World Class Design to Manufacture: Volume 2 Issue 4

Table of contents

The Polaroid experience: countdown to market

Paul Fearis

Presents a product redesign project undertaken for Polaroid.Discusses the key features of a rapid product development programme,highlighting the need for a well‐integrated…


The reality of virtual reality

Robert J. Stone

Virtual reality (VR) has recently become established as a suite oftechnologies capable of serving many companies′ future needs in designpractice, training and organizational…


The product data management market

Brian Gott

Clarifies issues relating to product data management (PDM) since asurvey of 600 European manufacturing company managers placed it at thetop of the list for computer technology…


Implementing engineering data management solutions

Kenneth G. McIntosh

Discusses the implementation of engineering data management (EDM)which is one of the more recent technologies to be considered byenterprises needing to be more responsive to…


Toying with success

Miles Parker

Describes recent innovations at a leading toy manufacturer whichintroduced DFMA to cut assembly times and costs. States that DFMA Designfor Assembly and Design for Manufacture �…


Computer‐aided concurrent engineering: the SCOPES solution

Gary Wallace

Discusses the crucial integration of engineering and productionknowledge which is the objective behind the SCOPES (SystematicConcurrent design of Products, Equipments and control…


Be nimble, be quick

Bill Dickinson

Presents the ideas of marketing guru Regis McKenna, speaking at theInternational Conference on Best Product Development Practices forDefining Customer Needs in New Orleans…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited