World Class Design to Manufacture: Volume 2 Issue 6

Table of contents

Time‐to‐market: time equals money – but where does it all go?

Barry Brooks, Norman Schofield

Contends that, while the importance of time to product developmentprocesses has been underscored by many commentators, it is not until“time” is divided into component elements…


Achieving growth, competitive advantage and increased profits

Mike McGrath, Dean Gilmore

Summarizes some of the findings of a two‐year research projectconcerned with how technology‐based companies can master marketchallenges and so improve their product strategy…


Breathing easier with DFMA

Miles Parker

Illustrates the advantages of goal definitions at the earlieststages of product design, both for project engineering teams and for thegeneral management of the design process…


Implementing ecological product design

Sytze H. Kalisvaart, Tom J.J. van der Horst

Identifies key elements of eco‐design and discusses how they couldbe implemented. Special attention is given to tools for eco‐design.Describes a case in which these elements were…


Transforming the vision

B. Lee Tuttle

Postulates that once the DFMA team has analysed an original productconcept and improved the manufacturability and ease‐of‐assembly of thatconcept, they must change the vision of…


Rapid tooling

Paul Jacobs

Reviews the contribution to “rapid tooling” ofQuickCast 1.0 and QuickCast 1.1. Explains the genesis and development ofQuickCast 1.0, illustrating both its technical ability, and…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1995

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Emerald Publishing Limited