Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal: Volume 3 Issue 1
Table of contents
Acculturation: A Review and an Exploratory Seven‐Nation Comparative Study
Rebecca Abraham, Anthony ZikiyeAcculturation profiles based on the self‐oriented, others‐oriented, and perceptual dimensions of acculturative adjustment were derived for MNC employees of American, Canadian…
Styles of Handling Personal Conflict in Egypt, United States, Africa, and the Gulf States
Sayed M. Elsayed‐ElkhoulyThis study investigated the impact of culture on styles of handling personal conflicts. The conflict management styles of competing, collaborating, avoiding, and accommodating…
Intercultural Transfer of Skills and Knowledge
Brian J. HurnHighlights the factors to be considered in the transfer of skills and knowledge from one culture to another. Considers what can be done to assist transfer and what training is…
Groups in Workplace 2000: A Multicultural Perspective
Rebecca A. ProehlIn this article, the author begins with the assumptions that 1) groups are becoming an increasingly popular way of dealing with organizational challenges and problems and 2…