Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal: Volume 9 Issue 3
Table of contents
The new US anti‐money laundering offensive: will it prove successful?
John A. ReynoldsThe purpose of this analysis is to present the history of anti‐money laundering efforts in the United States as it applies both domestically and internationally, and demonstrate…
Improving selection processes but providing marginal support: a review of cross‐cultural difficulties for expatriates in Australian organisations in China
Kate HutchingsA major problem facing organisations when they operate subsidiaries in host countries is the need to maximise the cross‐cultural performance of expatriate employees. Achieving…
The cultural impact of globalisation: economic activity and social change
Nader Asgary, Alf H. WalleThe term “globalisation”, although ubiquitous, has lost precision due to the fact that it can be applied in diverse ways. Here, multiple implications of globalisation are…
The contribution of Spain to managing education in the east with special reference to India
Faith M. PereiraDiscusses the ways in which Spain has influenced both East and West, with particular emphasis on religion with the Jesuits to the fore. Concentrates mainly on Spanish Jesuits in…