Time‐to‐market: time equals money – but where does it all go?
Contends that, while the importance of time to product development processes has been underscored by many commentators, it is not until “time” is divided into component elements that the scope for improvement becomes manifest. Since time equals money, effective time management is of self‐evident importance. Outlines areas of management focus, through which time is a common thread. Analyses the constituents of time‐to‐market in terms of their capacity to measure temporal processes and reduce their costs. Proposes a structure to support the changes necessary for such reductions, and delineates the benefits accruing from reduced time‐to‐market.
Brooks, B. and Schofield, N. (1995), "Time‐to‐market: time equals money – but where does it all go?", World Class Design to Manufacture, Vol. 2 No. 6, pp. 4-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/09642369310104219
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