent nation. The key instruments in managing public fear and panic were…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Jesper Falkheimer