Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 4 Issue 1

Table of contents

Exploring the past

Arthur G. Bedeian

This essay argues that a management discipline that ignores its past fails to appreciate that present theories and methods are what they are by virtue of their repeated…


Understanding empowerment and resolving its paradox: Lessons from Mary Parker Follett

Dafna Eylon

This paper introduces and reviews current understanding of the empowerment construct, recognizing Mary Parker Follett’s contribution to this area. Common themes between the…


Theoretically grounding management history as a relevant and valuable form of knowledge

Paula Phillips Carson, Kerry D. Carson

Despite interest in management’s evolution, the discipline is devoid of systematic frameworks addressing historiography. Hence, Hirst’s (1965) theory of “forms of knowledge” is…


Civilian management of the military: Elihu Root and the 1903 reorganization of the army general staff

Richard D. White

Examines Secretary of War Elihu Root’s 1903 reorganization of the US Army. Prior to Root, the Army suffered major organizational problems, including no central authority and an…


Total quality management and the contributions of A.V. Feigenbaum

Lawrence P. Huggins

While mention of his work is occasionally referred to in journals, readings, production and operations management and total quality management textbooks, there does not seem to be…


A coming of age: A comparison of organizational performance of baby boom CEOs to CEOs born prior to the baby boom era

Robert W. Halliman

This study sought to determine if the much lauded values and beliefs of the baby boom generation would result in a significant change in bottom‐line impact. Organizational…




Online date, start – end:

1995 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Management Decision